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 I'm done with my life.
I'm done with my life.
(Do Du really want to read this without me? Well, if Du want to die that badly, the link is here.)


(Also, there is some profanity in this series, so if Du can't take cussing, oder disgusting sex in these god-awful Fan fictions, please leave now.)

You have got to be kidding me. I'm not even joking, Du have GOT to be FREAKING KIDDING ME. How do people come up with this, how do people even THINK that Schreiben A F**KING SQUIDWARD X SPONGEBOB Fan FICTION WOULD BE A GOOD IDEA!?!?

And why is porn done wrong so many times? I mean, ALL Du have to do is at least TRY to make it funny, make no grammar...
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Matt tried to get the front door open, but failed, while Bonnie tried to call someone. When after her sixth attempt no one had picked up, she had to fight the urge to throw her cell into the wall. She turned to Keith. “Can Du try the phone, please?” she asked a little irritated. Keith was just sitting there, being useless. Keith stood slowly and walked to the phone. He picked up the horn, but heard nothing. “The phone’s dead” he noted, sounding not very surprised. He walked back to Bonnie. Matt had gone upstairs to see if he could open one of the windows.
“Maybe we should stay...
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Damon was sitting in the cafeteria of the hospital. He was still angry with Elena. Though angry wasn’t exactly the right word. Defeated was Mehr like it. It felt like the universe was doing everything to keep them apart. Well, Damon meant what he’d said. If Elena died, so would he. He wasn’t going to spend another century and a half alone and hated. Sure, there would be other women begging for his attention, but none of them would be Elena Gilbert.
“Damon?” he heard a weak voice say from behind him. He looked over his shoulder. Elena was standing in the doorway, a blanket over her...
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“Damon, what are we doing here?”
Damon had parked his car in front of Ric’s loft and now a mischievous smile was playing around his lips. “You want your halskette back, don’t you?”
Elena shook her head. “No, I don’t miss it” she said.
Damon averted his head to her. “But Du need it. There’s vervain in it”
“I’ll drink vervain tea” Elena suggested.
“You can forget” Damon warned. “And it could mix with your other tea”
“And Du think my halskette is in there?” Elena asked doubtful.
“I know it is” Damon replied. “Katherine told me Rebekah has it”
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Katherine looked at Klaus trying not to look too guilty. If Klaus knew she was trying to boycott him, she’d be dead.
“You’re here, finally” Klaus said.
“You summoned me” Katherine said. “Why?”
“I wanted Du to see it with your own eyes” Klaus said. He conjured a flask filled with blood. “This is Jason” Klaus said, throwing his arm over an unfamiliar man. “Jason is a werewolf”
“And you’re about to change that?” Katherine guessed.
“Yeah, but there’s a little problem” Klaus sagte sinister. He bit his arm and forced the blood on Jason. Then he snapped his neck....
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An Stunde later.
Cas was back home, washing Daphne’s bloody sheets in the sink when the door opened and Zoey and Alexia came in.
“The hospital called” Zoey said, before Cas could greet her.
“Is there something wrong with Daphne?” Cas asked concerned.
“No, they sagte she calmed down a little” Zoey reassured Cas. She paused for a minute. “I want to try and talk some sense into Daphne. She has to realize she needs help and that we can’t give it to her. The only problem is that I need someone to watch Alex while I’m there. Gerard’s gone working, but I called Shannen and she said...
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Daphne rushed into the living room and looked for her sister. Once she found her she headed to her and before Zoey could even blink Daphne had lifted her hand and slapped her. Someone gasped, but it wasn’t Zoey.
“Daphne, what is going on?” Mrs. Allen demanded to know. Daphne rotated her head to her mother. “Why don’t Du ask this slut?” she said. Another gasp. “Daphne, this is no way to talk in front of guests” Mrs. Allen reproached.
“What’s the matter, mom?” Daphne asked scornful. “Afraid I will spike your little balloon and everyone will see who sweet Zoey really is?...
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Two weeks later

Daphne was in the shower, Zoey was out and Cas was sitting at the breakfast tabelle when the glocke rang. Still in his dressing-gown and bare feet he opened the door and stared at two older people. The man had grey hair, a big nose, brown eyes and chubby cheeks. The woman had kastanie hair, but that wasn’t her natural color. She had green eyes, a sharp face and thin lips.
“Are Du going to let us in?” the man said. His wife was a little too shocked Von the fact that Cas wasn’t dressed yet.
“I can’t let strangers in” Cas said.
“Those are my parents, moron” Zoey said....
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Musik was playing on highest volume and Mystic Grill was crowded. Kelsey headed to the bar and asked for a beer.
“Sorry, Kelsey, Du know I can’t do that” the bartender said. “You’re not 21 yet”
Kelsey groaned. “Oh, come on, Jake. I’m 20 and I look like 21. Can’t Du make an exception for your Favorit customer?”
“No, sorry” Jake sagte stubborn. He continued doing dishes.
“Look, I’ve been a good girl, I got good grades and now I just want to have fun. It’s vacation, Du know” Kelsey insisted. “I got money” she sagte waving with some papers. Jake accepted one of...
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Sheriff Forbes was standing above the corps lying in the shag. A rope was lying loosely around its cervix and he had two small holes in his neck. He was drained from blood. Liz let out a deep sigh and startled as her daughter appeared in front of her. “Caroline! You’re not supposed to be here, this is a crime scene” she sagte reproachful. Caroline didn’t react, but ducked to have a closer look at the corpse. “Vampires” she whispered. Liz nodded. “Yeah, I know” she said. “Caroline?” No answer. “Caroline” Liz now sagte a bit harder. Caroline looked up. “Caroline, I need...
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Hey this is the l;atest chapter to the story, it is set when Nessie isfive months pregnant...x Hope Du enjoy and keep your eys peeled for the Weiter chapter...x

I slipped mums wedding dress over my head, it fitted perfectly. Mum smiled and sighed as she wiped a joyous tear from my eye.
“Don’t cry baby, Alice will kill us if Du ruin your makeup she has spent all morning getting Du ready.” She laughed looking at me with a delighted expression on her face,
“Oh mum! I am so happy; Jake is waiting down there for me isn’t he?” I asked nervously. I had felt a little queasy...
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Zoey tapped Daphne’s arm reassuring. “Don’t be afraid. I won’t take Du there” she promised. She took Daphne’s face in her hands. “I won’t take Du there. Listen, why don’t Du go take a nap? I’ll stay here to let Cas in. Gerard’s home, he can take care of Alex”
“Yeah, alright” Daphne sagte and she sniffed.
“Now, come one, away with those tears” Zoey sagte motherly. Daphne dried her eyes and smiled weak.
“I’m so lucky to have you” she sobbed.

Cas and Alexia were gone and Zoey was sitting at the küche table. Daphne’s handwritten book was lying open on a blank...
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The Weiter morning.
Cas slowly opened his eyes and tried to remember where he was. A door slammed and he startled. He sat up and rubbed his eyes. Two hands grabbed his shoulders and he looked up.
“Meg?” he mumbled. “Where’s Daphne?”
“She left” Meg sagte nervous. “I don’t know when she’ll be back, so we have to hurry”
“I’m not sure what Du mean” Cas sagte tired.
At that moment Meg really wanted to tell him the truth. About who he was, what he was, but she couldn’t. He would freak out and that was the last thing they wanted. Well, the Sekunde last thing right after Crowley...
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Someone knocked the door and Cas jumped up. He wasn’t supposed to let strangers in. But the person outside kept knocking and ringing, so Cas shuffled the hallway in.
“Who’s there?” he asked.
“It’s me, Meg” the person outside said. “From across the street? I brought Du a plate with muffins earlier”
The door opened.
“I know you” Cas said. “You’re not a stranger, Du can come in”
“Thank you” Meg sagte sweet and she smiled as he let her pass. She entered the sitting room and turned around. “Okay, confession, I waited until your girlfriend left before I came up here....
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“Hey, wake up” Cas ordered as he tapped Heather in the face. Heather blinked and slowly opened her eyes. She lied tied onto the küche table, bare naked. She tried to move, but felt rather weak and numb.
“You know, Du should really consider who you’re inviting in your house. There are so many crazy people walking around” Cas sagte sarcastic. He stared down at Heather’s naked body. “I should take advantage of Du now, like Du did with me”
Heather moaned from fear and Cas gladly responded to it. He let his fingers slowly slide across her soft skin and felt it heat up. He stopped...
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Elijah grabbed Rebekah’s throat as he put himself up.
“Where is Niklaus?” he asked shaking with fury. Rebekah took Elijah’s squeezing hand and pulled it away.
“You’re weak. Du need to regain strength” she sagte strict and bossy.
“What I need is to find Niklaus and put that dagger in his heart” Elijah objected.
“I’m with Elijah on this one” Katherine sagte and Elijah turned his head to her slowly. “Elena?” Katherine shook her head. “Katerina” Elijah realized. “You stand Von my sister as she gives me my life back…and yet I don’t see Du shiver with fear. Perhaps...
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Tyler entered the Grill and headed to the bar. Ronnie gave him a bottle of beer. “On me”
“Thanks” Tyler said, a little surprised. “You want something from me?”
“Why, because I give Du free booze?” Ronnie asked with a smirk.
“Well, yeah” Tyler said.
“Hmm” Ronnie smiled. “Maybe I’m trying to make Du my best customer?”
“Keep it up this way and Du might succeed” Tyler said. “Cheers” he sagte before drinking.
Without any warning Ronnie grabbed his halsband, kragen and pressed her lips against his. Tyler pushed her away and she smacked against the cabinet with bottles and...
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Meg stared at Jo and Anna. These were the last two chicks she expected to see at her doorstep. “Whatever you’re selling, I’m not buying” she said, before she tried to shut the door. Anna stopped her and slammed the door open.
“You’re paying for that” Meg said, while Jo and Anna came inside. “What’s in the box?” Jo was carrying a box.
“Funny Du should ask” she sagte as she opened the box. She took out the dress and reached it to Meg. Meg stared at the dress. “What am I supposed to do with that? Mob the floor?”
Jo rolled her eyes irritated. “You have to wear it. You...
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Katherine quickly put on her clothes as Damon carried Elena upstairs. “You can lay her down on my bed, I’ll sleep on the couch” Stefan said. Damon held his steps, but didn’t turn around. Then he walked further to Stefan’s room where he lay Elena down on Stefan’s bed. He took off her shoes and left. He went to Elena’s room-yes, she had her own room in the house-and collected the dirty sheets, which had been lying there since morning.
Downstairs Stefan was furious at Katherine.
“See what you’ve done? Now Elena will think I cheated on her and I didn’t do anything!” he raged....
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Caroline was sitting on her bed, in the sunlight. Though it was nearly noon she wasn’t dressed yet. The moment she got Home she had jumped into the dusche and stayed there for hours. It wasn’t until her mother threatened to cut off her phone she got out. Liz Forbes was still under the impression Caroline had spent all that time with her father, so as much as she would’ve wanted to curl up against her mother’s warm body and cry, she had to pretend everything was okay. She would explain it all on a better time. Right now she still had too much to worry about. And Tyler didn’t respond...
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