Elliot and Olivia Club
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added by bruno_knolle
elliot stabler
olivia benson
law and order:svu
added by dalyblue
Source: dalyblue
added by svu_lover1
 laughing :)
laughing :)
A/N: okay, so i just pulled this up from the dregs of my computer...apparently i got bored over x-mas and decided to write some eo LOL xD

well, here ya go :)

discription: Elliot and Kathy got divorced, and now he, with no place to go, is living with Olivia. He has been living with her for 5+ months. Kathy and Elliot's break-up (God don't we all wish that were to finally happen???) wasn't very pretty. Background info and such are in his flashback; don't skip ahead to that, It may disrupt the flow of things :P


SVU Precinct

December 23rd, 2009

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added by SVU_Smacked
added by SVU_Smacked
added by livi_wells
Source: www.oceansandgalaxies.com
added by livi_wells
Source: www.oceansandgalaxies.com
added by Paddiefan2
olivia benson
elliot stabler
law and order:svu
added by Fur3v3r_18
Source: Me :)
added by livi_wells
Source: www.oceansandgalaxies.com
added by svu_lover1
elliot stabler
olivia benson
law and order:svu
added by SVU_Smacked
added by RosalynCabenson
Source: me
added by SVU_Smacked
added by RosalynCabenson
added by RosalynCabenson