Ebcullen4ever Club
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These are my fave Zitate from the Eclipse book and movie.I hope Du enjoy them.

The word boyfriend had me chewing on the inside of my cheek with a familiar tension while I stirred. It wasn’t the right word, not at all. I needed something Mehr expressive of eternal commitment… But words like destiny and fate sounded hokey when Du used them in casual conversation.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 1, p.6

It worked — your cooking skills have me soft as a marshmallow.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 1, p.9

I wrenched the door out of my way — ridiculously eager — and there he was, my personal...
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When life offers Du a dream so far beyond any of your expectations, it’s not reasonable to grieve when it comes to an end.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Preface, p.1

I stared because their faces, so different, so similar, were all devastatingly, inhumanly beautiful.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 1, p.19

I peeked up at him one Mehr time, and regretted it. He was glaring down at me again, his black eyes full of revulsion. As I flinched away from him, shrinking against my chair, the phrase if looks could kill suddenly ran through my mind.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 1, p.24

I was sure, though, in the instant...
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These are my fave Zitate from Edward from the Twilight book.Hope Du enjoy them.

Forks must be a difficult place for Du to live.

Edward Cullen, Twilight, Chapter 2, p.48

No blood, no foul.

Edward Cullen, Twilight, Chapter 3, p.61

Someone has to spread the good news that we survived.

Edward Cullen, Twilight, Chapter 3, p.62

I saved your life – I don’t owe Du anything.

Edward Cullen, Twilight, Chapter 3, p.64

You think I lifted a transporter, van off you?

Edward Cullen, Twilight, Chapter 3, p.65

I hope Du enjoy disappointment.

Edward Cullen, Twilight, Chapter 3, p.65

It’s better if we’re not friends....
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posted by ebcullen4ever
Edward Cullen,a name
that makes girls scream
like a motte, nachtfalter to a flame
he was created from a dream

He was born in nineteen-oh-one
he is pale white and ice cold
and sparkles in the sun
this story had to be told

He met a girl named Bella
who turned his life upside down
with her eyes so warm and brown
He lives with his family
in a small,rainy town

He couldn't be around her scent
so he borrowed his dad's car
and off to Alaska he went

He saved her from a speeding car
by running across the parking lot
faster than a shooting star

Their Liebe is one of a kind
he has tried Mehr than once
to read her mind

Their Liebe runs deep...
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posted by kristenfan10109
My wonderful Sissy Bear
I Liebe the way Du care
I Liebe the way share
I even I Liebe your erdbeere red hair
To find some like Du is rare
Always kind and so fair always there when my herz needs repair.
Where Du are is where I want to be
safe, sicher in your arms but I know your always with me
Because we are sisters forever
No will ever separate us never
That's why I promise to Liebe Du in every moment forever
My beautiful and loving Sissy Bear;

I Liebe Du xoxoxoxo :)
Your Sister Krissy Bear
posted by kristenfan10109
 Robert (Robby)
Robert (Robby)
My dearest Cheri,
On this very special Tag Du came to this world and its such a blessing to have Du here your the kindest, sweetest, most caring person I've ever met I'm so thankful that I did you, Mi and the rest of our Twilight Family are the best part of my life I can't imagine it without you!
Your always there when I need you, always giving me good advice, and most importantly Du believe in me that I can follow my dreams making them come true and that means Mehr to me then you'll ever know I thank Du from the bottom of my herz I promise I will make Du proud, to never forget you, and that Du can meet Rob when I become famous ;D
Speaking of Robby I know I couldn't get him for Du as a Birthday present so this will have to do I'm sure if he could he would say Happy Birthday and give Du a great big kiss! hehe
Happy Birthday Sissy bär Liebe Du forever,
Krissy Bear
 HAPPY BIRTHDAY SISSY BEAR!! Here is your Birthday present from your Krissy bär
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SISSY BEAR!! Here is your Birthday present from your Krissy Bear
posted by Robssesed
Ok so I have been Schreiben this since Bellward's anniversary but i couldn't think of anything for the last line so i would like to say a big massive shout out and thank Du to my sister Cheri for the help of the last line.

B eloved marrage is now one Jahr old
E verlasting and special if truth may be told
L aughter and fun all in one Jahr
L oving and protecting Renesmee with a Liebe so sincere
W onderful couple till death do they part
A ctually death was only the start
R avishing beauty straight from the herz
Dazzling each other right from start

please fan! and comment
posted by ebcullen4ever
There are so many characters in Stephenie Meyer's Twilight saga,too many to count.There are Vampire both good and bad, humans,and wolves.It is hard for some people to narrow their Favorit Twilight characters down to a small list.This is my Liste of my Favorit Twilight characters.(Please note than #1 and 2 are tied for 1st place on my Liste of Favorit characters from the Twilight saga).

1) Edward

Thank Du Stephenie for creating these amazing characters and sharing them with all of us.These characters will stay with me in my herz forever,long after Twilight comes to an end.
posted by ebcullen4ever
The oben, nach oben 5 things I Liebe about Robsten...

2)How beautiful and perfect they are together
3)Their AMAZING chemistry
4)How they Liebe and support each other,by Wird angezeigt up at each other's premieres oder on set of filming other movies

5)How they make each other laugh

Robsten is in my book the Most Beautiful and Perfect Couple,or as I like to say M.B.P.C..Their Liebe started out as a friendship,but evolved into a beautiful and what I hope will be a very long,beautiful and happy life together complete with a wedding and a family.They would make beautiful Babys together and would be...
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posted by ebcullen4ever
This Artikel is not mine,it was written Von elizasmomma.

I promise to remember Bella
Each time I carelessly fall down
And I promise to remember Edward
Whenever I'm out of town
I promise to obey traffic laws
For Charlies sake of course
And I promise to remember Jacob
When my herz fills with remorse
I promise to remember Carlisle
When ever I am in the Emergency Room
And I promise to remember Emmett
Every time there's a huge boom
I promise to to remember Rosalie
Whenever I see something that holds pure beauty
And I promise to remember Alice
When I'm at a mall and a cute outfit spots me
I promise...
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These are my fave Edward Zitate from the Eclipse book.Enjoy them and fall in Liebe with Edward all over again.

I’ll let Du pay me back, if that makes Du happy. If Du want, I can charge Du interest.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 1, p.22

There’s no hurry. I won’t let anyone hurt you. Du can take all the time Du need.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 1, p.25

I’ll never forgive myself for leaving you. Not if I live a hundred thousand years.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 1, p.33

I don’t know how to phrase this properly. It’s going to sound cruel, I suppose. But I’ve come too...
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It was almost 10 years Vor that Stephenie Meyer had a dream about a boy and a girl who fall in love.But this wasn't your normal,boy and girl meet and fall in Liebe story,because the boy in the story was a vampire.She had a dream about them in a meadow and they were talking,and that was how the world of Twilight was created.At the encouragement of one of her sisters,she started Schreiben the story of the boy and girl in the meadow,who became known as Edward Cullen and Isabella schwan and took it to some publishing companies.Little Brown Bücher took an interest in the Bücher and a phenomenon was created...
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posted by Renesmee_08
Cheri oder Cheri-bear, as I like to call her is the sweetest person on Earth! She's fun,sweet, charming, and..simply..the BEST!!! :)♥ She makes me feel better when I'm in pain oder when I've had a rough day.

Cheri Du and my sisters mean the WORLD to me!! I realize that I can never be mad at you.Even if I wanted to.We have so much in common! If I sagte it all It would take up the ENTIRE page. We both Liebe Twilight,Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson,etc. My point is that no matter how many obstacles come at us we will ALWAYS overcome them. Our bond is unbreakable.

"Before you, Cheri, my life was...
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Ebcullen4ever(made Von Renesmee_08)

Charla 4 ever

Charlah's Angels


Carla and Cheri(made Von Tejas)

Rebnesmee505(made Von Robssesed)

Hale to the Cullens

schwan White

Robsten's Little Bear

Ashley and Alice

Kristen and Dakota

Karrett Forever

Sweet Selina(for my sweet "sis",queen-seli)

The Amazing and Awesome Anna(for edwardrobertcul)

The Remarkable Roxy(for Robssesed)

Cheri and Esraa...Sisters 4 ever(for me and Esraa,aka friends_4_ever)

Shari and Cheri(for milkie,aka Shari and me)

Tejas the Terrific(for my Fanpop brother,Tejas)

The Sensational Shahbano(for Shahbano)

Sweet Sarah May 505(for SarahMay505)

Beautiful Belena

The Charming Chaya(named after me and 1 of my Fanpop friends)
posted by mia444
 Happy B-day Cheri!
Happy B-day Cheri!
Dear, Cheri
Happy Birthday! I hope today is the start of an amazing Jahr to come, and that it's all Du hope for & more. Du are the best sister & friend anyone could ever wish for. Although we are not related Von blood, I think we have Mehr in common than blood related sisters. Besides our everlasting Liebe for The Twilight Saga, Edward, Bella & Robsten, we also have wild animals, food's, places to visit in the world, movies, actresses, actor's, the same taste in men and a lot Mehr in common.

I want Du to know how much I appreciate Du always being here for me, and I will always be here for you. I hope Du have a great birthday! Here are some collages I made for you!

Happy Birthday, sis!!!
Love, Mia
 Your birthday present!
Your birthday present!
 The beautiful Kristen Stewart
The beautiful Kristen Stewart
 Happy Birthday, Cheri! Thank Du for being my #1 fan!! Love, Robert Pattinson
Happy Birthday, Cheri! Thank you for being my #1 fan!! Love, Robert Pattinson
 Four & Tris :)
Four & Tris :)
posted by PucksLady
Now, I'm sure all of Du agree, else Du wouldn't be on this club, but I'm pretty sure we all agree that Cheri is just awesome!!! Cheri, Du are so amazing, and everytime I talk to Du I feel better. Thank Du so much for everything Du do, and I hope we remain good Friends for a while. Sometimes I feel like I dump a lot of my crap on you, but Du never complain, and for that I'm so thankful! Thanks for always being there, for answering me when I need help, for giving me sound Guter Rat when I need it most, and encouraging me to never give up, no matter what happens. Du know I've gotten close to just giving in, but because of you, Katharine-P, my family, and my amazing boyfriend, I didn't. I'm still here, and I plan on being here for a while. You've gegeben me the strength I need to fight on, even if it's at 11:00 at night! Thanks so much, and I hope one Tag we can meet, face-to-face. :)~Alexis
posted by kristenfan10109
 Cheri & Robert!
Cheri & Robert!
My dearest Cheri,
Where do I even begin? there is so many things to say about Du along with so many words that describe kind, caring, devoted, loving are only just a few but not a single word could sum Du up completely your such an amazing person!!
Though my herz belongs to Taylor Lautner and yours Robert Pattinson we do belong on the say team TEAM EDWARD!! not only do we have our Liebe in common for the Twilight Saga but there's also dolphins, Ariel from the Little Mermaid, how we not only Liebe Kristen Stewart as an actress but as a person and even somethings that are personal that I never...
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posted by mia444
For Cheri (ebcullen4ever), my friend and sister,

Dear Cheri, Du are one of the sweetest people I've ever met. When I first made an account on fanpop, Du were the first person to actually talk to me. Not only do we have Twilight, Edward and Bella, and the same opinion of Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson in common,now because of you, I have Krissy too. I will always be grateful to Du for that!
You are an amazing person. Even though we haven't known each other very long, it feels like a life time! And I say that as a good thing. Du are so sweet, kind, beautiful inside and out, funny, loyal...
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posted by Renesmee_08
I stood there in a daze. "Um..yeah. Sorry. It's mine," I sagte as my eyes widened. His leather jacke was a sheer black, hugging his shape all the while complimenting his grey t-shirt and dark jeans. He was gorgeous. Oh, god! Where's Carla when I need her? I looked at her, talking to Kelsey and another girl who's name I didn't know. She smiled up at me, giving me a thumbs-up and mouthing the word 'cute' before looking away. Dammit! I walked back and suddenly felt myself almost face to face with the hard concrete. I kept expecting for the pain to come, but none came. The reason for that was because...
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posted by Renesmee_08
We all know how much Cheri loves Edward. I wondered how their story would turn out, so I wrote this...

The Meeting

"Oh, c'mon, Cheri! It'll be fun! Please??" Yeah. Right. With Du two, I've Lost the entire concept of fun, I thought to myself. Ugh. How could I possibly let Carla and Kelsey dress me up and put make-up on me? Cheri, Du owe them one. After all, it's just one night. I mean, how much make up can they really put on you? I flinched. "Fine. Just tonight", I said. "Yay! You'll look perfect!", Kelsey squealed with excitement. "If Von perfect Du mean angry for willingly letting myself...
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