My wonderful Sissy Bear
I Liebe the way Du care
I Liebe the way share
I even I Liebe your erdbeere red hair
To find some like Du is rare
Always kind and so fair always there when my herz needs repair.
Where Du are is where I want to be
safe, sicher in your arms but I know your always with me
Because we are sisters forever
No will ever separate us never
That's why I promise to Liebe Du in every moment forever
My beautiful and loving Sissy Bear;
I Liebe Du xoxoxoxo :)
Your Sister Krissy Bear
I Liebe the way Du care
I Liebe the way share
I even I Liebe your erdbeere red hair
To find some like Du is rare
Always kind and so fair always there when my herz needs repair.
Where Du are is where I want to be
safe, sicher in your arms but I know your always with me
Because we are sisters forever
No will ever separate us never
That's why I promise to Liebe Du in every moment forever
My beautiful and loving Sissy Bear;
I Liebe Du xoxoxoxo :)
Your Sister Krissy Bear
On this very special Tag Du came to this world and its such a blessing to have Du here your the kindest, sweetest, most caring person I've ever met I'm so thankful that I did you, Mi and the rest of our Twilight Family are the best part of my life I can't imagine it without you!
Your always there when I need you, always giving me good advice, and most importantly Du believe in me that I can follow my dreams making them come true and that means Mehr to me then you'll ever know I thank Du from the bottom of my herz I promise I will make Du proud, to never forget you, and that Du can meet Rob when I become famous ;D
Speaking of Robby I know I couldn't get him for Du as a Birthday present so this will have to do I'm sure if he could he would say Happy Birthday and give Du a great big kiss! hehe
Happy Birthday Sissy bär Liebe Du forever,
Krissy Bear
B eloved marrage is now one Jahr old
E verlasting and special if truth may be told
L aughter and fun all in one Jahr
L oving and protecting Renesmee with a Liebe so sincere
W onderful couple till death do they part
A ctually death was only the start
R avishing beauty straight from the herz
Dazzling each other right from start
please fan! and comment
1) Edward
Thank Du Stephenie for creating these amazing characters and sharing them with all of us.These characters will stay with me in my herz forever,long after Twilight comes to an end.
Ebcullen4ever(made Von Renesmee_08)
Charla 4 ever
Charlah's Angels
Carla and Cheri(made Von Tejas)
Rebnesmee505(made Von Robssesed)
Hale to the Cullens
schwan White
Robsten's Little Bear
Ashley and Alice
Kristen and Dakota
Karrett Forever
Sweet Selina(for my sweet "sis",queen-seli)
The Amazing and Awesome Anna(for edwardrobertcul)
The Remarkable Roxy(for Robssesed)
Cheri and Esraa...Sisters 4 ever(for me and Esraa,aka friends_4_ever)
Shari and Cheri(for milkie,aka Shari and me)
Tejas the Terrific(for my Fanpop brother,Tejas)
The Sensational Shahbano(for Shahbano)
Sweet Sarah May 505(for SarahMay505)
Beautiful Belena
The Charming Chaya(named after me and 1 of my Fanpop friends)
Charla 4 ever
Charlah's Angels
Carla and Cheri(made Von Tejas)
Rebnesmee505(made Von Robssesed)
Hale to the Cullens
schwan White
Robsten's Little Bear
Ashley and Alice
Kristen and Dakota
Karrett Forever
Sweet Selina(for my sweet "sis",queen-seli)
The Amazing and Awesome Anna(for edwardrobertcul)
The Remarkable Roxy(for Robssesed)
Cheri and Esraa...Sisters 4 ever(for me and Esraa,aka friends_4_ever)
Shari and Cheri(for milkie,aka Shari and me)
Tejas the Terrific(for my Fanpop brother,Tejas)
The Sensational Shahbano(for Shahbano)
Sweet Sarah May 505(for SarahMay505)
Beautiful Belena
The Charming Chaya(named after me and 1 of my Fanpop friends)
Happy Birthday! I hope today is the start of an amazing Jahr to come, and that it's all Du hope for & more. Du are the best sister & friend anyone could ever wish for. Although we are not related Von blood, I think we have Mehr in common than blood related sisters. Besides our everlasting Liebe for The Twilight Saga, Edward, Bella & Robsten, we also have wild animals, food's, places to visit in the world, movies, actresses, actor's, the same taste in men and a lot Mehr in common.
I want Du to know how much I appreciate Du always being here for me, and I will always be here for you. I hope Du have a great birthday! Here are some collages I made for you!
Happy Birthday, sis!!!
Love, Mia
Now, I'm sure all of Du agree, else Du wouldn't be on this club, but I'm pretty sure we all agree that Cheri is just awesome!!! Cheri, Du are so amazing, and everytime I talk to Du I feel better. Thank Du so much for everything Du do, and I hope we remain good Friends for a while. Sometimes I feel like I dump a lot of my crap on you, but Du never complain, and for that I'm so thankful! Thanks for always being there, for answering me when I need help, for giving me sound Guter Rat when I need it most, and encouraging me to never give up, no matter what happens. Du know I've gotten close to just giving in, but because of you, Katharine-P, my family, and my amazing boyfriend, I didn't. I'm still here, and I plan on being here for a while. You've gegeben me the strength I need to fight on, even if it's at 11:00 at night! Thanks so much, and I hope one Tag we can meet, face-to-face. :)~Alexis