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posted by courtney7488
dweeb was our third Fan of the Monat for April 2010. She was interviewed Von alafastanzio.


So the Disney Princess Fan for the Monat of April is Dweep! Congratulations! I for one have noticed all the work she's been putting into our spot and whole-heartedly agree with the verdict. So let's get right down to the interview shall we?

How long have Du been active on this site?
I think I joined in the late summer of 2009. Me and my best friend wanted to find out which Disney Princess was the prettiest so we looked it up and got to this site. But it wouldn't...
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added by DreamyGal
added by DreamyGal
added by DreamyGal
added by sapphireno99
added by DreamyGal
added by DreamyGal
added by cuteasprincie
posted by courtney7488
DreamyGal was voted FOTM for May 2010. She was interviewed Von dweeb.


Congratulations to May's Fan of the month, the lovely DreamyGal! Well, I'm assuming she's lovely, I've never actually seen her and for all I know she could look like Quasimodo and Drizella Tremaine's Liebe child...anyway, let's get the inside scoop on this month's winner, shall we?

What do Du Liebe most about the princesses?
DreamyGal: They make me feel like a little girl again. I was obssessed with them as a kid! I used to dress up and pretend I was one of them (mainly Aschenputtel or...
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posted by courtney7488
princesslullaby was voted as our first Disney Princess FOTM (Fan of the Month) for February 2010. Here is her interview.


The Fans have voted, and princesslullaby won Von a landslide! Here is our first interview with one of the many great Fans on this spot.

1. Congrats on being the first ever Disney Princess Fan of the Month! How do Du feel?
Really flattered and honored! It's nice to know my hard work on this site is being appreciated. ;)

2. Who are your oben, nach oben 3 princesses, and why?
Oh god....well, at the moment they're Ariel, Belle, and Pocahontas,...
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added by googleboy11
Source: https://www.google.com
added by sapphireno99
added by DreamyGal
added by DreamyGal
added by 3xZ
Source: 3xZ
added by 3xZ
Source: 3xZ
added by DreamyGal
added by sapphireno99
added by DreamyGal
added by DreamyGal