Death Eater Roleplay Club
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added by Bellatrix-Black
Source: Various online sources
posted by Lenzetta-Lovett
Still Lenzetta’s POV:
    The Weiter evening was probably the worst since the night of my parents deaths. We held one of notorious meetings which involved of course locating Harry Potter and a little bit of plans to overthrow the ministry. Those topics were fine to speak of, I’ve gegeben some noteworthy suggestions of my own that the Dark Lord seemed pleased with, but the ending of the meeting was what made me feel ill.
    “Ladies, gentlemen,” he sagte right as people were going to get up from their seats. “For those of Du who do not know, we have...
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posted by Lenzetta-Lovett
Lenzetta’s POV:

    The majestic doors of the Manor flew open with such force, that it seemed nearly impossible that they still remained on their hinges. I had been running, and was literally out of breath as small sobs escaped me. Why I ran? I had no clue. I mean, why didn’t I just apparate back here? I had my wand with me!
Stupid girl
    That voice inside my head was right. I am a stupid girl and will always be one. Tearing myself away from that thought, I noticed that the Manor was completely dark. I couldn’t even see my pale hand as I held it...
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posted by KateKicksAss
So my original Artikel with Chapter 1 can be found here:

If you've forgotten, it's about Kate visiting Bellatrix in Azkaban right after the Longbottom torture. Please tell me what Du think, all feedback is appreciated. Thanks!

The man’s expression changed after Kate spoke.
“You one of them no good Death Eaters?!”, he yelled, leaping up. Kate tried not to smirk.

He leaned vorwärts-, nach vorn and grabbed Kate’s left sleeve. Kate shrieked and tried to hit him as he yanked up the sleeves of her long dark mantel and dress.
He gaped and let go when he saw the smooth, pale skin of her arm.

“No-no mark”,...
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posted by Xander-Kriechen
The walls are illuminated Von one small candle. Xander lies on his back staring at the ceiling above him. The shadows of both him and his novel crazed companion Josh dance upon the walls. The room is silent for a moment until Xander sighs heavily and turns to his side.

    “What’s wrong, Xan?” Josh questions, only glancing away from his book for a teilt, split moment.

    “She knows, Josh,” Xander replied pointedly.

Josh groaned in annoyance and practically threw his book aside.

    “Look, Du really need to elaborate on what you...
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 Bellatrix getting mad. Again.
Bellatrix getting mad. Again.
Me, Myself, and I

By Rita Skeeter

Exclusive interview with notorious Death Eater Bellatrix Lestrange

"Here I am, sitting in the private dungeon of the notorious Bellatrix Lestrange, most feared follower of the Dark Lord, and having a completely normal interview. Read on to see if there’s Mehr to Bellatrix than just madness and a nasty reputation!"

RS: Hello!

BL: *growls*

RS: Do Du mind if I use a quick-quotes quill?

BL: What’s that?

*fingers wand handle threateningly*

RS: Oh, nothing, erm, moving on…Can I call Du Bella?

BL: No.

RS: Can I see your Dark Mark?

BL: *glares threateningly* How DARE...
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added by babazeze
posted by ginnyweasleyfan
Hey! This is ginnyweaslefan!:)(Melody is my real name) and this is my character for the Death Eater RP. Check the Artikel out and tell me if I need to be Mehr descriptive.

My name is Kiana(It's actually my real friend's name [but we call her Kiki] and she would NEVER be in Slytherin) Marie McMahon. I am 17 years old and I'm proud to call myself a Sytherin. I come from a noble pureblood family and am the daughter of Adam and Marie McMahon,who were also in Slytherin. Unfortanetly they passed away. They just got very sick one day. It happened when I was 11. I became a death eater at about the age...
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added by KateKicksAss
added by Luna--Lovegood
added by KateKicksAss
Source: tumblr
Kidnap the Potter boy!
Make him come and fight!
Take away his wand,
And then torture him tonight!

You know that we all can’t wait
For the Potter boy to meet his fate
If he won’t come to battle
We will capture and murder his mates!

Wait! I know of a plan that’s fun
To catch this stupid chosen one!
Let’s all help the Dark Lord to rise
So Harry will meet his demise!

Kidnap the Potter boy!
Skin him like a fox!
Lock him up in Azkaban
Then see if he talks!

Then Mr. Voldy, our Dark Lord
Will take things in his hands of course!
He’ll be so pleased about Potter’s slain!
And all the power we will gain!

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 Go Voldie!
Go Voldie!
Credit: They have this thing every week called the "Think Tank", and this was the problem from a few weeks ago. Can Du guys help our Lord solve the problem? oder will he crucio Du into oblivion for not being able to? How word-savvy are Du fellow Death Eaters??

Everybody's Favorit Dark Lord is dressed in his finest white zoot suit (picture Joseph Gordon Levitt, but with vastly Mehr figurative blood on his hands, oder Sue Sylvester, with vastly Mehr figurative blood on hers) and can't wait to meet up with—well, no one, because he has no friends. But nonetheless, he's breathless...
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1. Make him take a shower.

2. Make him use shampoo in aforementioned shower.

3. Make him use clarifying shampoo.

4. Apparate Weiter to him, hand him a tube of super-strong facial cleanser, then quickly Disapparate before he realizes what happened.

5. Enchant this cleanser to follow him around until he uses it.

6. ...enchant the cleanser to follow him around anyway.

7. Tell him Du stahl, stola his teddy bear.

8. Tell him Du won't give it back until he agrees to wash his hair.

9. When he washes his hair, tell him Du were just kidding and sagte teddy bär has already been destroyed.

10. Sneak...
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Voldemort didn't really have much experience with Liebe letters. Okay, he had no experience with them, having never really believed in Liebe until he'd laid eyes on Dolores Umbridge.

"Hmmm", he muttered to himself, "You make me feel like I'm being Crucio-ed", he scribbled the lines down on a piece of parchment then crossed the out. What if she didn't like violence oder crucio?

"Maybe I should just ask her out", he thought.

After several hours of planning his Weiter move, he conjured up a bouquet of roses. He knew women liked roses. What he didn't know was that women usually preferred their Rosen to...
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Greetings, new follower:

If Du are Lesen this letter then Du have doubtless been accepted into the select band of professional wizards known as the Death Eaters. If Von some unprecedented chance Du are Lesen this and Du have not been accepted into the Death Eaters then I suggest Du put down this letter and leave now, oder the consequences for Du will be as terrible as my lifelong study into the Dark Arts can make them.

Please find enclosed a short introductory guide to Death Eating, which Du must memorize and then eat, to prevent security leaks. (Due to an unfortunate...
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Name: Katherina Nastacia Smirnov (Also sometimes spelled Smirnoff). Goes Von "Kate". If you're mad at her, use her full name, :P

Kate joined the Death Eaters when Voldemort was first in power, and is one of the few female Death Eaters. She is an extremely skilled and accomplished witch, with excellent dueling skills.
Kate is Russian, and started out her schooling at Durmstrang, but transferred to Hogwarts during her third year. She told people it was because she wanted a better education, but it was really because she'd gotten kicked out of Durmstrang. On purpose. She hated it there, and she...
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“What’s the matter Potter? Afraid to fight me? Du shouldn’t be since Du do every damn Tag we see each other!” Snape yelled angrily at his enemy.
    “Oh that’s it Sev!” And with that, James lunged at Snape, tackling him to the floor. Hitting and punching went on for about seven Minuten before a spell was shot at Jame’s back, disabling his mobility. Snape stared up at James in shock and finally pushed the Frozen teenager off of him. He looked to the direction in which the spell came, stunned to see Bellatrix Black’s wand smoking at it’s tip.
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posted by Lenzetta-Lovett
About a Jahr oder two had passed and Lenzetta was moved from Arkim Orphanage to Greene’s Asylum for the criminally insane. The nurses and councilors at the orphanage just couldn’t handle Lenzetta anymore, plus she was never even looked at for adoption.     One harsh January night Lenzetta lye motionless in her bed. She never responded to nurses, she barely ate, and seldom slept. Two nurses came to take her abendessen tray, which was still full, and frowned as they left her room.
    “Poor girl,” one nurse sagte sadly. “After all these years, I hope...
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    Wormtail sighed as he sprayed detergent on the Dark Lords second-best black robe, (which, coincidentally, looked almost exactly like his best black robe. And his third, fourth, fifth, and sixth best black robes as well). He found it rather depressing that even after all he had done, handing over the Potters, and helping the Dark Lord regain his body, that the Dark Lord STILL made him do his laundry and fetch his lattes. At least it wasn’t as bad this time, since Bellatrix wasn’t-
“Hahahahaha!”, came a loud cackle behind him. He buried his face in his hands, which...
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