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posted by The-Stig
He peels off his helmet,
we look in to his eyes,
we see the man that he'll become,
the warrior inside.

He's a japanese samurai,
Kensei is his name.
In reality he's an englishman
but in herz he feels the same.

'coz fighting is his nature,
he uses just his swrod.
Despite his stelly bravery,
Hiro sees him as a fraud.

At first he seems a drunkard,
but when he's sobered up,
we realise that his talents,
lie in skill not luck.

For everything that he does,
He does for the right cause.
he's not afraid to be different,
not afraid to break the laws.

Turns out he has a power,
he can regenerate,
Even a dagger through the...
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