Damon&Elena and Ian&Nina Club
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posted by DamonLovesElena
Well this is part 2:D. Enjoy ( :

I whimpered as my body fell weak and red marks were put on my skin.

"Damon im hurting..." I sobbed.

"Well if your hurting now, Du WILL hurt when im done with you. Now...strip off all your clothes."

"No", I sagte with anger.

He lifted the gürtel and struck me again. I screamed in agony. "Now DO IT!"

I slowly got up on my feet stumbly though.I slowly took off my pants and shirt. He examined my body and grinned wickedly. "Faster..honey" He smiled.I ripped off my bra and panties. Damon then took me and slammed me on the counter. His fingers creapted down my thighs...
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posted by DamonLovesElena
 Damon and Elena(:
Damon and Elena(:
Hey guys (: Its my first time writing!!! So if its not perfect im sorry D:. This story is about after Elena tells Damon she doesnt Liebe him, she will always choose Stefan. Well, I decided to make him cranky and sexually Abusive (; Its hot though ;D. Enjoy (:

I plop on my bett just staring at the ceiling Fan quirling round and round my head spinning. I just told Damon Its always gonna be Stefan. My mind is just racing through the words. I bet I really hurt him I thought. Sigh....

During at the Salvatore home...

Damon looks at the Wand motionless zooming through Elenas words. She really hurt...
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So hear is part 4. I had a lot of trouble with it at the beginning, but my readers inspired me :D. Please, keep reading. Du help me keep going.
I was thinking that I'm going to start two other series, one as third person and one as first person. I've been Schreiben this one as a script, because it happened to be what inspired me at the time, but I've been inspired Von other Fan fiction-ers (if that's a word?) to write Mehr personal, and really get into the characters that I know so well :) Let me know if Du have any TVD plot lines in mind? oder even any other series....?

(Later on in Salvatore house,...
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