"I'm the one who gripped Du tight and raised Du from Perdition." (4x01)
"You should Zeigen me some respect. I dragged Du out of hell. I can throw Du back in." (4x02)
"Uriel's the funniest Angel – Jäger der Finsternis in the garrison. Ask anyone." (4x16)
"Do Du think the armies of heaven have nothing better to do but follow Du around?" (4x22)
(Into cell phone) "This isn't funny Dean, the voice says I'm almost out of minutes!" (5x04)
"I shouldn't be here, this is a höhle, den of iniquity!" (5x03)
Castiel's Voicemail Machine: "I... I don't understand... Why do Du want me to say my name?" (5x16)
"Hey, Ass-Butt!" (5x22)
"I suggest...
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