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We hope to find Mehr good people like Du
In this world
That is a Christian like us
Because we miss having people
Like Du all
In our world
Also we built our trust
On all of us
We also pray for God
Every night before we go to bed
Also we Liebe our God
And our God Liebe us
We are glad to be alive every single
Tag here on earth
Our God is the one who made
Us using his holy hands
We are glad that we live
Here on earth
Every single day
We live a beautiful life
Here on earth
Every single day
posted by HAWK2567
Don't give up on me
Don't tell me lies
Don't tell me secrets
Because I don't want to know your secrets
Please keep it private
Don't give up on me
Because I still need Du friend
In my life
Don't give up on me
Please pray for me every night
Because I need some prayers
I will also pray for Du friend
Also before Du go to sleep every night
Du must pray to God
It only takes a few minutes
Then Du can go straight to bed
I hope Du sleep all through the night
Without walking up in the middle of the night
Friend I hope Du can built Du trust in me
Because I already trust Du friend
I know that Du will never make promises
That Du can't keep
Yes friend if Du make promises to me
I want Du to keep it
posted by HAWK2567
I dream a dream
With my Father
That had made me
In his image
He gave me
Grey hair and brown eyes
Every body tells me that I am a
Young handsome men
Who has grey hair
Yes I am wear that people
Are entitle to their opinion
About my self
I don't agree with them
I feel that is ok
Also I am not a young men anymore
I have aged already
Every single year
And I Can't stop that
Because my Father
Made life that way
I dream a dream
With my loved ones
Every single night
When I am sleeping
Yes I have been missing my loved ones
For a long time now
I wished that they were alive
To see how fast I have matured
Today I have grown Mehr religious
I don't go to bett without praying for my father
Every single night
Also I am one of my Father's child
Also he gave me a beautiful life
Here on earth
And that life I live every single day
Here on earth
Please Father don't let me die young
Because I want to live until I am 80 years old
That is my wish
For myself
posted by HAWK2567
The loser takes it all
I been playing crazy 8 with my friends
They had won every game
I played with them
I am not good in playing crazy 8
They are very good
I must say that I am the loser
And the loser takes it all
I play the game Von its rules
I never cheat on playing the game
We don't play crazy 8 for money
We play it for fun only
My Friends play very well the game
They are the ones who thought me
How to play the game
It is fun to play crazy 8
It is also a very easy game to play
We play a few times this game
We never get tired of playing this game
posted by HAWK2567
I want so badly to live
Every single day
Here on the planet earth
Because God made the planet earth
For me
I just Liebe to live
On the planet earth
Until the Tag I die
Here on the planet earth
Also I have some good friends
That also lives here on earth with me
So Father Du also made my
Friends in Du image
And also my Friends Liebe to
Live on earth together with me
AIso we have known each other
For a life time
AIso my Friends supports me in my
Daily life
Every single day
Also we are all born Christians
And we are going to die some day
As a Christian
posted by HAWK2567
Du life ended here
A few days ago
AIso I watch Du die
In your hospital bed
I had the opportunity to
Watch Du take your last breath
We also sagte our final goodbyes
And our Father came and shut your body down
Then Du climbed the stair way to heaven
Then Du knocked hard at the heaven's door
Our Father opens the door for you
Then Du entered heaven
Now our Father took to your bedroom in heaven
There our Father gave Du a white cotton
kleid for Du to change
Then your clothes that Du were all Tag went to wash
Now Du finally went to sleep
In your brass bed
The Engel in heaven had sung
For Du to sleep
posted by HAWK2567
That Du are now
There childhood life
Ended so fast
And It is hard for me
To believe
That they already lived
There childhood life
Yes father your teenagers
Are also growing so fast
They are very tall
And I am a midget Weiter to them
I got a little smaller now
I don't like that at all
I guess that is life
It is sad that happened to me
I can't change that
Because my father is
In control of that
Also I am old now
And I am the oldest child now
Also I am going to die now
Because my father called me
Already to die
And I am ready to die
Right now
posted by HAWK2567
I am always
Praying for you
Every single night
I never miss a night
That I just don’t pray
For Du my father
And in my prayer
I ask Du to remove
The stress
That I am having
Every single day
Father I just
Have a hard time
Coping with my stress
Can Du teach me
How to cope with my stress
Because I would love
To know from your father
The best way I should
Cope with my stress
Also, I am happy that
I have Du in my life
Every single day
I just could not live
Without you
I am also glad
That I am one of your sons
Also, I am your oldest son
The youngest children
That Du have are now
There childhood life
Ended so fast
And It is hard for me
To believe
That they already lived
There childhood life
Yes father your teenagers
Are also growing so fast
posted by HAWK2567
Why have
You let me down
When I needed you
The most
Because I just can’t
Live without
You in my life
I understand that
You all live a very busy
Also, I don’t think
It is fair that
You can’t make
Sometimes for me
I am feeling very
And I would love
To spend some time
With Du friends
Also, I am living in
Isolation every single day
Friends I also can’t stop
Thinking about you
I must tell Du friends
That it was our master
That made us
With his holy hands
And placed us here
To live
Friends I am telling you
The truth
You were not born
By chance
Because that is the
Wrong way that you
Also, believe...
continue reading...
posted by HAWK2567
It was finally September
All the kids went back to school
Summer was over
And today
My father brought us
The hiver
For us
Now the hot weather is over
And we started to wear our
Clothes for the cold weather
We had on our flannel shirt
It was also very warm
For the hiver
The birds finally migrated south
For the hiver
And we are going to see then
Back Weiter Spring
The kids can't wait
For the first snow fall
So they can play hockey
The kids Liebe to play hockey
With other kids
That lives in their community
Every Tag after school
The kids go to bett every night
AT 7:00 pm
The Weiter Tag they wake up early
To go to school
I don't want to leave this world now
Because my Father
Put me to live in this world
And I am happy living in this world
Also my Friends live in this world
They are happy also living in this world
This world is multi cultural
We find lots of people from all over
The world
Also I am happy being me
And I want to continue being me
Yes I am also somebody loving and caring
Also I am loved Von people
That makes me feel good
Yes people care's a lot about me
That is great to know
Also the people support me in my
Daily life every single day
posted by HAWK2567
Let me just be myself
Go to sleep when I want to
Let me wake up
When I want to wake up
I Liebe to sleep in
In the mornings
And wake up at noon
I will always work for my God
Schreiben my poems for my God
I will never take a Tag from
I enjoy working for my God
Every single day
I use my feelings that
Comes out straight from my heart
In my poems
Every time I am Schreiben a poem
I don't have to brainstorm
Because it comes automatic
To me
I also been God's poet
For 30 years now
I can't hard believe that
Also that is a long time
To be Schreiben poems for
My God
posted by HAWK2567
One of these days
I will be baptized again
And I will change into a new religion
I will be a Jewish Senior
And I will follow all the procedures
That are taking placed
Also I have faith in the Messiah
Also the Messiah is my Father
Also I celebrate Chanukah
Every December
Also I mail Chanukah Cards
To wish some Chanukah wish
I also Liebe some Kosher food
To eat
I only eat kosher food
It is my favourite kind of food
I don't allowed people
To bring nothing else than kosher
Essen into my house
posted by HAWK2567
My Father was born in Africa
Is his homeland
I never been to
Africa in my life
And I see
In my dreams
Every night
When I am sleeping
I am always dreaming
With Africa
I am glad they don't have snow in
Now it is Summer in
The African people
Have a community garden
Where they plant their veggies
So when they are ripe
The collect the veggies
From their community garden
They sometimes makes different
Of salads with their veggies they
Collected from their community garden
Now they had plenty to eat
Also they are satisfied with their food
They have eaten
Also they had drunk a glass of
milch with their food
posted by HAWK2567
Some people
Are a nature lover
And every single
Tag they go for
A hiking
In the forest
Also it is much cooler
In the forest
Then in the sun
Also It was
Our master
That had made
The forest for us
There are also
People that goes
Camping over night
With their camping tent
Also they cook
There meals
Outside in the
They make a wood fire
Also they boil the water
To cook their food
Sometimes they will
Make some soup
For them to have
For dinner
After dinner
They will change into
There pajamas
And also they will go
To sleep outdoors
Yes there are also
Lots of mosquitoes
Du have to have
A spray to
Kill also the mosquitoes
Yes the mosquitoes will
Bite Du like crazy
posted by HAWK2567
I just can't believe
How the tulips
Looks so beautiful
Inside the vase
We have place
The tulips
Inside the vase
It was placed
In our dining room
Also, we brought
The Spring inside
Our home
Yes people
The tulips
Are one of
My father’s creation
He had made it
With his holy hands
Also, we can’t believe
That my father
Made the tulips
So perfect
His holy hands
Yes we also know
That the tulips
It will last a few days
Then they will
Die eventually
I find it sad
To see the tulips
Dying inside the vase
Now it is time
To throw the tulips
Out in the Garbage
Yes I miss seeing
The tulips
Also, I am very sad
That they died
So fast...
continue reading...
posted by HAWK2567
Give me a reason
Why I should not love
My father
Give me a reason
Why I should not pray for my Father
Give me a reason
Why I should not go to bed
Early every night
Because I need to go to bett early
So that I can get a proper
Night sleep
Give a reason why
I should not take good care
Of my health
Because I don't want to let my health
Go down hill
Give me a reason
Why should I not wake up early
Every single day
Give me a reason
Why I should not go for walks
So I can get some exercise
And some fresh air
I took just a glimpse
In the sky
During this Summer night
Also seeing the moon
Shining in the sky
Yes there was some stars
Shinning in the sky
That left me breathless
I wish I had a camera
So, I could take a picture
Of this beautiful sky
Yes, my Father made that sky
Looking great
With his holy hands
Now I must go to bed
Because it is getting late
Yes, I need my sleep
Yes the night is long
And it was made for us to sleep
God made that way
Tomorrow will be another
Sunny day
I hope
Because I need plenty of
Vitamin d
posted by HAWK2567
I made my resolution
I will go to bett early every night
So that I can get a proper sleep
I will not stay up past my bett time
Because I will jeopardize my sleep schedule that
I made for me
I made my resolution
I must Liebe myself before I Liebe others
I made my resolution
I am happy with the Friends I have
They are very caring
I made my resolution
This is a new year
Full of surprises
Also we are having a mild winter
I am very happy about that
Lots people underestimate me
I know that I am a genius
That writes good poetry
Every single day
Poesie is the gift that God
Gave to me
And I am using that gift
Schreiben poems
If I don't use that gift
I will lose it
And that would be the worst thing
I could do for me
Also I am working long hours
Schreiben poems
I don't miss a Tag Schreiben poem
Also in my poems there is a message
That I am sending to God's people
I hope God's people will be hungry to
Receive my message
posted by HAWK2567
Hoi hasta calor
Here on earth today
And it is the hottest day
Of the Summer today
It is 48
I can't take the heat
The heat
Is killing all of us
It is very bad for the people
Who have asthma
And herz problem
I am thinking about
Going on for a swim
On lake Ontario
That will cool me off
Also I am not crazy about swimming
I prefer to go for walks
On the boardwalk
First thing in the morning
Because there is nobody around
Also we haven't had any rain for a long
Every Tag I hope it will rain
But it never does