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"CAMBRIDGE SPIES" (2003) Review

There have been a great deal of movies, plays and Fernsehen productions about four of the five former Cambridge universität students who became spies for the Soviet Union. One of the Mehr Kürzlich productions turned out to be BBC's four-part Fernsehen miniseries called "CAMBRIDGE SPIES".

"CAMBRIDGE SPIES" followed the lives of these four men between the years of 1934 and 1951, when two of them defected to the Soviet Union for good. The fifth man, John Caincross, merely served as a supporting character in this production. The Mehr famous four include the following:...
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Below is a Liste of my five Favorit episodes from Season One of the British series, "INDIAN SUMMERS". Created Von Paul Rutman, the series starred Henry Lloyd-Hughes, Nikesh Patel, Jemima West and Julie Waters:


1. (1.10) "Episode Ten" - In this season finale, the fate of convicted Indian businessman Ramu Sood is left in the hands of Civil Service official in Simla, Ralph Whelan, after it is discovered that the latter's servant had killed the woman named Jaya, who was Ralph's former lover.

2. (1.01) "Episode One" - The series premiere...
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"NORTH AND SOUTH" (1975) Review

I had been a Fan of Elizabeth Gaskell's 1855 novel, ever since I first saw the 2004 Fernsehen adaptation a few years ago. Mind you, I had never read the novel. And I still have yet to read it. Despite this, I became a Fan of the story. And when I learned that the BBC planned to release an older adaptation of Gaskell's novel, which first aired in 1975, I looked vorwärts-, nach vorn to seeing it.

As one would assume from Lesen this review, I eventually purchased a copy of the 1975 adaptation on DVD. And if I must be honest, I do not regret it. "NORTH AND SOUTH" proved to...
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