Barbie: Life in the Dreamhouse Club
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This Artikel enumerates the epsiodes of Barbie: Life in the Dreamhouse Season 1.

1. Closet Princess

While Barbie gets ready for her datum with Ken, she realizes she needs the perfect accessory. To the amazement of Nikki and Teresa, she opens her closet door to reveal an eye-poppingly amazing labyrinth of aisles and racks – clothes, shoes, accessories – as far as the eye can see. But once they enter, will they ever find their way out?

2. Happy Birthday Chelsea

Chelsea is turning six! Stacie is running this special Tag like a drill sergeant, making sure that everyone knows their role....
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added by jessowey
Source: Barbie Life In The Dream
added by 3xZ
added by corinne17
Source: Screencapped with VLC.
added by jessowey
Source: fanpopmembers
added by jessowey
Source: fanpopmembers
added by Madmozell
added by Madmozell
added by corinne17
Source: Screencapped with VLC.
added by jessowey
Source: fanpopmembers
added by barbie_kiku1995
Source: barbie_kiku1995
added by corinne17
Source: Screencapped with VLC.
added by 3xZ
added by XTinkerBellx
added by jessowey
Source: fanpopmembers
life in the dreamhouse
added by Madmozell
added by Madmozell