Bangel Why don'tthey get Buffy?

buffyfan posted on Mar 03, 2008 at 03:06AM
in the angel spin off, where angel has to try to ode his soul,

Bangel 9 Antworten

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Vor mehr als einem Jahr scififan said…
I think the technical answer is that the shows were airing on different stations and SMG didn't really have time to work on a crossover episode. The Cangel fan answer is "cuz he didn't like Buffy anymore".

My answer? Because I don't think Buffy would have gone along with it. would be like "we want you to sleep with the guy you really love just cuz we need him soulless." How would you feel? And I don't think that Buffy would want to be part of anything that brought Angelus back into the world. Plus Buffy was really busy dealing with her own major apocalypse in Sunnydale at that time (the spin off where they want Angel to lose his soul, is in season 4 of Angel which corresponds with season 7 of Buffy). Until I think of some more reasons, that's what I'm gonna stick with :)
Vor mehr als einem Jahr amazondebs said…
what exactly do you mean? why didn't they have buffy in it, or why didn't they bring her in to season 5?

Joss had ran out of ideas or 'ran it's course' as joss puts it and they both needed to be separate to develop
Vor mehr als einem Jahr DefineDelicate said…
I don't really get the question, but I think the reason why they didn't get Buffy to unlease the soul is because Buffy wouldn't. she's been though that and she had such a horrible time with dealing with that, you know having dreams and what not, but yeah...even if they asked her too she would been like, you idiots. LOL

Vor mehr als einem Jahr princess_16 said…
If you're asking why they don't have more crossovers the answer is beacause Buffy went to the other network and there was no crossovers rule. There were 2 episodes in AtS S1, 2 in BtVS S4 and one in S5. We haven't seen their renuion when Buffy got back from Heaven because BtVS went on UPN, and we got one in Chosen only because it was the end and fans wanted it so much.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr AngelusB said…
And now despite all these issues it seems they're finally flying off into the mist. Angel is being signed back over to Dark horse from what I hear and the series will run along side each other so - we shouldn't have that problem anymore! *dances about a bit*
Vor mehr als einem Jahr princess_16 said…
Thank God. I've read the news yesterday. IDW can kiss my ass!
Vor mehr als einem Jahr AngelusB said…
Whoo! I'm so excited, I just hope it goes as we think it might! ;)
Vor mehr als einem Jahr bangel9redux said…
I think she means in "Awakening" when the gang has to draw Angel's soul out of him. I never really watched Angel, but can I just say that it completely pissed me off when I found out that they figured out a way to take away and put back in Angel's soul, and Buffy was not there. They could have called her. I mean that is one of the main reasons why they can't be together other than the kids and not being able to go into the light. But I guess having sex with him just to make him turn into Angelus again would be too much of painful deja vu. Maybe someone who actaully watched Angel could tell me if I'm missing something?
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Flickerflame said…
It would have just been too much of an emotional mess for both Buffy and Angel. Much easier to use a spell.

@bangel9redux - I suppose there was too much of a risk that he'd kill someone before they could succeed to recurse him, or that he'd interfere with the recursing and stop it.