In a futuristic Japan, a man known as ‘Key Man’ has
spread a terrible virus that makes humans into
grotesque beings called Engineers who spout weapons
from any injury. A special task force has been set up to
deal with them. They use violence, cruelty and sadism
and executions to maintain order.
Helping them is Ruka, an expert dispatcher of
Engineers. She is looking for the man who killed her
father who was a policeman. Ruka is told to hunt down
Key Man but he infects her. A nationwide crackdown on
Engineers is ordered after a policeman turned Engineer
wastes an entire precinct in Tokyo.
Ruka meets up with Key Man again and details of their
shared past come out in the wash. Key Man’s father
was a police sniper who resigned from the force after a
sniping gone wrong. To ward off destitution, he took a
paid job to assassinate Ruka’s father who was
campaigning for the privatisation of the force. He shot
her father and was then shot and killed himself Von the
mastermind of the operation – the chief of police.
Intent on avenging his father’s death, Key Man injected
himself with the blood of several killers to mutate into
what he is now. So Key Man and Ruka want revenge
on the same man. Going back outside, Ruka sees a
friend of hers drawn and quartered. Her left arm
mutates into a monstrosity and she beheads the
officers behind it. Ruka goes on a violent rampage until
she meets the chief of police whom she takes great
pleasure in decapitating.
Tokyo Gore Police is so over the oben, nach oben in its blood
shedding and violence that it is impossible not to laugh
at the film. The film makers seem to have some sort of
bet going that any gory movie that has gone before,
they can outdo – with a cavalcade of flying decapitated
heads and dismembered limbs. And as if that isn’t bad
enough, the site of the Lost appendages sprout
grotesque weapons for even Mehr carnage! The film is
smart and inventive and throws about 100,000 gallons
of red stuff at the screen. For J-Horror Fans and
gorehounds, how can Du resist this depraved little
spread a terrible virus that makes humans into
grotesque beings called Engineers who spout weapons
from any injury. A special task force has been set up to
deal with them. They use violence, cruelty and sadism
and executions to maintain order.
Helping them is Ruka, an expert dispatcher of
Engineers. She is looking for the man who killed her
father who was a policeman. Ruka is told to hunt down
Key Man but he infects her. A nationwide crackdown on
Engineers is ordered after a policeman turned Engineer
wastes an entire precinct in Tokyo.
Ruka meets up with Key Man again and details of their
shared past come out in the wash. Key Man’s father
was a police sniper who resigned from the force after a
sniping gone wrong. To ward off destitution, he took a
paid job to assassinate Ruka’s father who was
campaigning for the privatisation of the force. He shot
her father and was then shot and killed himself Von the
mastermind of the operation – the chief of police.
Intent on avenging his father’s death, Key Man injected
himself with the blood of several killers to mutate into
what he is now. So Key Man and Ruka want revenge
on the same man. Going back outside, Ruka sees a
friend of hers drawn and quartered. Her left arm
mutates into a monstrosity and she beheads the
officers behind it. Ruka goes on a violent rampage until
she meets the chief of police whom she takes great
pleasure in decapitating.
Tokyo Gore Police is so over the oben, nach oben in its blood
shedding and violence that it is impossible not to laugh
at the film. The film makers seem to have some sort of
bet going that any gory movie that has gone before,
they can outdo – with a cavalcade of flying decapitated
heads and dismembered limbs. And as if that isn’t bad
enough, the site of the Lost appendages sprout
grotesque weapons for even Mehr carnage! The film is
smart and inventive and throws about 100,000 gallons
of red stuff at the screen. For J-Horror Fans and
gorehounds, how can Du resist this depraved little