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added by mangamoo01
added by MisterH
 'Can't fear your own world'
'Can't fear your own world'
"This Artikel Contains Spoilers Took Place After bleach Manga Left Off "

With four out of the seven previews out, I thought it may be time to gather all the scattered information together into one post.
First off, I would like to thank Missstormcaller, u/schneizel and LoN for providing translations and summaries and u/hypnodarkrai for providing the chapters. Without them we probably would have to rely on inaccurate summaries for years, like it was the case with Spirits are forever with you, which surprisingly turned out to be a well written book.
But now, without further ado, let's start with...
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added by dragonguy
added by dragonguy
added by dragonguy
added by Rei-achoo
added by MisterH
the hidden dungeon only i can enter
 Fairy Tail: 100 Jahr Quest
Fairy Tail: 100 Year Quest
If Du thought Fairy Tail was over, then Du better think again. The series might have wrapped last Jahr thanks to its creator Hiro Mashima, but the artist has brought the magical Titel back.

Yes, Fairy Tail’s much-wanted sequel is here, and Fans are freaking out over the debut.

For those out of the loops, Fairy Tail is making a return this week, and it will bring lots of familiar faces with it. Thanks to Mashima, Fairy Tail: 100 Jahr Quest will begin its publication in Weekly Shonen Magazine under Kodansha Comics. The sequel picks up right where Fairy Tail’s original series ended, and readers...
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Fairy Tail
Bleach: Can’t Fear Your Own World will be released on the 4th of August 2017, on Jump j Books. This new novel follows on on Bleach manga, it’s created Von Durarara!!’s Autor Ryohgo Narita, which will be serialised every other Friday on their Jump+ digital platform. New visuals and the novels antagonists are also shown below!

The story of Bleach: Can’t Fear Your Own World follows Hisagi Shuhei, vice captain of the 9th Squad and editor and chief of the Seireitei communication. He investigates a mystery leading newly revealed secrets about the Nobel Houses, the Soul King, Arrancar and Fullbringers.

Preparing the release of the new novel, Tite Kubo draws Bilder of the villain’s of the novel: Tokinada Tsunayashiro, and his protege, Hikone
added by dragonguy
chivalry of a failed knight
rakudai kishi no eiyuutan
a tale of worst one
rakudai kishi no kyarubarii
We’ve known that Bleach Manga is in its final arc, it seems as though the time has come as Bleach 685 will be the final Bleach Manga chapter! Weekly Shonen Jump 35 seems to have gepostet the ending notice in Bleach 684 as a colour page and climax will be featured in Bleach 685.

The Ending notice:


Translates to: Colour Page and Special 15th Anniversary Super Legendary Climax.

This message appears in Bleach...
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