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posted by aldrine2016
It was morning at the Warner Bros. studios. Yakko, Wakko and Dot were still sleeping in their beds, until their alarm clock, which resembled Bugs Bunny, gave out a loud ringing and dinging. Yakko reached out his hand and, feeling for the clock, smashed it into pieces with his fist.

Yakko: [yawns and gets up] Good morning, Wakko.
Wakko: [yawns and gets up as well] Good morning, Yakko.
Yakko: Good morning, Dot.

Dot jumps down from her middle bunk, waving her hair. She looks at her brothers and waves her eyelashes at them, exiting the room as she continues waving her hair.

Yakko and Wakko: [calmly]...
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posted by WakkoWarnerLuv
Apparently WB is refusing to release the fourth volume of Animaniacs. Why? Because of a Umfrage they took. They believe that Mehr people like Tiny Toons and therefore the Tiny Toons DVDs will sell better.

So. First they take it off of television, and now they won't even let us have the rest of the episodes. What about us? What about the kids who were born after the Zeigen got canceled and never even got to see those episodes? What about those adults who want their childhood memories?

I have written WB Von E-Mail multiple times, but without a response. We need to be heard. So, WB, listen to these reasons...
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 Wakko Warner
Wakko Warner
Whereas all other cartoon characters who wear kid gloves (most of them wear white kid gloves) may not potentially confuse animators and laypeople alike, drawing white gloves on Yakko, Wakko, and Dot's hand confuses countless people because their feet are also white. Animators drew gloves on cartoon characters, especially in the early days of Animation (gloves were fashionable back then), so the character's hands showed up Mehr easily. With the Warner Sibs however, white gloves on their hands only makes matters worse and confusing. Why couldn't they have just not drawn gloves on their hands...
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posted by anna446
note: this happens after "Rita and runt:will Du marry me" so be prepared.
--------------------------------------------------------------- it is the Tag that Rita and runt have long awaited for,the Tag when they say "I do"and become husband and wife.Rita looked to the church that the wedding would take place in and sang.
Rita:this Tag is going to be perfect,the kind of Tag I dreamed since I was small,eveybody will gather round say I look great in my gown,hopley I do not trip and fall.
runt:this Tag is going to be perfect,the kind of Tag I dreamed since I was small,and we will have cake with all...
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posted by aldrine2016
Hello, Aldrine2016 there. Since either Seanthehedgehog oder AnimeFan66 failed to write my part 2 request, I think this will be the first part 2 of an Aldrine2016 fanfic written Von myself.

After Dot returned to the tower, everyone looked at her, who was still in her and her brother's home, confused.

Yakko: Well, she made us all laugh.
Director: And since her haircut was too horrible and funny to be filmed in our new episode, let's change our episode so that only Du two appear. [points to Yakko and Wakko]
Yakko: So that Du can film it while avoiding our sister's haircut.
Director: Now, let's get filming!...
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posted by AnimaniacsFan1
I'm Nobody's Mama, got no family.
I'm a career cat and my career is all about me.

No one can tie me down, I'm goin' places straighten up, don't make those silly, sad face, it's rude. All right, I'll get food.

But that's it, after that you're on your own.

I'm too independent, they're so small. Now could I care for them, do I care at all?

I could never stand "Help me, Mama, feed me, Mama, need me, Mama, don't leave me, Mama!" I'd never tolerate that.

On the other hand, "Oh, my Mama, I Liebe you, Mama, I will never leave you, Mama."

No, Du got the wrong cat!
And did I mention, they want too much attention?!

I worry about 'em each Tag every minute,
I gotta tell Du my head isn't in it!

I won't let my herz talk cause it's ruled Von my biological clock which is tickin' away!
No way, I mean what I say!
I'm single cat stray!
I'm Nobody's Mama!!!
posted by aldrine2016
At the PPG's house, Yakko, Wakko, Dot, Blossom, Bubbles, Buttercup and Professor Utonium were having mac and cheese for lunch.

Blossom: [eating her mac and cheese] They sagte they got kicked Von the park's statue for going crazy over it. Seriously, are they joking?
Bubbles: [eating her mac and cheese] And then the evil Mojo Jojo melted the statue and announced to us that he is going to cause Mehr destruction, [begins to impersonate Mojo] because he is.... Mojo Jojo!
Buttercup: [eating her mac and cheese] And we tried to fly to him to attack him, but he knocked us out with his blaster rays.
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posted by AnimaniacsFan1
Just listen up and you'll hear a tale,a tale of the Warner three!
Went on the water tower,they did try to flee!

They shot into the puffy clouds some seeds to make it rain and rain it did so much in fact,the tower floated away,All around LA!

When the rain dried up,the tower was aground on the Burbank lot,the Warner Brothers then escaped with their sister,Dot and they took off like a shot!

Now they're being chased around the Warner Studio
Von Scratchansniff
and Hello Nurse
the CEO
Ralph the Guard
Some movie stars
the Professor and Mary Ann
on the Warners' Lot!
posted by Seanthehedgehog
The following was requested Von Aldrine2016

Yakko, Wakko, and Dot found themselves walking along a desert road.

Yakko: I wonder what the animators have in line for us this time.
Wakko: When do we eat?
Roadrunner: Meep meep! *Runs past*
Wile E. Coyote: *Chasing Roadrunner, but runs out of breath, and stops Weiter to Yakko, Wakko, and Dot*
Yakko: Looks like somebody didn't drink enough water.
Wile E. Coyote: Who are Du three?
Yakko & Wakko: We're the Warner Brothers.
Dot: And the Warner sister.
Yakko: I'm Yakko.
Wakko: I'm Wakko.
Dot: And I'm Dot.
Wile E. Coyote: I have never seen Du around these parts...
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me:one Tag when the worner boys were...
dot:hey don't forget about me.
me:opps sorry about that.anyway as I was saying:
one Tag the worner sibilings were near the water tower when runt came running up to them.
runt:guys you've got to help me defnetley defnetley got to help me.
yakko:what's the matter?
runt:well I have this crush on rita and brin told me that if I marry her I will be her husbend and I like that Titel but I'm too shy so help me?
yakko:*what?! him and rita haven't even dated yet.brin must have fooled him. oh well*sure we'll help you.
wakko:we will?
yakko:sure*wispers plan*
when rita...
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posted by aldrine2016
Hey, Aldrine2016 here. I present to Du a new Animaniacs Fan fic. It's a bit short so who cares? Anyway, enjoy and comment!

It was a typical day-off for the Warner Brothers (and the Warner sister!) in the water tower. Yakko was watching this bizarre, insane clip of a man with a banane in his ears (link) while his younger brother Wakko was listening to a hip-hop MP3 tune and burping musically at the same time.

Yakko: [watching TV; chuckles] That banane guy, complete with the high-pitched, British-esque accent never fails to make me laugh my bums off!
Dot: [bursts in] Hey Wakko!!!

This startled the...
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posted by aldrine2016
As Yakko, Wakko and Dot were about to return to the studio, a Fan of their Zeigen saw Dot's great flipped hairstyle and began to freak out with excitement.

Male Animaniacs Fan: C-c-c-can I have your autograph, Ms. Dot Warner!? [holds out a blank book]

At first, Dot was confused, but since she was no longer being ridiculed for her hair, she decided to grant her Fan his request.

Dot: Aw sure! Anything for my loving fan! [brandishes a pen and writes her signature on his book]
Male Animaniacs Fan: Thanks!
Dot: And I hope Du like my fabulous hairdo! [gives her Fan a big KISS on the lips]
Male Animaniacs...
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Humans Ain't What They Seem To Be, they don't mean that much to me. No, not much at all.

When you're little and tiny, they pet your cute hiney, but then when Du grow, it's a simple no-show, it's shoo-shoo off this and don't Du dare scratch on that, if they call Du at all, it's always "dumb cat"

Humans Ain't What They Seem To Be, they don't mean that much
to me. No, not much at all.

But when it's all dark and quiet, I try hard to fight it, but I dream of Home where I don't have to roam!

Someone to feed me and put me to bett and scratch me just so on oben, nach oben of my head.

But I ain't gonna Liebe 'em, not gonna answer their call
cause Humans don't mean that much to me,
No, not much at all.
posted by wallace12345
for starters, the three main charators were first drawn in 1929. and Du might know they go Von yakko ,wakko and dot. but 64 years later the cartoon animaniacs premeried on september 13 1993.and for 5 years they were a hit! they were awarded 62 awards. they made 12 video games,61 comic books,99 episodes,12 mcdonales toys,14 books,73 parides,and had 163 charactors. the main charactors were yakko,wakko,dot,d.r. scarchnsniff,hello nurse,raluh the garud,mr plots the c.e.o of WB,slappy and skippy squirrel,kolin the randy beman kid,and pinky and the brain.the minor main charactors were mr skullhead,maveria mink,the mime,snow ball,woodchuck,mindy and buttens,mr deiractor,and prunella flundergust.and142 other supporting cast.the main three vociees were rob paulson as yakko,jess harnell as wakko and tress macneil.and to wickeln, wickeln sie this up, try the best Du can to bring back animaniacs.
Well I'm gonna write now.
Situation 1: Someone asks for water oder anything water related:
You want your pool? Du want your water. I live inside a water tower. Why don't Du try this gusher on for size!
Pretty lame, but I have more,
Situation 2: Someone asks "what did s/he say?":
I think s/he sagte "Hoiil, how'd you? With the going, Du were there but here now, for me to see, how'd ya do?
With haste, to the Maypole, I mean, next,
Situation 3: Someone Knocks on the door:
Nobody get's in to see the wizard not nobody not no how!!
Next situation,
Situation 4: Someone is being a jerk to Du oder your just like...
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posted by AnimaniacsFan1
This is great,
this is perfect,
it's always the same thing with cats,
there's always some ignorant human assumin' we like to chase rats!

I'm gettin' real sick of this Stereotypical View!
We can't be controlled and we hate to be told what to do!

They misunderstand us, they can't command us!
We don't purr if we're not in the mood!
Humans believe that the Tiere Liebe them but
all we want is their food!

I can't take this job, I won't work for
that slob anyhow!
I'm tellin' Runt that
it's over, we're leavin' right now!
Yakko: I've got feuer for a heart, I'm not scared of the dark
You've never seen it look so easy
I got a river for a soul and brother you're a boat
Wakko, you're my only reason

Wakko: If I didn't have Du there would be nothing left
The shell of a toon that could never be his best
If I didn't have Du I'd never see the sun
You taught me how to be someone, yeah

Dot: All my life Du stood Von me when no one else was ever behind me
All these lights don't call me Dottie
With your love, nobody can drag me down
All my life Du stood Von me when no one else was ever behind me
All these lights don't call me...
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posted by AnimaniacsFan1
1.) Animaniacs Vol. 1 DVD (x3)
2.) Animaniacs Vol. 2 DVD (x2)
3.) Animaniacs Vol. 3 DVD
4.) Animaniacs Vol. 4 DVD (x3)
5.) Wakko's Wish VHS Tape
6.) Wakko's Wish DVD
7.) Animaniacs Weihnachten Comic Book
8.) Animaniacs: The Fourth Warner Comic Book
9.) Animaniacs Posters (10 Handmade) (30 printed) (2 official)
10.) Animaniacs Fotos (2 From Wakko's Wish VHS)
11.) Animaniacs Folder (Handmade)
12.) Over 300 Animaniacs Morals written Von me.
13.) Over 20 Animaniacs Good Idea,Bad Ideas written Von me.
14.) Animaniacs scripts written Von me. (x2)
15.) Animaniacs Notebook (Handmade)
16.) A is for Animaniacs T-shirt
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Song: link

SeanTheHedgehog Presents

A request from Aldrine2016

Yakko And Brick

The song fades away as we focus on a place called Townsville. Brick, the leader of The Rowdyruff Boys, has left his Friends behind, needing a break from them.

Brick: Hollywood, here I come! And goodbye to those two nitwits, Boomer, and Butch.
Boomer & Butch: *Playing Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered*

Meanwhile in Burbank California.

Yakko: Seriously, can't Du be Mehr creative? Burbank is overrated.
Dot: They even named a cat after it in Lethal Weapon.
Wakko: I thought Du were too busy obsessing over Mel Gibson...
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posted by Animaniacs1Fan
I got the list! I looked and counted!
1. Animaniacs Slappy hemd, shirt Gray
2. Animaniacs Skippy and Slappy 'Who!?' hemd, shirt homemade
3. Dot 'I'm cute' Girls 10-12L Tee
4. T-Shirt Yakko homemade
5. Wakko 'Potty Emergency!!!' Soft Tee
6. Animaniacs PJs
7. Buttons and Mindy PJs
8. Goodfeathers PJs
9. Goodfeathers Pants
10. 50 Posters (Not exaggerating)
11. 5 DVDs
12. 2 pairs of shoes [Pair 1 Warners Pair 2 Helloo Nurse!]
13. Homemade Animaniacs Swimsuit
14. 100 Animaniacs Comics (Also true)
15. Animaniacs Trophy
16. Animaniacs Lunchbox
17. Animaniacs Socks Wakko's 50 States
18. 10 episode boards signed Von the creators....
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