(In the bathroom, Akiza is puking in the toilet, when the others came in)
Akiza: (retching)
Jack & Crow: Eww!!!!!!
(Akiza collapsed when Yusei kneeled down to reach her.)
Yusei: Akiza, are Du okay?
Akiza: Huh? What happened?
Crow: 1. You're puking and 2. Du collapsed and got sick.
Akiza: Hmm....... (starting to tear up) So, I was throwing up, right?
Yusei: Yeah.
Akiza: (starts to sob)
Jack: Oh, no, not the waterworks!
Crow: Jack!
Yusei: Hey, Akiza, shhh..... it's okay.
Akiza: (stops sobbing) Thanks, Yusei, but that doesn't make feel better.
Yusei: Okay, now go in the living room and lay down on the...
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