Adam Levine Club
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added by Joy3570
Source: tumblr
Birth Name: Adam Noah Levine
Nickname: Sharky
Birth Place: Los Angeles, CA
Date of Birth / Zodiac Sign: 03/18/1979, Pisces
Profession: Rock singer, guitarist

Adam Levine
-is an American singer, guitarist, and songwriter. He is the lead singer of Grammy Award-winning band Maroon 5.

Adam was born to Jewish parents in Los Angeles, California. He showed a strong Liebe of Musik at a young age, learning to play the gitarre and performing on stage at twelve years old. As a teenager at the Brentwood School, a private Tag school in LA, he was awkward: he says of his teen years, “I was gross, My hair was...
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added by Joy3570
Source: tumblr
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Source: TheJennire
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added by ayseblack
Source: justjared
added by ayseblack
Source: justjared
added by ayseblack
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