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posted by SilverWings13
It was her brother's idea of apologizing. Every time Ana left for an errand, oder to go for a run as she had done two hours ago, she returned to find a new contribution to the ancient two-bedroom cabin. Yesterday it had been a pile of dry firewood, the Tag before a repaired küche window. She had considered tossing the logs into the freezing river oder shattering the window with a stone, but despite her anger, those resources allowed her to stay in the dilapidated kabine away from the schloss where her brother lived like the false prince he was. The freezing mountain side was unfamiliar territory to the xerophytic young woman. As if to remind her of her codependency, Ana's stomach growled at the smell of today's gift: a hand basket of freshly baked brot left on the kabine doorstep.
Ana took the key from the inside pocket of her thermal jogging pants-another gift from her guilty patron-and used it to open the cabin's aluminum door, already half-way through a baguette. There were also fruits, meats, and crackers to be washed down with tee waiting in the küche to help replace the thousand oder so calories the young woman had burnt on her 12 mile morning run. They were simple foods that would keep without being refrigerated in her Home without electricity, but memories of going days without eating were still too fresh in her memory for the sugarless rations to be anything less than a feast.
The humble abode had its draw backs compared to the massive schloss of heated flooring, fresh spring water, and luxurious furnishing. Yet the little dwelling made Ana feel safe, sicher in the same way the abandoned clock tower had made her feel in Elam: this place was something to call her own. Not to mention the relics around the home-black-and-white pictures on the fireplace, a dear-stalker hat on the hook, the eagle painted in Gold on the front door-reminded the girl that her grandfather had once brought his aunts here to teach them to catch bass and shoot shotguns. It was the hidden get-away of a reluctant king, far Mehr like Home than the hollow castle.
After starting a feuer to warm the kabine and setting tee to boil on the wood stove, Aleksander's true intentions with the latest gift was Mehr obvious. Ana had eaten half the rolls, set the rest in the brot box, and found the clear, flat case resting at the bottom of the basket. The instructions were folded in the bottom of the basket.

The X-Acto messer slide cleanly across her neck. An inch and a half long, just below her ear where the hard shell of her skull became the soft flesh covering her artery. At the first whiff of blood, there was a sharp knock on her door-predictably one of the soldiers scouting the area-but her best annoyed teenager voice shouting, "It's just a papercut. Go away!" stopped the vampire from ramming down her door. Ana felt strangely numb to the pain as blood ran down her neck and into the tub where she knelt, though she had avoided using the pain killers in her first aid kit. If she cut too deeply, she figured it made Mehr sense to be able to feel it and react quickly to stop the bleeding. It seemed Mehr logical not to take the painkillers-as if there was anything logical in performing self-surgery.
Carefully, slowly, Ana took the communication device-the same shape, size, and thickness of a quarter-and slipped it into the cut in her neck. The blood was slick and the comm slipped in with little resistance. It only took another Minute to stitch the short cut back up. Ana cleaned herself up and got dressed, starting to wonder if the battery-less device could really operate off natural electrical currents running through her body. The answer came about five Minuten later with a crackle that made her jump. "This is Comm 1, checking for receiving. Come in, Comm 2."
The voice was unsettlingly clear, as if Alexander were right there in the room with her. Ana tapped the skin below her ear right over the unnoticeably smooth device to turn her device on as the instructions had said, calling, "This is Comm 2."
"It's okay, Du don't have to shout. I could hear Du even if Du were to whisper," Aleksander's voice clarified, sounding both amused and annoyed at the same time.
"Why can't we have better code names than Comm 1 and Comm 2? Like…Ice Queen and Badass Redhead?"
"Might as well be Elsa and Ana," her brother mumbled. Ana grinned at the reference to her niece's Favorit Disney characters. "I'm barely king, Annie. Let's not make this even Mehr confusing."
You're barely royalty at all, the girl wanted to snap, but withheld her anger for the sake of their hearing. A shouting match with these comms so close to their eardrums would certainly prove painful. "Great, now we have our magical teleporting rings and spy-tech. Are we set for world domination?" she quipped instead.
"No one forced Du to put that thing in your neck," he reminded her coolly. "It's not my fault you're always so eager for a chance to cut yourself up.
"Then I won't have a problem ripping it back out," she retorted, ready to do just that in her annoyance.
"Something tells me you'll want to see this." Suddenly, Ana realized her brother's voice reverberated into ear, as if he stood in a cavernous Weltraum with his words echoing back at him.
She huffed reluctantly, but her interest was piqued. "Fine, where are you?"
"Meet me three cliques south of the castle, about a clique east of your place."
Ana was reluctant to take any Mehr orders from the young man, but she silently enjoyed him recognizing the kabine as her place. "Alright," she agreed. "I'll be there in fifteen."

In fact, it only took about ten Minuten for the redhead to reach the location her brother had specified. His directions had been general, but the terrain sloped steeply downward and lead her to a shallow river made up of Mehr ice than water. The snow in the hügel was soft and untouched after last nights' fresh. What was most alarming to Ana was how fresh the air smelled. There was no hint of her boyfriend's guards in the breeze carrying though the ravine, which was both relieving and discomforting considering that she was completely and totally alone in the endless mountain range with only Aleksander for company. After the revelation of Thomas' murder, she was reluctant to be in such a situation with the older male, a feeling that only heightened when she found him standing at the entrance of a cave nearly completely hidden Von snow and rocks.
Aleksander immediately sensed her distrust and gave her the most infuriating grin. "You'll like this, I promise." With only those vague words, the giant of a man turned and ducked into the cave.
The young woman followed hesitantly, her claws subtly extending long enough to gouge out an attacker's eyes, into what turned out to be a long tunnel. For nearly a mile, she followed her silent brother and his flashlight's beam through the dank, echoing walls of the underground path. She guessed there were millions of tons of mountain resting above their heads-a thought that would have set her on edge if she weren't Mehr concerned with one of Aleksander's mysterious allies jumping out from the shadows with a knife. Just when Ana had made up her mind that she was being lead to a hole so deep that no one would find her rotting corpse, her guide straightened his hunched shoulders as he stepped into an immense cavern.
The cavern was artificially circular and so high not even the evenly spaced candelabras could reach the immense height. The Weltraum itself was captured Von the warm glow: seven evenly spaced, polished, stone coffins forming a circle, each with a sleeping stone animal resting on the top. There was a two-headed eagle carved into one, the sigil of the Romanov house, beside a coffin decorated Von a kobra, cobra curved into a coil. There were also two Wölfe with their heads resting on their paws, one a pup and the other mature. Ana felt numb as she walked between the coffins. They were familiar to her like a dream she had long Vor stopped dreaming. She reached her sister's coffin, the Profil of a roosting raven, and her coffin, smaller than the rest: a slumbering tiny fuchs curled into a tight ball. The walls were interrupted only Von the tunnel they had come through, one that exited most likely toward the castle, and a small empty niche two feet above the floor.
"What is this place?" she whispered, either because it felt appropriate for the setting oder because she was finding it too difficult to breath and speak up.
"You recognize it, do Du not?" Aleksander replied softly. "It's where we were put to sleep while the Sekunde world war chewed away at humanity. We were meant to wake after the war, but for some reason, we remained asleep into the 21st century. From 1943 until 2004, Annie, SIXTY years of our lives taken from us. Maybe you're too young to remember, but waking from that slumber was a relief until-"
"We saw how much the world changed," she finished for him. Ana was still standing in front of the fox. She reached a hand to rest on oben, nach oben of the baby fox, tentative as if it would snap at her fingers. "Everything was different. Everyone we knew was dead…but Du weren't there."
"I was. Father woke you, the twins, and your mother first. Then he came back for me and my own mother."
"I'm sorry," she whispered, unsure of why she sagte it the moment it was out of her mouth. Was she apologizing to him, for always being put last Von their father? oder was she apologizing to the baby fox, who woke up into the strange world only to soon be discarded Von that same father? Someone should have protected you, she thought as tears rolled down her cheeks.
"Why did Du bring me here?" she asked, wiping her face with her sleeve.
"Because I was Lesen father's journal, it's how I found this place. He was frightened that someone might try to put us back to sleep."
"But that would take an immense amount of energy."
"The same kind that was used to wake those monsters that came after Du and the Rurik boy?"
"Anyone who wanted to do that would have to use…our…" she trailed off, staring at the empty niche in the wall. There was a holder there, standing with empty arms, waiting for its weapon. "Where's our family sword?"
"I looked everywhere, all through Dad's journals, every inch of the castle, every inch of his memories." Aleksander was talking so fast that he was quickly breathless. "I can't find it! But I think I know who might have it."
"The Ruriks?"
"Magnus, at least."
"Don't Du think Cal would have mentioned that?"
"Maybe Du didn't have him as tightly wrapped around your finger as Du thought."
Ana flinched at the comment, and her brother's expression turned apologetic. She turned away from him before he could take it back. "If Magnus has it, then what's he waiting for? Assuming he's the one who raised those undead birds things, he could use that sword to put us to sleep for an eternity if he wanted. Until he found a use for us." Until everyone they knew was dead, all over again. Until no one was left to rally behind the Romanov name in their defense. The look on Alek's face told her he had been thinking those exact same thoughts, if not worse ones.
"I don't know why he has yet to use it," he admitted. "But we need to act as soon as possible. I have a new idea for the spring solstice celebration-"
"ANOTHER new idea?"
"I'll need your help for it to work."
Ana looked up to meet his eyes for once. They were a cold blue, but they were wide and pleading. This place, this tomb, scared him as much as it terrified her. "You want a truce?"
"Just until we're free from this threat, Annie. Then Du can go back to hating me."
Their eyes remained locked a long moment until she looked away towards the coffins. The one between the raven and the double-headed eagle, a lion with a crown nestled into his full mane, was a lie. Thomas had been kind and gentle, Mehr like a calm, wise elefant than that ravenous beast. Maybe if he had been a killer, he could have protected the baby fox. Now she had to protect herself.
"Okay, a truce," she agreed. "Until our family sword is back in our possession."
Aleksander's expression changed from somber to exuberant in an instant as he reached his hand vorwärts-, nach vorn to shake on it. Ana stared at his hand until he dropped it, then turned on her heel and stalked out of the room. He could tell her their plans over the comms sewn unto their necks, saving her from having to stand in the room facing him for even one Mehr minute.
BAM! Assasinated by....yours truly....SilverWings13

Skylar pulled Harley out the front door. Harley was wearing a cacky-jacket and some blue jeans. Skylar in a sweatshirt lined with fuzz and some torn jeans.
"Come on!" Skylar rushed.
"I dont think cheeseburgers is exactly 'romantic'." Harley said. Skylar shrugged.
"Its something right?" Skylar said. He lifted harley up and onto a motorcycle.
"This is yours?" Harley asked.
"Yep!" Skylar sagte as he hopped on.
"I didnt know Du had a motorcycle!" Harley said.
"You do now!" Skylar replied and started the engine.
"Hold on tight!" He sagte and Harley...
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posted by SilverWingsYJ
It was surprising how awake and alert Du could be at 3am when Du were risking your life. Like when you're crouching on roof across from an abandoned warehouse. That was clearly not abandoned.
Or maybe, to the average citizen, the dark building appeared empty. Maybe Silver had spent too much time looking for the deseption beneath the blanket of innocence.
She laughed under her breath. Innocence. Was there really such a thing?
Her train of thought was derailed when she saw the flicker of a flame appear and disappear in a corner of shadows below. Silver brushed a finger over her Angel – Jäger der Finsternis pendant...
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posted by Robin_Love
*sighs* Here goes nothing. *crosses fingers*

Name: Tara (pronounced Terra) Lopez
Alias: Midnight
Occupation: Minor, hero
Powers: acrobatics, agility, speed, flexibility, force fields, weapons, handcuffs
History: Tara grew up in an ordinary family, always dreaming of greater things. Her dreams became reality when she was recruited for the team Von Green Lantern. She moved into the HQ, leaving her family behind. Tara was a fast learner and a talented pupil. But she knew her dreams were not going to last for ever. When Tara was 15, she was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, a condition that causes her joints,...
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I was sitting around bored today…and I came up with these! xD Bold is myself talking and regular font is Fang. Astrics are movement, etc. W/e Du want to call it.

Does not having a special sort of power make Du angry?
I have special powers! Sort of!

If some Zufällig person off the straße hugged you, would Du kill them?
They’d probably get kicked.

Do Du secretly want to be hugged?
Don’t we all?

Do Du like Devin?
Duh, obviously.

What about me?
No. You’re annoying me.

GOOD. Now, do Du prefer blondes oder brunettes?

Do Du like eating things?
I Liebe eating, I Liste it as a hobby.

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posted by Obscurity98
Name: Sy

Gender: female

Species: Tiger

Relationship to team: Harleys pet

Super strength, change color from white to orange, Sonic roar, can grow to extreme sizes. agile, all the Tiger like abilities.mental link with Harley within a 5 mile radius.

Note: Doesn't like men. likes other cat girls,and will like guys with Cat DNA , doesn't like Skylar, oder any other canine/meta human

Harley found the large cat while on a mission in India, where she found it being tortured Von men, and receiving experimental drugs to enhance its molecular structure's. Harley saved her, and Von accidently touching her while unhooking her, they gained a mental/ telepathic link.
posted by AislingYJ
“Of course we’re alone!” Chandler said, slightly irritable at Nathan’s sudden detachment. “It’s the middle of the freaking night!”
Nathan ignored the boy’s irritation, resuming his brisk manner. “They had to make sure.”
Lily crossed her arms. “They? So there’s more. It’s not just Du two, is it?”
Nix nodded, smiling slightly. “No, it’s not just us.” She turned away from the children, calling over her shoulder to someone they couldn’t see.
“It’s safe!”
The three children looked at each other, perplexed, but they didn’t have long to wonder, because at that...
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posted by Robin_Love
I swear, I JUST wrote this!!!

She awoke to an odd sound. Not the usual sound of the others waking up. Something else. Something....haunting. The others had taken a trip for the weekend and she thought she was the only one there. The Mehr it sounded, the Mehr she felt like she was in a trance. It was like the first time she'd watched Phantom of the Opera.
The way the girl had been so entranced with his voice....Chills crept along her skin. She got out of her bett and slowly went closer to the noise. It sounded almost paranormal. And it freaked her out. She came closer and peeked around the corner....
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posted by PhantomYJ
I finally got around to doing this, it completely slipped my mind to actually Upload it. Du get a songfic at the end, but for t to make sense just read the info.


Name: Cleo
Alias: Phantom
Status: Not a hero oder villain. Mehr like a freelancer
Age: 15
Hair Color: Very light brown almost blonde
Eye Color: Green
Body Type: Fit
Race: Ghost
Powers: She’s a ghost -.-. Ability to become intangible, energy blasts, flight/levitation, invisibility, ability to give anyone else ghost abilities for a few minutes.
Costume: Whatever civi clothes she is wearing plus a black hood.

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posted by XxKFforeverXx
Set in 5 years from now.. In case Du were wondering, Fang does Mitmachen the military..Not sure that will settle well with Devin...

Brendan sat on a couch, staring at a wall. He looked over his shoulder as his phone started to ring and vibrate. 
"What now?" Getting up, he picked up the car keys hesitating to answer the call. Brendan shoved the phone in his pocket and swung open the door to exit the house to find a general standing there.
"Glad your Home Adams. Your needed at this address." The General shoved a piece of paper in Brendan's hand and left. Brendan sighed and closed the door behind him...
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posted by BloodyMascara_
 The Broken schmetterling
The Broken Butterfly
Dark. Sick. Twsted. Name it whatever. I just had it on my mind.

Let’s go to sleep; Close our eyes,
And dream of broken butterflies
That tore their wings against a thorn.
We know the pain that theyve indured.

Silver metal, shine so bright.
Scarlet blood bath feels so right. .
 Silver Metal Shines So Bright. Scarlet Blood Bath Feels So Right......
Silver Metal Shines So Bright. Scarlet Blood Bath Feels So Right......

Dream of blood tickling down,
And wake up just before we drown.

The moonlight’s shining off our tears,
As we bleed out our own worst fears.
 Moolight Shines Off Our Tears.....As We Bleed Out Our Worst Fears.....
Moolight Shines Off Our Tears.....As We Bleed Out Our Worst Fears.....

So tonight we start to cry,
And sing...
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posted by SilverWings13
First off, this has absolutely nothing to do with murdering people. That's just what it's called.

The assassination challenge came from a game kids play in school (usually high-school) that is complicated to explain, so I won't try. But, I will explain this version- the "writer's version".

One person starts off as the "assassin". That person chooses a picture and 2-5 OCs. Then she chooses another person to "assassinate"- meaning they send the pic and chosen OCs for their target to write a one-shot on. When the target finishes, they post the one-shot and become the assassin Von choosing a pic,...
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posted by SilverWings13
 Saber Tooth
Saber Tooth
These three are all members of the Pack (Dunno what that is? I'm getting to it...). They are the only three (at the moment) that I'll be doing for this Artikel (I say this cuz I do know there are three not on here that are in the articles. First person to guess why, gets a shiny prop!) They for Before the After purposes only! No accounts, no using in other Artikel for Du peeps. I'll stop being bossy and make the bios now.

Hero name: Saber Tooth

Alter Ego: Marquez Alto

Gender: Female

Age (BtA time line): 12 years

Physical Description: 5', long brown hair, brown eyes

Race: Human/ Meta, cocasian

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posted by The_Writer
The Fanpop Emmys!!!

Okay, here's how this is going to work. This will be a public contest open to anyone. Du Abschicken a piece of your work (depending on which category) and the public will read and vote on it. All the Stimmen will be sent to two moderators (The_Writer and _______). They will tally the Stimmen and announce the winners of each category at a pre-determined release date.


As of right now, we need:

1 Mehr moderator (If Du agree to this, Du will be unable to enter any category. All Du do is tally Stimmen and Veröffentlichen works (anonymously) Abgeschickt Von the contestants)...
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posted by BloodyMascara_

Name: Melissa Wellings

Hero name: Coaxoch

Hair: Black.

Eyes: Hypnotic green.

Relation to the Team: ((*Snikers* R_L and KFF are going to kill me...)) Devin and Fangs child from the future. ((SHHH!!!! They dont know it yet....))

Powers: When hugged Von the opposite sex oder under to much stress, transforms into a small dragon(Willingly oder unwillingly. SO I EXPECT ONE OF Du GUYS TO TRIP ONTO HER!), (When dragon) Flight, (Human) levitation(Self and other objects/people).

Skills: Black gürtel in martial arts, Cooking, pick pocket.

Personality: Never gives up, (OVERLY)protective of friends, never backs...
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posted by -BelovedRobin
A/N: This is the only chapter I’m Schreiben in 1st P.O.V. also this is the first time Schreiben in this P.O.V. so ‘cuse me while I cry in the corner. Also in this chapter, there are Slash (male/male) themes and loads of profanity. Lies, but he does curse every now and then. Von the way, please let me know how well oder badly I did on my first attempt! Thank Du and enjoy Kol’s worst (?) night ever, Sugarcube~

It was a quarter passed 6 and like time, this situation was seriously ticking itself right into the this-is-fucking-awkward-and-I-just-want-this-to-end...
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At LexCorp.: Batgirl sat silently in the vent, no movement was heard, and found it safe, sicher to come down. She slipped out of the vent, onto her feet, and then closed the vent back up. She stood up walking backward, facing the corner turn in the wall, to make sure no one was following her. Batgirl turned around, and her face went right into a well created bosom. Batgirl stepped back with a gasp. There stood Lex Luthor’s Amazonian, literally mechanically armed assistant, Mercy.
“looks what we have here…” she started and then attacked Batgirl. Swinging her leg out to whack Batgirl in the head,...
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posted by Robin_Love
Thought Du should know this about Cat. She's a hopeless romantic, she is sensitive about cheating, she hates cheater, and here's why. ;)

The sounds of the park filled her ears. Laughing, crying, talking, singing, playing, chirping, screaming, arguing. All these things filled her senses and sent her into overdrive. The past week had been emotionally draining on her. She hadn't done a single thing right! So she'd taken the Tag off. She sat at a bench and watched as a young couple kissed. Her eyes became distant and she spotted a broken hearted girl come up to the couple. The tears and shouting...
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posted by SilverWings13
The dreamy melody filled the room. She could have continued playing forever, tapping each key to sing a specific note. But like all great things, the seemingly endless Claire de Lune was nearing its end. She played out the last measure, holding the last note. She waited for it's last breath to fade before lifting her hands from the keys. "How was that?" she asked, nervous of the response she would receive.
"Excellent, Emily." Emily Weston, formerly known as Project Immunity, turned on the piano's bench to face her teacher.
Jasper sat vorwärts-, nach vorn on the couch, his head resting in his hands; his eyes...
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posted by -BelovedRobin
 Pixiv Id 403191
Pixiv Id 403191
Name: Alucard Fair
Alter Ego: 96
Age: 26 (For Baker’s story)
Gender: Male
Eye Color: Red
Hair Color: Platinum Blonde, sometimes mistaken for silver.
Distinct Markings: The tip of his left ear is bitten off.
Height: 5’10”
Martial Status: Single
Birthplace: He forgot b/c his family moved a lot
Current Residents: He moves about.
Relationship with: No one, but he is obsess with Aria Leonhart
Foes: Whoever is his target and whoever is “keeping him and Aria apart.”

Meaning behind “96”:

Well I’m using 96 as a representation of characters from the Japanese language. Im Japanese reads as 9 (ku/kyu)...
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posted by AislingYJ
I decided to make a few minor Updates to Aisling's bio.
Name: Aisling Carter
Alias: Dimension
Age: 15
Occupation: Hero
Affiliations: Kaos (former), Young Justice Team
Appearance:Aisling has a solid build, and she’s about 5’8’’ and still growing. She has short, wavy dark brown hair that she wears in a messy ponytail, blue-green eyes, and freckles.
Civvies: Aisling wears a purple oder gray hoodie sweatshirt, baggy black sweat pants, and black vans.
Costume: Aisling wears a purple domino mask (like Robin’s but it shows her eyes), a purple sequined shirt, green pants, combat boots, and elbow-length...
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