Schreiben Club
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Zoeiz took a subtle relaxed deep breathe. And held it just for a moment.

Christ, Von highest heaven adored…

The cold blistering air nipped at her exposed cheeks and the tip of her petite nose. A perfect atmosphere for the winters most important day, Christmas.

It was only 7:55 in the morning. Children throughout the modest town would be up Von now, pouncing on their drowsy parents, eagerly anticipating on opening the wrapped gifts and stuffed bags.

She breathed out, the vaporous air revealing her breath.

Christ, the everlasting Lord…

Naturally, fresh flakes of snow began to fall from the cloudy heavens. Her emotionless stahlblau eyes, hidden Von dim ashen shades, observed the sky curiously. She paid attention to a diminutive flake as it fluttered, gliding with the faint gust, until it alighted gently on her sniper rifle, at the edge of the callous black suppressor. At the near touch, it melted away, leaving only a speck of water. Zoeiz, realizing the distraction, peered back into her 4-16x 50 scope. With hurried adjustments, she focused it diametrically at her target, just 700 meters away.

She surveyed him as he trotted through the unsullied snow, taking large steps for the snow was too thick, even on the sidewalk. The target was heading to a large apartment complex; she already predicted this of course. In fact, Zoeiz knew his whole route. She has been noting his daily routines for a week now. Alas, he was clever enough to mix it up, the paths he took and the people he met with, knowing faithfully that she was coming for him. An assassin hired; liable to any corrupt monopoly empires towering over the pecuniary justice system. She did not like to think of the whole situation like that, however. Zoeiz loved the idea of being these sinners' savior, taking their lives for the good of themselves as well as the acquitted souls around them. It was only fair.

Late in time behold Him come…

How unfortunate, nonetheless, for the man, with his low-priced Santa hat and thick overcoat. He was thoughtlessly treading into an alleyway. Though it was not dark, it was perfectly secluded from the rest of the public. No one was even outside on the streets, perhaps blissful and resting favorably in their quaint homes. Very few cars steered by, few people were heartening in window-shops. The frosty morning was a lot less peaceful than it appeared to be, though.

She knew this moment was to come, and could not doubt the choices made to this point of time. Glaring at the target's bobbing red and white hat, Zoeiz tightened her muscles and steadied her sniper. First her feet, which lay effortlessly deep in the bitter snow. Her legs stabilized from the minor shivering, as well as her breathing. The extensive barrel of the sniper was securely revitalized between two poles from the porches railing; though icicles threatened to drop off at any gegeben moment. Conclusively, her chest was only vaguely lifted from the porches ground, flawlessly keeping posture as the victim was fully sighted at her shooting range. Zoeiz shut her eyes, only for an instant, at the hum of absolute winter stillness. No breeze passed, no bird sung.

Offspring of a virgin's womb…

Deliberately opening her eyes into the scope once more, she took a fine-drawn profound breathe and paused. The target was halfway out of the alley.

An annoyed conception surpassed her mentality, interrupting the song,Just because it is Christmas, he assumes I would not eradicate him today? How unwise.

The clock tower, just west from where her post was, only ticked Sekunden away to 8:00, with which the church bells would chime. For on this day, they rang at every stricken hour. The song in her mind continued…

Veiled in flesh the Godhead see…

The undisturbed heavens sighed, a composed respire. Snow resumed to melodiously descend.

Hail th' Incarnate Deity…

Zoeiz had her index finger caressing the trigger all this time, and it flinched, a spasm of zealous demise. The trigger was unmercifully pulled.

With a trifling, discreetly muffled clink from the OSV-96 large caliber sniper, the victim collapsed instantaneously, the hat hurled off Von some unseen force. She smiled, decisively resting her stiffened position, continuing the song,
Pleased as man with man to dwell…

Her job was done. The clock tower struck 8:00, having a clang of bells from the church, far up north.

"Every time a glocke rings, an Angel – Jäger der Finsternis gets its wings." Zoeiz whispered, her inherent Russian accent offsetting "vings" from "wings".

She rose, after lying there noiselessly in the snow for an Stunde oder so. Her hooded bleached winter mantel and mukluk boots gave her the façade of any girl in town. With this is mind, she unconcernedly disassembled the sniper, out of years of constant practice, and delicately placed it in the proper case. For reassurance, she arranged the casing evenly with some clothes wrapped within an outsized duffel bag. She finished the last song verse aloud as she headed out of the abandoned apartment, "Jesus, our Emmanuel."

Cautiously going down some spiral steps coated in sleet and ice, she was stopped Von a rather aged looking fellow, "Nuori neiti?"

Young lady?
Is what Zoeiz interpreted in her thoughts.

He was speaking the native tongue, Finnish. Zoeiz was prepared for an encounter with common people here in Finland, and replied in Finnish just the same, straining to hide her accent, "Can I help you?"

The man coughed for a minute, "You just came down from the third apartment room, yes? I'm sorry but did Du rent that room? It's not on my records."

She frowned, foolish old man for becoming suspicious.

With one swift, yet somehow graceful, Bewegen of her left arm, she drew out her semi-automatic pistol from a mantel pocket and shot the pitiable man bluntly between the eyes. The silencer seemed softer than his fall. She watched in irritated displeasure as the snow began to stain with his blood. A repulsive color, a pale crimson, oder even pink. With a sigh, she headed out again, cursing to herself, an innocent life taken Von my own hands… again. God, forgive me, for I have sinned.

Two bodies lay dead on the snow terrain of the meek Finnish town, Kannus, on Weihnachten day.

For an assassin, there is no such thing as a godsend act during seasonal holidays.

Zoeiz finished her call with the client, telling the woman in full detail what had happened and what was expected to come. The call was brief and straightforward, giving her plenty of time to rest at a local pub.

Her travel here was not the finest. She had to slaughter two naive teenage girls in order to obtain tickets for the nations train station, the return ticket still deep within one of her duffel bag pockets. And once more, another man became wary of her, which she penalized Von shunting his face in a toilet inside the men's bathroom at the station, the closest stall on the right. His drowning was muted, and coincidentally she was wearing gloves at the time. Looking back at it now only made Zoeiz curse herself for a Sekunde time, pleading for amnesty.

The bar, down the straße from a Helsinki cathedral in the large Finnish city, was undersized yet markedly rowdy today. It was only around six PM, the sky already darkened, but Zoeiz sought to wait before advancing to the cathedral. She requested white champagne, just a trivial amount. Three lads sitting left from her hooted noisily in laughter, whistling along to the open caroling just outside. Conversely, this group of boys was too drunk to comprehend their obnoxious performance. And as much as Zoeiz tried to relay that in her mind as she sipped her champagne, the laughing and Singen lingered, her irascibility reaching its limits.

She was finished with her drink and seized her mantel to leave, but one of the boys leaned against her, his breathe whelmed in alcohol, "Girlie, leaving so soon?"

Erratically, he spoke in Swedish. Zoeiz ignored him and got up from the stool. He persisted, "We could Zeigen Du a good time..."

The other boys turned to him and gazed at Zoeiz as if she was some sort of divinity, blessing them with her mere presence. She shook her head, her blonde tresses lashing the air, and presumably left the pub. The boys followed.

They caught up to her in a few minutes, remarkably with their swaying stoned pace. One still held a bottle of wodka in his hand. She glanced at them and… smiled. She spoke, not bothering to hide neither her accent, nor her expression, "Boys, Du sagte Du could Zeigen me a fun time? Well, I got something better. Want to see?"

The boys, amazed at her intonation and attractive chaste smile, all nodded in eager temptation. She nonchalantly directed to an alley, "Great! This way!"

Zoeiz smile broadened, for she could feel her steel combat messer strapped on her inner thigh, only concealed Von a fabric from her white cargo pants. They stopped middle way, and she coolly took off her thick winter coat, murmuring in Russian, "Бог дал, Бог и взял."

The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away…

…The boys' shrieks could be heard from a mile away. Zoeiz was not concerned, but instead, exultant at the delightful amusement of splitting their Bones and slitting any flesh of any man that strived to escape the alley. Despairing for them, no redeemer would be able to perceive these yelps for salvage from the intense agony; cathedral bells rang at the mark of 7:00 PM. That and further to the high-spirited carol singers amid jubilant hails at the pub.

Zoeiz, disappointed in herself once again, emerged from the alleyway, putting on her mantel to secrete the blood stains.

Another sin has been perpetrated from the Sinners' Saint, how paradoxical.

With a yawn, she headed up the boulevard to the cathedral, the lights emitting stunning radiance.

She lingered outside the open cathedral doors. Harmonious choir voices resounded gaily to the song "Silent Night".

Out of tedium restraint and for a diversion from the icy rancorous wind, Zoeiz crooned melodiously with them, "Holy infant so tender and mild…"

The streets were idle. Zoeiz wholly omitted the fact that no one has encountered the corpses yet. Within the cathedral, the gospel choir resumed to resonate, and so did Zoeiz, "…sleep in heavenly peace!"

In reverberation, they continued the final verses. Irrevocably, the composition was over, and that ceased the chorus. Service was concluded, and after the appeals on Weihnachten prayers, people filed out the cathedral. Unmoving, she waited good-naturedly, only nodding her head in respect to every Catholic that ambled out the doors. Everyone was soon gone. Zoeiz, freezing and rather exhausted, walked inside the imposing cathedral, eyeing the Jesus Christ statue, a couple hundred yards away.

This cathedral was colossal, needless to say, and the city's people were gratified to behold it. Zoeiz strode on, overlooking an elder here and there, and specially the bishop chatting with a small family in the back. Her courtesy was only on the center display. She passed rows and rows of seats, filled with donation slots and secondhand unkempt bibles. The illumination was divine, countless timeless wax candles aligned along the front strip of stairs, arising in numbers as the steps ascended, as she noted.

There was nothing now, her ambiences holy and unheeded, only gazing up at her savior, Jesus. Endowed Von resilient faith, she promptly got down on both knees and positioned her hands up in prayer. She fondly whispered, eyes shut, "Jesus, the Light of the World, as I celebrate your birth…"

The ivory and red themed cathedral was serene, nearly static. Only things that seemed to shift were the flicks of the candlelight's fire. She sustained the prayer mentally, may I begin to see the world in the light of the understanding Du give me. As Du chose the lowly, the outcasts, and the poor to receive the greatest news the world had ever known, so may I worship Du in meekness of heart. May I also remember my brothers and sisters less fortunate than myself in this season of giving.

Zoeiz was about to say "Amen" but continued to another appeal, to the heavenly Father, instead, thank you, Lord, for the gift of Your love. May I be a shining example of that Liebe to others. The mercy I bestow has lessened as the years past. Your ideal clemency and humanity has enlightened me, although I may have Lost my way. Please, God, Zeigen me the light once more, lead me to Victorious benevolence that used to be. I confess that some deaths went inessential. Your forgiveness and Liebe proves to strengthen my faith and decency to serve Du for this life and eternally.

She paused in her thoughts, a certain Weihnachten wish imploring to be requested to God. Zoeiz abruptly opened her eyes, "But I must ask one blessing from you, Father and Son..."

A wicked glint of immoral cast in her eyes, "I must ask that Du guide me to attain cessation to a pitiful complacent soul…" she breathed.

She glimpsed up at the statue, His ever emanating grace sanctifying her vision. With an evasive smirk, Zoeiz Akuzel hissed, "Aide me to slay the infamous Asuka Zosime."
. . .
Dear info keeper of my life.
Yes that sounds way kühler and not so mainstream. I was late to class again today, God I hate it when that happens. When Du enter people just keep staring at you. It almost like I am some sort of alien from planet Zog!

The worst of them all is this guy called Ryan Singer. He is considered Mehr beliebt than me yet at the same time still a nerd. He sits behind me in class and stares at me the whole day. I mean it.
It is weird I mean. DOES HE EVER BLINK!

Well most people do tend to stare at me when me and my Friends enter class, but that's just because I am a punk and...
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posted by juliet98
In the Jahr 4125 the Earth was still turning on itself. Apparently everything was the same as it was two thausand years ago. But it wasn't so. The democracy we got fighting was distroied Von a man. After 15 years of wars, in 4025 Cyrus defeated free people and he established the tyranny. The whole world was controlled and the freedom dind't exist anymore. Everyone Lost trust in everything, in love, in courage, in God. Most of people didn't know that there was a prophecy. It sagte that the humanity had to pass through a century of pain and fear to realize how important freedom was. But then in...
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posted by nekomatafox
 this is scarlet included becouse originally for Manga so brief Beschreibung
this is scarlet included becouse originally for manga so brief description
flameheart sits in the gras, grass lettting the breeze pass over him waiting
"hmm i hope i dont wait long" he says to into the air
looks around startled as a rustle comes from the bushes behind him
"scarlet is that you" he ask nervously
there's a flash of red and yellow knocking flamheart to the grounf with a large klatschen, smack like stone on metal. he shrieks with a hint of a smile on his face as a pair of half paws half hands hold him down.
a bright female tone female voice with a playfull tone talks to flameheart" i got Du flameheart admit it!!"
holding him down is a human like fuchs creature with red fur...
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posted by terra_rocker
Chapter one –
Unlike the last few months the last three days had broken out of the tedious routine my days had grown tired and used to. My Tag took the same route as every other one that was until I had to Zeigen the new girl… Briara, where her locker was. Briara was cheerful and happy, dressed in an array of exotic bright colours that not only made me want to vomit but shield my eyes, her outfit an extreme contrast to my alternate altered clothing. My plain black vest top, freshly ripped into a V-neck with added buttons and a tie, matched only with skinny jeans in a dark grey. My dress style...
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This was take from a post on Tumblr that I found interesting and wanted to share! (And I did some of my own Googling and added to the list.) It just goes to Zeigen that someone telling Du that your Schreiben isn't good doesn't mean anything. People just think differently from each other. ;P

Sylvia Plath: There certainly isn’t enough genuine talent for us to take notice.

Rudyard Kipling: I’m sorry Mr. Kipling, but Du just don’t know how to use the English language.

Emily Dickinson: [Your poems] are quite as remarkable for defects as for beauties and are generally devoid of true poetical qualities....
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"Shaun, wake up. Du need to go now." The words I heard a faint voice say. It sounded familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it. Who was it? I just couldn't figure it out no matter how hard I tried. Weiter was a sound. Blood spraying from a body. The drops hit the ground one Von one. The sound echoing through my head like bells going off simultaneously. My eyes open in an instance. The only color I see is red. I rub my eye and feel the blood i had heard. It was mine.

I fall back to the ground as my eyes start to close slowly. I can hear that voice again. "Get up! Please get up! I need you,...
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Some people say that vigilantes’ are a menace. Apparently helping people in need when the police won’t is a problem for some people. In reality, if this so-called ‘menace’ knows what he’s doing and isn’t causing any problems, then why is it so wrong? I’ve certainly saved Mehr lives than I can count. I guess trying to be a hero is frowned upon these days. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying everyone should go out and take the law into their own hands. It takes years of training and skill to take such risks.

    That’s where my years of military service come...
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Michael ran from the black, shadowy figure that was standing in the street. It began chasing after him, and he began to freak out. I can't freak out oder it'll catch me, and I can't let that happen! he thought. Even so, he felt himself tiring as he cleared his neighbor's hedges and bolted for the alleyway between the Soda Shop and the 10 Cents Store.
The antique store across the straße from him had it's doors open with it's lights off. Michael sprinted into the store and careened to a stop. He turned around, slammed the door shut, and ran haphazardly up the stairs to look for a hiding spot....
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posted by Herro_There
He creeps through the alley ways
Forever, perhaps
All in search
Of a few meaningless scraps

Paws scared, pelz stained
Mourning over
What his herz once contained

halsband, kragen torn, soul lost
Forever wandering
On the ground of frost

Memories will never fade
For his closest companion
And master for life, betrayed

Kicked on the streets
Forced to live
With the night's beasts
Wanders and wonders
Hiding in the shadows
From the night's thunders

Forgive and forget
They always say
But that thought doesn't enter the mind of this stray
Hoping one Tag a new master would come
But alas, that is seldom

As days go by, and nights linger
He hopes and prays
For his soul and body
To part ways

For the pain is torture
And the future is bleak
Shunned from the world
Known as a freak

When, oh when, will the world learn?
How would they feel if the tides were turned?
sit back now young ones while I tell Du the story of the first Saviours.
The Saviours are a long and old race reaching back as far as the dawn of time they behold powers beyond our imagination. They can give life ,they can make Du happy,sad oder whatever they wish but most of all they hold the powers of truth, light and life. For years they have been fighting of the men of evil, called demons, and they have been winning but only just. The demons though they are biding their time waiting for their chance to shine and rule, the demons are stronger than any Saviour the powers they contain in their...
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Hà Nội,năm 2050
Đừng...đừng nói gì.Tôi ko nghe được gì hoặc là tôi nghe mà ko hiểu gì và hơn nữa là tôi ko biết mình sẽ phải nói gì đâu.
Suỵt,đừng hỏi!Nếu ko,tôi sẽ quên luôn cả rằng tôi đang định làm gì và phải làm những gì.
Tôi đang bối rối,chân tay trở nên thừa thãi vụng về.
Dây này...nối vào đây.Rồi,công tắc đó...
Màn hình cảm ứng sáng xanh hiện lên các thông số kĩ thuật.Tôi lần lượt chọn Font type,Color...Xong xuôi,tôi hồi hộp nhấn"Finish"và lao ra cửa,ngẩng...
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posted by FURRY
Life is a wonderful thing some people say... however I beg to differ, my name is Joel, my whole life I was treated like a monster. It all started when I was little around 7 oder so, I was sitting around the town square in the little village og Yotun, a place I called Home when it all happened, the sky started getting cloudy slowly getting cold I could see my breath easily, but something wasn't right everything was getting unblieveable dark it was like I was going blind.

Soon I couldn't see anything, then I felt an odd sensation on the back of my hand, I clinched my wrist in pain, it was unreal...
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Very few people in the modern world obtain their Essen supply Von hunting and gathering in the natural environment surrounding their homes.This method of harvesting from nature's provision is the oldest known subsistence strategy and has been pratised for at least 2 million years.It was,indeed,the only way to obtain Essen until rudimentary farming and the domestication of wild Tiere were introduced about 10 000 years ago.

Because hunter-gatherers have fared poorly in comparison with their agricultural cousins,their numbers have dwindled,and they have been forced to live in marginal environments,such...
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posted by PFEIFFER11
Run. It was the only thing going threw Leven,Evie, Matthew and Cameron's mind right now as the Hunde and people chased them into the forest.They went as fast as they could as the Hunde got closer and closer.

They weren't suppose to be running from the Hunde right now. Then again they weren't suppose to be convicted of a crime they didn't do but it had happened.

"Hurry they're gettin' away!" A loud and gruff voice sagte behind them. The barking got louder. A sharp pain was in Leven's side as she ran. She had taken track at school so she was use to it but it was terrible. She could barely breath as she ran.

Matthew turned his head to look back at the others for a teilt, split Sekunde and had came in contact with something hard. The thing fell back and Matthew staggered. They all stopped then as the body picked herself up. They looked I to the eyes of a criminal. The most wanted person alive in america. Brig.
posted by Rae-Ash
I can see it now
Just how it will be
And don’t even ask how
oder what will be the key

I think of all that is lost
And can’t even bare the cost
To know they suffer
But no one will offer
A way out
oder a new place
oder even a new rout
But to stick your sorrows in a case

I leave her tonight
And don’t give thought to all in sight
Not wanting that pain
As in the ground she is lain

Before I let a single tear go
I turn away
As I sob an ‘Oh’
And say I’m okay
I can’t believe she’s gone
Leaving behind her sweat John
Without saying a single good-bye

In heartache we sigh
Not wanting to cry there
But her spirit surrounds us

We see her everywhere
Form every Home to every bus
But we can’t bär to say good-bye
As to us everyone will lie

We fall to the ground in pain
As dirt goes in, where she was lain
And our souls say their last good-bye
posted by ZekiYuro
Immediately,Yurin decided to make a list,called:"How to punish stupid Kai for forgeting Yurin Hasana's birthday"
1.Divorce,oh no no.Yurin won't let him "fall in love" with his work conveniently.
2.Beat him when he goes home,and let him suffer all the anger of his wife.
3.Throw him away from the bett room,let him sleep with the sofa for a long long time.
4.Try not to eat the Essen he cooks.
5.Eat outside with Akira in mornings and afternoons and evenings(Kai never wants me to eat outside,haha)
And Yurin wrote Mehr and Mehr happily....until a parcel was sent to her.
-Ah,Akira and Karen's gifts,Yahooooooooo!!!!...
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posted by Rae-Ash
I’m so, so afraid
To Zeigen the real me
Will Du laugh at me?
--Call me names?
--Or just abandon me?
I don’t want to lose you
So, please say something…

Be yourself
Don’t be a fraud
And one Tag you’ll see
You’re beautiful
--And Amazing
It’s just a matter of time

You’re always so perfect
It must be a front
To hide the real you
Are Du ashamed
--Or could Du be embarrassed?
So, which is it?

Be myself
Don’t be someone else
And I’ll prove to you
I’m beautiful
--And Amazing
Just watch and see

We’re two total opposites
Against the world
Will they snuff our light out?
--Or knock us...
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posted by hgfan5602
I gave it all my strength,
All my power,
All my determination,
All my courage,
I gave it everything I got.

It meant everything to me,
Even though it might not mean anything
To you.
That's why I gave it my all.

It just seems to me
That life is all about going the hard path,
And not the easy path.
But it is obvious that the hard path
Is always the one requiring stamina, endurance,
And all of your power.

The easy path is simple,
Requiring little time,
But in the end,
Your rewards are very little,
Like the time Du gave it.

The hard path seems Mehr rewarding to me,
With the rewards excellent,
Even though Du have to give it
A lot of effort, and all your strength.

Being a writer requires
Going the hard path.
But I found out it is a very rewarding experience
Just a Tag ago.
Cause I gave it my all.
posted by alicia386
Chadwick Prep

September 1: Kenya Welts
   "Good Morning Chadwick Cheetahs!" I chimed. "This is your host, Kenya Welts celebrating with Du on this fab Friday. One Mehr week until Fall Formal which starts at 5:30 so don't be late." I paused as the theme song came on. It lasted a good 30 Sekunden so I had time to review my lines.
   It was a pleasant feeling to have everyone watching me every morning giving them their needed news update. It made me Mehr beliebt which is hard to believe since I'm already so popular.
   "Today's news starts with Kelly telling Du the weather for this week,...
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posted by hgfan5602
I will remember Du always.
Will Du remember me?
That is a Frage for Du to answer,
And not me.

I promise
That I will always
Keep the flame of memory alive.
The fun that we had will never
Be forgotten.

Even on foggy evenings,
The darkest of nights,
Du will always be in my heart.
For I know that Du will help me
Keep the flame of memory blazing

All the good times that we had,
All the fun that we had,
All the tears that we let out,
All the anger we let out
Will never be wasted.
Because every Minute of it
Is in my heart.

I will tend to the fire
Every night,
Recollecting all the memories we have
Knowing that the flame of memory
Is the brightest flame of all
And it will blaze on.