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posted by AdaLove
Alice's early history is very vague, as she remembers nothing of her human life and woke up alone as a vampire. It is eventually revealed that she was born around 1901 in Biloxi, Mississippi and was kept in an asylum because she had premonitions, which intensified into her "special ability" when she was changed into a vampire. While at the asylum she was kept always in a dark cell, which is another reason why she remembered so little. Alice was changed Von a vampire who worked at the asylum, in order to protect her from James, a tracker vampire who was hunting her. She and Bella are the only two people to ever escape James. She later had a vision of her and Jasper with the Cullen family. In pursuit of this vision, she found Jasper and the two moved themselves into the Cullens' house. After doing some research, Alice found her grave and discovered that the datum on her tombstone matched the datum of her admission to the asylum (she had stolen her file from their records), perhaps implying that she was "dead" to her family when they confined her there. Through her research she additionally discovered that she had a little sister named Cynthia Brandon, and that Cynthia's daughter, Alice's niece, is still alive in Biloxi.

****** Twilight********

At the beginning of Twilight, when Edward Cullen first states his attraction towards Bella Swan, Alice is interested. She had a vision about she and Bella becoming Friends and knew there was a distinct possibility that it would one Tag happen. Therefore, she is very supportive of the relationship between Edward and Bella. When Bella comes to visit the Cullens' house, Alice is polite and friendly, Schauspielen as if Bella is already a member of her family. With her mental powers, Alice also knows that Bella could very well become a vampire and the spouse of her adopted brother.

Later that year, the Cullens decide to play baseball, with Alice as the pitcher. Edward invites Bella along to watch and the entire family has a good time until three nomadic vampires, James, Laurent, and Victoria, arrive and threaten to kill Bella. Alice did not see that they were coming until shortly before the event because the decision was made extremely quickly.

Bella thinks up a plan for her to go to hide in Phoenix, Arizona, accompanied Von Alice and Jasper. They stay in a hotel and Alice receives a vision of a ballet studio, not understanding what it means. When Alice, Jasper, and Bella go to the airport to meet the rest of their family, Bella slips away, causing Alice great worry.

The Cullens realize immediately that Bella has gone to the place in Alice's vision, and they rush to the studio. They arrive in time to help fight off James and kill him. When it becomes apparent that Bella was bleeding very badly, Alice leaves the sight of where Bella was bleeding so she would be tempted to kill her. Alice presumably returns to Forks after she knows Bella is alright.

A few weeks later, Alice attends the high school prom with the rest of her family, helping Bella get ready. At the prom, Alice is one of the people in the center of attention as she captivates everyone with her looks, dress, and dancing.

********* New Moon*********

When the Cullens leave in New Moon, Alice doesn't say goodbye to Bella in order to make a clean break. She later comes back because she thinks that Bella has committed suicide, but in reality, Bella was just cliff diving. She tells Bella what the Cullens have been up to and finds out how hard it was for Bella when they all left her. When Jacob Black tells Edward (thinking that he was Carlisle talking to him on the phone) that Charlie is "at the funeral", Edward thinks he meant Bella's funeral, though he was actually referring to Harry Clearwater's. Alice sees this and she helps Bella get to Volterra, Italy to stop Edward from exposing himself to the world and being killed Von the Volturi. She later Stimmen in favor of Bella becoming a vampire.


Alice mainly plays a supporting role in Eclipse. She is bribed Von Edward with a canary yellow Porsche 911 Turbo (like the one she stahl, stola in New Moon) to "kidnap" Bella so she won't go to La Push to visit Jacob. She doesn't seem to think that a treaty with the La Push Werwölfe is bad. It is revealed she can use her power to predict the movements of her opponent in battle. She fights the newborn army created Von Victoria with the majority of the Cullens and the werewolves. Du can see her relationships with Bella and Edward grow throughout this book.

********** Breaking Dawn*********

At the beginning of Breaking Dawn, Alice helps Bella get ready for her wedding, Von decorating, helping Bella with her dress and make-up, and giving Bella her garter. After the wedding she doesn't play a big role until Book Three, when she has a vision that the Volturi are coming. She leaves the Cullens to find another half-human, half-vampire hybrid like Bella and Edward's daughter, Renesmee. She leaves without saying goodbye but leaves Bella clues about what to do in case she doesn't come back in time. She gives Bella an address and the name J. Jenks. This man goes on to help Bella make fake birth certificates for Renesmee and Jacob to escape. While looking for the hybrid, she sends any Vampire she can find to the Cullen house. Right before a fight emerges between the Cullens and their allies against the Volturi, Alice arrives with a hybrid named Nahuel, his aunt, Huilen, and Kachiri, an Amazonian vampire. After the Volturi leave, the Cullens welcome Alice back and Frage her about why she left them, but Alice just smiles and explains she had to find Nahuel oder they all would have been killed.
Bearbeiten Personality and traits

********** Physical description**********

Alice is a very friendly person and she shares many of the physical traits associated with Twilight vampires, such as inhuman beauty, pale skin, golden eyes (which darken as thirst increases) and deep purple shadows under her eyes. She is described as being petite, the shortest of the Cullens at 4'10", "thin in the extreme", with small, "pixie-like" features. She is also described to have large eyes and long, delicate eyebrows. Her hair is described as cropped short, spiky, and deep black. She moves gracefully, continually cited as dancing, with a carriage that would "break any ballerina's heart", as described Von Bella in Twilight.
Alice Cullen as portrayed Von Ashley Greene

******* Personality******

Alice is portrayed as being bubbly,tiny, and optimistic; loves and cares for Bella like a sister. She often ignores other people's Guter Rat and does things her own way, which usually results in the outcome being better than predicted. She loves to sing with Musik 3 octaves higher than the song really is with her silvery bell-like voice. She has vicarious fun dressing up Bella "like a three-dimensional paper doll" and throwing parties, and loves shopping at expensive shops in large malls. She knows that if she doesn't do the things that Bella should do but doesn't do due to the fact that Bella was never one for parties oder over the oben, nach oben things, Alice forces them upon Bella. Alice, is also described as being a very fashionable person, going on massive shopping sprees with the money she helps her family make Von predicting the stock markets. Alice very much enjoys buying Bella clothing. In Breaking Dawn, Esme furnishes a cottage for Edward and Bella, and Alice stocks the closet with an overflowing amount of clothing. Alice is often disappointed when Bella doesn't dress as she wishes. When Bella turns up wearing jeans and a t-shirt Alice says "Look at you, Du need me to Zeigen Du how to use your closet!" She loves fashion like her sister Rosalie. To Edward, Alice can also be very annoying, as he says in Eclipse when she is telling Bella about the grad party.

She is very protective over Jasper and makes sure he keeps in line.

As well as Wird angezeigt Jasper's warmer side when she is with him.

**********Powers and Abilities*********

Like all vampires, Alice has enhanced strength and speed. Though petite, she is a capable fighter because of her agility, speed and ability to see the future. The premonitions that Alice experienced as a human are intensified in her vampire life, and she uses this ability to her advantage in order to keep her family safe. However, Alice's sight is limited: she can only see the outcome of a decision once it is made - meaning it can change all too quickly. Also, the future is subjective and Alice cannot see it once Werwölfe become involved. This is a mystery that Carlisle has theorized is due to the unpredictability of the werewolves, who, in the teilt, split Sekunde while they phase, don't technically "exist" once they let their instincts take over. She also cannot "see" Renesmee, Bella's, half-vampire half-human, daughter in Breaking Dawn. Carlisle also believes that there may be a link between the fact that Werwölfe and Renesmee have 24 chromosomes. (see Breaking Dawn.) Alice has theorized that she cannot see Renesmee and the "werewolves" because she has no experience as being one of them; she sees Vampire best because she is one, and can see humans "okay" because she was one. It's also felt that she can't see Renesmee so well because she has been imprinted Von Jacob Black. Alice, while talking about her talent, describes herself as being "far from infallible" overall. Alice also has the ability to draw a scene that she sees in her visions without looking, and also rather quickly, as seen in the Twilight movie. Alice's gift makes her greatly prized Von the leader of the Volturi, Aro, who wishes to take her and incorporate her into his guard, thinking she'll be very useful.

*********** Relationships**************

Alice is the adoptive sister of Rosalie, Edward, and Emmett. She is like a sister and best friend to Bella, and becomes her sister-in-law in Breaking Dawn. She is the adopted daughter of Carlisle and Esme, and aunt of Renesemee, Edward and Bella's daughter. She is also the wife of Jasper.

*********Jasper Hale*************

Alice foresaw Jasper Hale finding her in a vision before he even knew he was looking for her. They met face-to-face in a speiselokal, diner located in Philadelphia, where she told him that she had been waiting a long time for his arrival. A little bewildered but intrigued with her knowing him, Jasper "bowed his head like a good southern gentleman" and answered, "I'm sorry, ma'am." She offered him her hand, a non-verbal Frage of whether oder not he would like to go with her. He did indeed take her hand, as the sight of it brought him hope "for the first time in almost a century". During their companionship and travels, Alice and Jasper fell in love. Von 1950, they found Carlisle with Mehr assistance from her visions and have been part of his coven (olympic) ever since.

Alice and Jasper have been together since the 1950s, but are not as flamboyant about their relationship as Rosalie and Emmett are. They are stated to be soul mates and have been married legally once.

Their distinctly understanding Liebe is what separates them from other couples, and they are both very protective of each other. Jasper is a new 'vegetarian' and Alice helps him through it.

************* Etymology*****************

Alice means "noble and kind". This might resemble her kindness toward Bella.

*****Film portrayal******

On February 12, 2008 it was announced that Ashley Greene would be playing the role of Alice Cullen in the Twilight film. She wore a wig when playing the role, as her hair is longer than the character's is sagte to be. Greene will reprise her role as Alice in the upcoming movie New Moon.
It was after I heard her scream that I started running. There wasn't a part of my body that didn't sting and burn. I saw her laying on the ground, Seth kneeling over her.
"What happened?!" I yelled. I scooped her up in my arms as she screamed in pain. The blood was dripping off her heel and onto my shoe.
"Paul got mad, really mad. We told her to back away but he phased sooner than we thought he would. He caught her leg." Seth took off his hemd, shirt and started to dab at her wounds.
"I got to get her to the Cullen's." I told him.
"Let me have her untill Du phase." He reached out her arms where...
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posted by kiwi12
part 13

I made it to LA eventually. My cash supply was severely reduced due to transportation so I had to do a lot of odd jobs. In a few years I would have to either win the lottery, find a buried treasure oder Bewegen somewhere other than America where a "fourteen Jahr old" could get a full time job. I loved LA. I missed Friends from years Vor though. I wouldn't be able to handle LA for four oder five years. It was better in small doses. I felt emptier than I had in a long time.

The emails had slowed but not ceased. I usually took several days to respond but I checked almost every day. Two months...
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posted by Hellohoudini
Best KISS of the decade

gepostet Von Twilight_News - 28/01/10 at 09:01 am

At the opening of their new London department store, Selfridges held a survey to find out the oben, nach oben kisses of the past decade. Coming in at number one on their Liste was the KISS between Edward and Bella in “Twilight.” Considering the current Fan frenzy and media hype surrounding the “are they/aren’t they” relationship of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart, this shouldn’t be a big surprise. Other kisses on the Liste include the upside down Spider-man KISS and the KISS from Brokeback Mountain. Entertainment Wise has the details including a slide Zeigen of Fotos of Kristen and Rob
posted by AnonymousXXX
I hope everyone likes this one. Tell me what Du think and if Du have any suggestions tell me.

That night I had the strangest dream. There was a wolf howling in the back yard near the forest. I followed the sound despite the fact I was terrified. I looked at the large, massive wolf up and down. I felt calm and at peace with it so close. It was almost all white. On Its face it had black around its eyes and the tip of its ears. His eyes were what struck me the most. They were deep milch Schokolade brown eyes. It was like they were burning a hole through my eyes and seeing into my soul. If that...
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Edwards POV

Bella had been out cold for atleast fifteen minutes. I was starting to get worried. I just wish there was something I could do. I was just about to give up on looking through paper after paper after paper but then I saw something on it that could help effectivly to Bella. It sagte that it is also good to talk to them and ask them to squeze your hand.
That sounded good enough for me to do. I loved the feel of her skin on my hand, it felt warm like temperature of a mug after youve poured hot Schokolade into it and then it has cooled down. I walked over to Bella and sat on the edge of...
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posted by lollipopszx3

When I got over my crisis I followed Alice to Emmett's room. It was in a whole different dorm and that's why Emmett and Rose weren't together. That didn't mean they didn't sneak though. But if there were dorms together I'd bet Rose'll be pregnant Von now.

"Bella?" asked Emmett when we went in. Spare key on oben, nach oben of the door. "EMMETT!" I squealed. We hugged. I never knew Emmett got this... big. He had a huge ring of muscle going around his arms. His face got Mehr older than the last time I saw him. I think his dimples got more... dimplier.

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posted by lexie2635
Twilight Oath:
I promise to remember Bella
Each time I carelessly fall down
And I promise to remember Edward
Whenever I’m out of town
I promise to obey traffic laws
For Charlies sake of course
And I promise to remember Jacob
When my herz fills with remorse
I promise to remember Carlisle
When ever I am in the Emergency Room
And I promise to remember Emmett
Every time there’s a huge boom
I promise to to remember Rosalie
Whenever I see something that holds pure beauty
And I promise to remember Alice
When I’m at a mall and a cute outfit spots me
I promise to remember Renesmee
When I see that beautiful bronze...
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posted by joe-edwardfan
black moon Fans im so sorry im not Schreiben very often hope your not mad!
i cant write every Tag cause of my Home works :(
but dont give up on me i promise to write soon!!
and thanks 4 your support!
and i want to know if u want me to continue oder start new ones i have plenty of new ideas!!
so pleas comment!


im really sorry!
and thanks 4 your supports again!
posted by twilight_james
I lay, dying, getting closer to death every tick of the clock. I was in pain. And then the shifts changed. I saw Carlisle come in. he talked to my mother, then wheeled her away. When he came back, he had an expression of determination on his face. He took me away to. I knew where we were going-the morgue. Yet I was not dead. I tried to speak, but I could not. SOmething told me that something terrible was about to happen. Yet I had no idea what was in-store for me.

We arrived. Carlisle's determination was replaced Von pain. I could only wonder why. Anad then he opened his mouth, and I felt a strange...
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posted by gossipgirlstar2
Mag: Could Du tell us about the new Twilight movie, New Moon?

AG:It was fun for me because it was a little Mehr in-depth for Alice’s character. It’s Mehr about the angst part of it than the Liebe story as far as Edward and Bella. Edward leaves Bella, so she kind of falls into a depression and gets close to Jacob, and discovers a couple Mehr crazy things about the town. We had a blast filming. We got to go to Italy, which was amazing. It was a couple of us who got to go to Italy, and I was included. It was coming back to the people we got really close to in the movie before so it was like...
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posted by twilight-7
Regarding Kayla.....

Guys, I regret to inform Du that my internet had committed technical suicide. I have stolen someone's laptop to write this and I hate to tell Du that until someone revives my internet no further Kayla chapters can be posted.
This is an unforseen event and I will kick as many asses as I can to get the internet working agan.
I will continue to write the chapters and try to steal as many laptops and PCs as possible to post them.

I hate that I leave my story with Du at such a critical point. Unfortunately this post is just a spur of the moment thing and I don't have my memory stick with me oder I'd shove a chapter on at the end of this message.

Very sorry my peeps. Du can verbally abuse me, my internet oder BT broadband oder all three!

posted by surfergal
That morning I woke up and Nathen had left me a note saying:

Dear Addi,
Jacob is making us do some patrols. I'll meet Du at school.
I thought it was so sweet. I looked over at my clock and it sagte that it was 7 oclcok. I was running late again. I found some clothes and then pulled my hair into a ponytail, knowing that it would have to come done when I put on my helmet. I put on some mascarra and then headed downstairs to get something to drink. Edward had me a glass of sweet tee on the counter when I walked into the kitchen. Once I told everyone bye I walked into the garage...
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Here's the Weiter chapter of Amore! ^_^

I was glad that no one followed me when I was on my way out. I need to find out that girl is. But then I heard footsteps behind me and a finger tapped my sholder. I jumped.
"Angela?" I asked, a little startled.
"I'm going to help Du with this, even though I don't know what Du saw." she said.
I opened my mouth to argue, but she cut me off.
"I'm not asking for Du to tell me what Du saw, Bella. I'm just going to help Du as a friend." she said, while smiling at me.
I sighed.
"Fine, Angela. Du can help me, but I don't know exactly what I'm going to do now....
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Alice's POV
I didn't know if Jasper and I were maknig the right decion my waiting to make her a vampire oder not.  I sat in the middle Jasper and Seth. Seth had his head down on the bett holding her hand. Jasper was sitting beside me holding my hand. It was torture to just sit here and wait for the time to change her. Carisle came in and asked to speak to Jasper and I. We walked to his office and sat down in the chairs. Carisle-I wanted to talk about which venom we want to give her. Jasper sagte -he didn't understand what he ment. Would Du like Zoey to have my venom oder one of your venom...
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Chapter 2 Home

The doctor was right, today Is tomorrow and I'm out! What am I going to do now? I tell Du what I'm going to do nothing.
I closed the front door behind me with my bag full of clothes on my back.
“If Du need anything honey just ask” worry was in my mums eyes... I was going to reply don't worry then I suddenly thought why she being so stupid for I'm fine.
“I'm fine OK jee back off will ya” anger burst through me. She your mum for crying out loud what's wrong with me. I started walking up the stairs I looked at mum she looked hurt... she needs to get over herself I thought....
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posted by callejahLUVSed
okay.. i like this chapter, so i hope Du do!!!


When we arrived at Forks High School, of course everyone was staring at us. Not to be rude, but Vampire are just naturally Mehr attractive than humans. So with us, we brought a lot of attention. And, being the Cullens, we all loved the attention, so we linked arms, with me in the middle, and walked confidently to the office.
Emmett, what have people been thinking? I wondered.
Well, what do Du think? Three, new, attractive strangers at the most boring school ever? he replied. I nodded as Jasper gave me a curious look. I glanced...
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posted by surfergal
We didn't talk much on the way to school. When we drove up to school before we got out of the car I ask. Is there something wrong Michae?? No. he said. ok. I said. I could tell he was lying. Michael walked me to my first class like always and then I watched him walk to his class. Once he was out of site, I went and called Alice.
Hey, Alice I said.
Hey Addi, why are Du not in class? She ask.
i had to ask Du something. I said
Okay, well ask away. she said.
Is there something wrong oder anything because me and Michael didnt talk mcuh at all this morning? i said.
No. thers nothing wrong. Alice said....
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posted by twilightlowdown
It’s The Secret Life of the American Teenager meets Twilight. See what happens when nessie gets pregnant and someone wants to kill her. come back Weiter week for the begining of a beautiful story

Adrian: Searina Mcbeth

Amy: Renesmee Cullen

Anne: Bella Cullen        

Ashley: Kate Cullen

Ben: Jacob Black

George: Edward Cullen

Leo: Billy black

Ricky: Nate Trent

Madison: Lilly James

Lauren: Jenny Scott

Here’s a preview:
Chapter 6

Renesmee p.o.v

I walked into the living room at the cottage.
“Hey guys” I said.
“Nessie can we talk” my mom said. Uh-oh did they know....
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posted by surfergal
When I woke up it was so early that the sun hadn't come up yet. I tried to go back to sleep but I couldn't so I walked downstairs to find the tv on and Emmet and Rosalie in front of it and edward, bella and renesme at their house and Carlisle and Esme in the küche and then Alice and Jasper were on the Liebe sitz watching tv as well. I went and sat on the floor until Emmet sagte what are Du doing up at 3am? I sagte its 3am?! I cant go back to sleep I said. carlisle came in and ask if he could x-ray my knee and I sagte sure I don't have anything to do right now. I went to put on shorts, then I...
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posted by VAMPirella1997
End of part 3:
I walked slowly, even Von human standards, as we rounded the corner to Charlie's street. I walked to the door, took a deep breath. "go on, Bella," Alice encouraged,"Get it over with." I knocked the door...

Part 4:
We waited a whole minute. The suspence was killing me. I just got Mehr and Mehr nervous, instead of being Mehr prepared from the time to think of what i was going to say. Finally, Charlie opened the door. A wide grin spread across his face when he saw me. It grew even larger when he saw Alice standing there, instead of Edward, who he had expected. "Alice! Bella!"
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