The Penguin's Past (POM) Club
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posted by queenpalm

Once Rico had found his way onto the boat, he knew he had to hide from the human. He remembered his mother's advice, "When hiding from predators do something they can't do."
Since humans can seem to do anything, this seemed impossible. But, Rico had come this far, he wasn't turning back. He thought really hard, then he remembered, humans can't fly!
Penguins couldn't fly, either. Was there even a chance? Rico thought of Mehr of his mothers advice, "Humans see the world less detailed, so hide in complicated places."
"Complicated places," Rico said.
He looked around the ship, avoiding humans. Once when he was doing that, he heard some humans talking about a land of opportunity. He stopped and listened, and found out that the land of opportunity was America. That could be plan B, if he never found his father.
Rico finally found the cabins, the most complicated rooms on the ship. They were dirty, messy, and had many places to hide. He decided he would stay there.

Skipper's father scratched the back of his head.
"Yeah, um, long story, Skipper," he said.
"Tell it," Skipper said.
"Well, when I was younger and, uh, lived in the wild, I met this beautiful Fairy penguin. She was a few years older than me, but I knew that didn't matter. She-"
All the time Skipper's father told the story, Hans, the puffin, was listening. He liked Skipper and all, but still disliked him. They played tricks on each other, then they would play together. Their parents' sagte that Skipper and Hans were "frienemies".
Once Skipper's father had finished his story, he was almost crying. Hans felt bad for him, and Skipper, but the good thing was he had something else to tease Skipper about.
"Dad, what's wrong?" Skipper asked.
"Sorry, son," Skipper's father said, in sniffs. "It hurts to tell that story."
"Where does it hurt?" Skipper asked.
"Here," Skipper's father said. He pointed to his heart.
Now Hans felt like crying. That was the saddest thing he had ever heard. Even sadder than the death of his own father.

"No, no, no!" the thing said. "Wake up, wake up!"
The thing started to slightly shake him. Lucky opened his eyes and closed them again, due to the pain.
"Good, your alive," the thing said. "Please don't die! I have already watched to many of my own chicks die! Stay! Please stay!"
Lucky felt his head, then he realized that there was a huge bump. He brought his flipper down and looked at it. Red with blood.
"Doctor, doctor! We need a doctor!"
The thing flew Lucky to the nearest zoo it could find. It went to a keeper and squawked at him. The keeper gently grabbed Lucky and hurried him to the vet.
The thing flew behind him. Suddenly, Lucky forgot. He forgot everything he had ever remembered. His name, his home.
But worst of all, he forgot his family.

Rico was hungry. He got out of the cabins and tried to find a place to eat. Since his mother had never taught him how to fish, he knew that would probably be plan C.
He remembered his mother's advice, "Always have a plan." Rico stopped for a second, and thought of a plan.
"Humans have to eat, too," Rico said. "Unlike us, they usually eat at certain times. If I follow the humans at the right time, I'll find food."
Now Rico had a plan. But how to know when to follow the humans?
"Why not start following them now?" Rico said. "They will eventually eat."
He saw a human walking by. Perfect timing. Rico started to follow the man, hoping he wouldn't get spotted.
In no time, he did. Another man was walking behind the man Rico was following.
"Hey, Tom," the man behind Rico said. "There's a pinguin following you."
"A penguin?" The other man said. "You're kidding."
"We are traveling Von the islands they mate on. Some guys on here are also poachers."
"Then why don't Du call the cops on them?"
"They are my friends."
"There really is a pinguin behind me!"
There was no getting away, now. Rico was trapped.
"Hi, bud." one man said, as he knelt down. "How are you?" he started petting Rico like a cat.
"Tom, that doesn't look safe." the other man said.
"What could go wrong?"
Rico bit the man, with his sharp beak.
"Ow! I think this bird has rabies!"
So much for a good time, Rico thought.
"I'll call some other guys to handle this situation!" one man said.
"Oh, boy," Rico said.

Skipper laid in his bed. He was really sad for his father. All that had happened to him, it was so sad.
Just then, Hans popped in.
"Hi, Skipper," Hans said.
"Hans?" Skipper said.
"Don't Du think it would be hard to lose two mommies in three years," Hans teased.
"You heard the story?"
"Don't tease me about it!"
"What else would I do?"
"You don't know what it feels like."
"You're right, I don't. Even a better reason to do it."
Just then Skipper's father came in.
"Boys, what's going on?" he asked.
"Hans is teasing me about the story!" Skipper said.
"Tattle tail!" Hans said. He stuck out his tongue.
"Well that's not nice," Skipper's father said. "I suppose I should teach him a lesson."
"Um, no. Please don't, Hans said.
"Then I'll tell your mother instead."
"Uh, no thanks."
"Then stop teasing Skipper!"
"Okay, okay," Hans said. Then he ran over to his side of the habitat.
"Good job, dad," Skipper said.
"Anything for my Favorit son."

"Good, he's awake."
The young pinguin opened his eyes. He looked around the room he was in.
"Where am I?" he asked. "Who am I?"
"You're a penguin, and you're in a zoo vet office," something said.
The pinguin turned around and saw a big bird.
"Ahh!" he screamed.
"Don't fret, little one," the bird said.
"Who are you?" the pinguin asked.
"I'm a hawk, very common here in Connecticut," the bird said.
"Hi," the pinguin said. "What are Du doing here?"
"Because I saved you, the vet is letting me stay with you."
"What is your name? What is my name?"
"My name is Chloe, and I have no idea what your name is."
"Could Du name me?"
"I think the vet will name you."
"Even though I don't remember it, thanks for saving me."
"You're welcome."
"What did Du save me from?"
"You got hit Von a car, and had a huge bump on your head, Du were bleeding bad and losing conciouseness."
"Well, thanks."
"No need to thank me, all in a day's work."
"Are Du my mother?"
"No, but the keepers will find Du a foster one."
"What's my name?"
"I sagte before, the keepers will give Du a name."
"You sagte vet,"
"Why am I here?"
"You got hurt."
"No, why can't I remember anything."
"How old are you?"
"I forget."
"The accident must have caused Du to forget everything!"
"You seem to know everything."
"No one knows everything."
"I'm going to try."