The Midnightclan Katzen Club
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posted by HuddyLover1
There before my eyes could adjust to the light fall stars from Silverpelt right in front of my the paws. I saw the feuer then for some reason I was walking towards it but I didn't want to. I walked right into the feuer and I was about to scream in pain but none came all that was around me was a warm breeze and the feeling of sun soaking in my skin. I opened my eyes that I hadn't realize I closed. I was shocked at the sight of a meadow and Blumen surrounding me. "What is this place?" I sagte aloud. I was starting to get hysterical. Where am I? Why was I put here? Where is everyone? Von now I was running for my life. The warm breeze now a bone chilling storm. I could feel the salty, warm tears start to run down my face.Then I remembered. I stopped instantly. I quickly turned around and bolted back to where I came from.I heard the yowls of Katzen as I got nearer to the portal. I poked my head threw and saw the chaos displayed before my eyes.Cats Running in fear,kits mewling for milk,warriors fighting each other. I was so shocked I nearly wanted to go back to running in the meadow. I stuck my head back to the meadow.I looked around and said,"My clan needs me." I nodded my head and with that I jumped through the portal.

I couldn't believe it. I jumped through the portal and was back to normal. I looked back and the portal was gone. I ran as fast as I could to my den. As I passed through the honeysuckle I saw a body.I stiff legged over to the body. I didn't want to even sniff the body for I might not like the results.I nearly went running out if my höhle, den and into the comfort of the nursery. I dropped on my belly and started to cry.There lay before me was Pinefeather. I ran out of my höhle, den still crying and on to the high tree. I didn't even bother with the right announcement. "Pinefeather is dead." The call rang through the hallow. Startled gasps came from the crowd. My mother,Shellblossom,stepped out from the elders den. Cloudflower was weeping Weiter to our mom.Venomkit and Snakekit were behind Cloudflower mewling in fright trying to figure out whats going on. Tigertree was trying to gather his kits Weiter to himself and Cloudflower."Where is his body?" My mother sagte sounding confident but I knew inside she was devastated.In a low voice I said,"In my den." Turtlemoss and Redmoss carried him out. They laid him down in the middle of the cats. Pinefeather was not an old cat but h lived in the elders höhle, den because he was missing an ear after a fight with kittypets moons ago. He was a favored cat in the clan. Most Katzen thought as him as a mentor to all. Von now there were lines of Katzen waiting to grieve for the dead elder. I waited for everyone to grieve before I went over.

It was moon high and all I wanted to do was go t bett and wish this was all just a dream. Jaycloud came in and nuzzled Weiter to me. "I'm sorry Moonstar. I know how hard it is to lose a loved one." I looked up to see the pain and grief in his eyes. Then the flashback came to me.

I was in the nursery running around with Cloudkit. "You can't out run me Cloudkit." She ran up behind me and used her tail to trip me. "Hey no fair I was using only me paws when I tripped you." Cloudkit snickered and ran back to mom. I was looking around the nursery for Jaykit but I couldn't find him. I walked to where my mom was. "Moma wheres Jaykit?" "Honey he's probably outside with his mom." I looked up at her and saw worry and sorrow. I wasn't quiet reassured but I walked to the entrance of the nursery and stuck my nose out. I stuck my whole head out and quickly ran out. I went to the warriors höhle, den and found the small hole that Jaykit and I used to use when we were in trouble. I squeezed in the small hole. "Jaykit." I whispered so I wouldn't disturb any of the warriors. "Jaykit." I sagte a little louder. I saw a small figure in the back of the hideout. I instantly recognized the smell."Jaykit!" I ran to his side and noticed that he was crying."Jaykit are...are Du okay." He looked up at me and I was almost burst into tears just looking at him. "I my well..." He didn't finish and he started crying again. I laid down Weiter to him. "You can tell me later." It was close to moon rise when we both woke up. We walked out of the hideout and went back to the nursery. "ohh Moonkit your okay." Shellblossom came running to me. "I thought Du were hurt." I walked right past her and sat Weiter to Jaykit. "Why didn't Du tell me." She looked down at her feet."Because I didn't want to hurt you." "BUT Du DID WHEN Du DIDN"T TELL ME!" I yowled. She came to put her head on mine but I ran from her to be beside Jaykit. "Do Du still want to tell me?" He looked up at me with pleading eyes but he went on,"When my parent were fighting the kittypet war a kittypet came up from behind my mom and slashed her throat..." His eyes were starting to tear up. "My dad came running to help my mom but the kittypets had other ideas..." Von this time he couldn't hold back the tears he was bottling up inside. I couldn't watch him bär the pain of his parents death so I wrapped my tail around him. "Tell me no more."

I woke up Weiter to Jaycloud. It was too early to get up but I couldn't get back to sleep. I got up with out disturbing Jaycloud and walked to the nursery. I poked my head through the honeysuckle and looked to see if anyone was up. Cloudflower was looking through the branches of the nursery. I slithered my way through the honeysuckle and touched her shoulder with my tail. "He's watching us from up there now."
"Yes he is."
We were both looking up at the mid morning sky.
"Do Du think he's up there now looking down over us?" That's when I noticed that her focus was not on the sky but much father.Like looking for Lost memories."What is it?" I wondered.
"Remember that time when we thought that Pinefeather was actually dead?" I was wondering why she would bring that up but I didn't want to disrupt her thinking. "Yeah we were just kits."
"Well it was actually that he was gegeben a herb that made it look like he was dead. Well maybe... maybe he isn't really dead?" I looked at her with sorrow.She so much wanted to believe he wasn't dead.I wanted to say that might be true but I knew it wasn't. "ohh Cloudflower I hate to disappoint Du but he's really gone this time." She looked up at me and I knew I would regret what I just said. She hissed but there was only grief in her eyes.She stalked away to her kits who were mewling Von now. Thinking for the best I walked out of the nursery.
It was already dawn and most Katzen were waking up. Lightheart came and started making the patrols. I padded over to him. "Hey I'm going to go on a hunting patrol." I mewed. He nodded "Ok Du can go with Leafstone,Goldenbreeze and Graypaw Leafstone is the leader of the patrol enless Du want me to tell them Du are"
I wave my tail in a no jesture and head over there. "I'm on patrol with you." ~I mew and they all look up at me. Leafstone shrugs and we head out to Dream baum and as soon as we got there, the smell of dog reeked and so we looked around and and saw pelz and slobber. "Everyone stay close the scent smells fresh." I walk over to a bunch of bushes and the smell is overpowering over there and so I decide to head back and Berichten this to the rest of the clan.I look at the rest of the patrol and nod and they agree so we bolt back to camp and i climb the High Tree. "Ever cat old enough to hunt their own prey gather beneath the High Tree." The yowl rung out through the hollow and everyone started to wake up and gather. "When my hunting patrol went out to the dream baum there was signs us dog.." Gasps came from the crowd. I raise my tail in silence and it quickly quiets down. "Now i will send a patrol to chase the dog out of our territory and hopefully into the twolegs." *i Stand up and jump down from the High baum and all of the warriors gather around me. "Now I would like Foxflight,Flashrose,Darkfang,Barkfire, and Birdwing to Suchen the grounds as I sagte it is Von the Dream baum and once Du get there there's no mistaking it."I watch them leave and I head back to my höhle, den and sit down in my bett and Snakekit comes in. "hey auntie Moonstar."
I smile and look at him. "Yes my dear"
"well i was wondering if i could go too I wanna fight big dogs." He bares his teeth and fluffs up his fur. I chuckle and grab him with my tail. "But little one your must stay and watch over your mom she is weak from taking care of Du and Du must make sure no big scary Hunde are going to get her." Looks down at him with caring eyes. He looks up at me and smiles and runs out."thank Du auntie." I smile and come out watching him run into the nursery and stick his head out teeth bared and his pelz fluffed. I chuckle a little and go and see if they have come back yet but dont see them and dont hear the yowl of warning.
I walk over to Hollywind's höhle, den and sees Icepaw. "Hey Icepaw where's Hollywind."
She looks up from sorting herbs. "oh she's checking on Cloudflower."
I nod and thank her and pad to the nursery and walk in watching Snakekit and Venomkit. "Well is she Ok."
Hollywind nods and looks at me. "Yes just a stomach ache."
"Ok. Thanks."
I walk over to her and just as i reach her a screech comes from the hollow and i bolt out and Snakekit and Venomkit come as well but cloudflower catches them with her tail and I see Foxflight bolt into the clearing with a few scratches. "There's Mehr than one. We need help."
I think fast and call out names. "Hollywind,Jaycloud,Tunnelrock,Turtlemoss,Lightheart,and all of your apprentices come with me and Foxflight." I run out of the camp with all the Katzen behind me and we bolt to the Dream baum and what i see is total chaos. "Everyone. ATTACK!" I yowl and the Hunde look at us and charge. "Hollywind tend to the weak. Icepaw help with Holywind."
I look around and see blood, fur, and slobber. I run to the nearest dog and jump on his back raking my claws down his neck and spine. I get thrown off and I hit a rock but I quickly get up and attack the Sekunde dog slicing through the Hunde pelz and underbelly and feeling the warmth of blood on my claws and the dog runs off. "One down." I yowl. I look around and see Hollywind and Icepaw helping the wounded. I see the last dog limping on one paw but is still fighting back. I smile and look around and see two new Katzen and charge after them and catch ones tail and yank back as hard as I can and it yowls in pain and three others come and help me pull it into the clearing.