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Chapter Thirteen: The Weiter File Part four: Server One
Location: Warehouse, Downtown Lexistropolis
Date: Saturday, December 16th 4337
Time: 4:42 P.M.

Lizzy Eventide lay on the ground, motionless. The metallic material, as well as the sound material were gone. All that remained was the corrupted “blank element”, coursing through her. The agent walked over to her, then gave her a large nudge. She didn’t move. He pushed her onto her side, and even slapped her face, but she still didn’t move.

He was convinced. The agent triumphantly picked up the motionless feline, then reached into his coat, and grabbed a pair of un-shaped car-keys. He exited the warehouse, then made his way through the downtown area, until he found a suitable car.

The agent placed his keys in front of the lock, then pressed on a small blue button, on one of the keys. Next, he slowly slid the key into the lock, and as he did, the key slowly formed into the shape of the key-hole. Finally, he opened the door, placed Lizzy in the backseat, and drove off.

As the agent drove through the downtown traffic, he searched the contents for a cellphone, which he eventually found. He quickly sent out a text, while at the same time trying not to crash. He received a response to his text, then made a quick break into the highway.

Eventually, the agent stopped almost five miles from the campsite the others were still battling at, in a large hilly-plain, practically covered in snow. He start to get out of the car, but stopped when he saw Lizzy inside. “I know Du can’t hear me, but I guess I’ll just say this for selfish pleasure.” He sagte to the dead cat. “You might be “dead”, but we have ways of reawakening you, just in time to use you. It should be interesting.” He exited the car, then walked over to a bench, almost completely covered in snow, and finally… waited.

Back with the others…

“Finally it’s over!” Tess exclaimed, *still in a large amount of pain. *Previous chapter* She and her allies stood over an enormous amount of New Legion agents; their entire fleet of robots and tanks, shattered, and blown to the ground.
“Wasn’t that Cyclist just over there?” Zen asked, pointing behind a New Legion tank.
“I think so.” Siera answered. “I’m guessing he isn’t anymore?”
“Dude gets points for being mysterious.” Zen said. “We should probably leave now.”
“I’d agree usually, but we should find Lizzy first.” Tess noted.
“Well she was going towards the downtown area… *again.” Nick informed. *Chapter six*
“Let’s go!” Siera ordered. “I do not want to be here when the cops Zeigen u… wait a minute… Chells still hasn’t come back…”
“We’ll drive over to find him, and then go find Lizzy, but we need to HURRY!!!” Zen exclaimed. The others nodded, then quickly started off, in the mini-van. They drove down the hill, up until arriving in a large curve between the road, and a steep hill-side. The separators were run through, and going farther past the destroyed separators was a large trail, in the shape of trapezoid, oder in this case… a car.
Nick stopped the mini-van, then him and Zen got out, and started carefully down the trail. “What about us!?” Zen called out.
“Stay there with Tess!” Nick answered. “If we don’t come back soon, go after Lizzy!”

Of course Zen was now at a cross-over. If he stayed where he was, his sister wouldn’t be in any danger of Mehr injury, but he wouldn’t be helping his friends, oder Lizzy. If he chose to go help Nick and Siera, something could happen to Tess, and he wouldn’t be helping Lizzy. If he left to go find Lizzy, he wouldn’t be helping Nick and Siera, plus he and Tess would be in danger. He did not know what to do, so he waited.

After almost five minutes, they were still not back. “Are Du guys okay!?!” Zen yelled out.
“We’re fine!!!” Siera answered. “You need to go find Lizzy!!!”
“But what if-“
“Zen, she might not have the file yet, and the agent might have contacted Mehr people, to back him up!!!” Nick explained. “She needs Du Mehr than we do right now!!!”
“Tess, what do Du think we should do?” Zen asked his sister.
“I… *sigh* we should go help Lizzy.” Tess grumbled. After another Minute of silence, Zen turned on the car, and started off through the road.

Nick and Siera had come to the end of the trail, where Chells was trying desperately to stop the police car, full of unconscious officers, from falling of a large cliff. “Never thought I’d say this but… help.” Chells asked through his teeth.

Nick and Siera slide downward, and the three of them tried for a good while, to pull the car back up, but they couldn’t Bewegen it an inch. After much stress Siera got an idea. “Keep pulling guys!” She ordered

“What are Du going to do?” Nick asked.
“Turn on the car from the inside, while we try to keep it steady.” Chells answered.
“That vision thing is handy and creepy.” Nick teased.
“Ergo the reason it will probably wear-off.” Chells replied. Siera slowly opened the damaged car door, and began reaching over for the ignition. She reached farther and farther, till it was almost in her grasp. She slowly turned the ignition on, then when the sound began whirring, it made her jump.

Siera slipped off the cliff, and was now barely holding onto one of the tires of the car. “Siera!” Nick yelled out, jumping to the side, to help his ally, leaving Chells to continue holding up the car, once again Von himself.

Nick reached over, and grabbed on to Siera’s arm, then began to pull her up. Once she was high enough, Siera pulled out her taser, then shot it at the ignition, hoping to hot-wire the vehicle. It did as such. Still holding on the Nick, Siera pushed on one of the pedals slightly, unable to see which one she was pressing.

“WRONG PEDAL!!!” Chells yelled, noticing that the car had just moved backward a bit, and was now on the verge of falling over the cliff. Siera let go of the pedal quickly, then reached over and pressed the one Weiter to it.
The police vehicle charged forward, off the cliff-side, then back on solid hill-side, running over Chells. “OW!!” Chells exclaimed from underneath the car.

Nick slowly started to pull Siera back up, but began falling himself. He had almost fallen off, with Siera, when Chells quickly grabbed him from behind, and threw him back onto the ground. “Okay, thank Du but…” Nick started

“I’m skinny, and stressed.” Chells explained. “Let’s get the cops out, then get out of here. I think Lizzy might be in trouble.”

Of course Chells was right. Back at the plain, the agent was still waiting. After another two minutes, another car appeared, and out of it came another agent. Not just any agent, however. It was the agent from the *DeanGames chase *Chapter six*.

He approached the other agent, and sat down Weiter to him. “Agent Tyker-three.” The first agent greeted.

“Agent blackoes-seven-three.” The newly arrived agent greeted back. “You have the file?”
“Yes.” Agent Blackoes replied, handing over the file. “I trust Du have a phone, with e-mail?”
“Strangely enough… no.” Agent Tyker answered. “Not that it would matter. I was gegeben strict four-three orders to deliver the original file straight to the leaders themselves.”
“That gives me relief,” Blackoes stated, “but there is still one other thing. Her.” Agent Blackoes pointed to the car he had stolen.
“You actually defeated the Eventide girl?” Tyker asked in astonishment.
“She is completely immobile.” The other agent assured. “I will need Du to take her with you. I was being followed Von her friends, and might still be. We should Bewegen her to your car, then depart.” The agents walked over to the car-jacked-car, to Bewegen the prisoner.

Little did they know however, that Zen and his sister were now very near, and closing in. “I still don’t think we should have just left them there.” Zen complained.
“Me either but we have to find… LIZZY!!!!!” Tess pointed to the two agents, moving Lizzy between the cars. Zen slammed on the gas, quickly overtaking the kidnapers, but also totaling both the stolen car… and his parents.

Agent Tyker dropped Lizzy to the ground, then ran into his car, and drove off, just as the other agent, and the other cars, went flying. Lizzy lay flat on the ground; still motionless, while Zen and the agent slowly got up, to finish each other off.

Zen *flung out his Taser and fired rapidly at the agent, forgetting that he was out of taser shots. The agent was out of weapons himself, but that didn’t stop him. He raised his fist in the air, causing an energy wave to blow through the area, sending Zen flying backwards.

“How… are you…” Zen groaned, trying to get up again.
“I have my own magical abilities!” The agent answered. He then overlapped his arms, above his head, then flung them to their sides. A Sekunde shockwave zoomed through the air, then from the agent’s body grew out the “blank element”. It changed him so much, that his entire form had become different.

He now looked like a giant warped dragon, instead of an echidna. The blank element was coursing through him, instead of Lizzy, which he used to destroy Zen, as well as most of the car.

Tess, now even Mehr injured than before, was sent flying to the side, in front of Lizzy. “Please Lizzy. Come back. Say something.” She pleaded, just as the deformed agent began to send a giant energy beam at the battered chameleon.

As the last of Tess faded away, the motionless cat stopped becoming motionless. She opened her mouth, and spoke one word. “Chronos”.

A giant silver energy beam ripped through the feline, coursing a strange grey energy through her. She raised her hand upward, holding her dagger high into the air, and yelled out “CHRONOS DARICHA!!!”

Hundreds of energy flashes shot out through the air for almost an entire minute. When they ended, a glowing silver cat, wielding a black and silver bladed sword was standing where Lizzy Eventide once did.

“NO!!!!!!!!” The agent yelled sending a blast-wave at the dark-Chronos-cat. Lizzy raised her hand in front of the beam, absorbing it completely. She then charged forward, and stabbed the dragon-agent in the arm, with her melee-weapon.

She held it in place, surging chronos energy into the deformed agent. A giant light then filled the creature, and when it left, he was normal again. She then waved her hand to the side, and a portal took him to a different location. In her conclusion, Daricha-Chronos sent out an atomic blast, going through the entire area.

Once the light faded, Lizzy was herself again. She was standing over an unconscious Zen and Tess, now completely unharmed. The snow was melted completely off almost all of the plain, caused from the energy fluctuations. The car was repaired, the agent was powerlessly laying on the floor, and the entire fleet of defeated legionaries were gone, as well as their weapons.

Lizzy dropped her sword (which was now a dagger again) to the ground, and collapsed on the snowy floor; completely unconscious. She did not expect to wake up where she found herself. Lizzy Zen and Tess all lay inside a jail cell.

“Oh crud.” Lizzy groaned. “Hello? Anybody care to explain why we’re in here?”

A police officer heard Lizzy, and stepped in front of the cell. “You are here because we have some Fragen for you. Like, why we found Du passed out Weiter to a flipped-over car, in the middle of nowhere?”
“What time is… crud… officer Hoffner?” Tess roused.
“Good-morning Tess.” The officer greeted.
“You know each other?” Lizzy asked.
“This is the guy that was helping me with our new *Veterans project.” Tess explained. *”project” indeed. Chapter thirteen part one and two*
“Could Du please answer the question?” Hoffner urged.
“Well before we got knocked out,” Lizzy began, “I was waiting in the car, because I didn’t know why Du guys were arresting my grandpa for, then… wait a minute. Weren’t Du in the police car, that slide down the hill?”
“Slid down the hill?” He asked. “The police vehicle we arrived in didn’t slide down anywhere. We followed Du after Tess thought that someone had stolen her car, which is how we later found Du in the middle of the field.”
“But how could… The Chronos!” Lizzy exclaimed.
“The what?” The officer asked.
“Never mind.” She replied, turning to her thoughts. “It must have changed the location of all the agents, oder stopped the time flow there.” Lizzy thought to herself. She then pondered for a moment, then spoke out, “I was the one in the car, driving away. The reason for this was because some Zufällig transporter, van came up, and tried to ram into me. I called Tess and the others, and met up with Zen and Tess later, but I couldn’t reach Chells Nick oder Siera. We thought we had Lost the guy, then started back, but he found us again. I think he might have been high oder something. The car flipped over, onto the field, while he just sped away. Weiter thing we knew, we were waking up here. Right Tess?”
“Uh, right, right.” Tess answered. “Can we go now? Oh and, what time is it again?”
“It’s nine in the morning.” He answered. “You two can go, but your friend here still ran away from her parents, and I would like to hear your answer.”
“Because they’re pieces of-“
“Lizzy!” Tess interrupted.
“We were having a meeting, which we overdid a bit.” Lizzy explained. “My parents don’t usually care what I’m doing, not to mention they don’t usually feed me. I get money from my grandpa, which I use for food. Everyone had left, so I had to walk home. I got there, and they were mad. My mom told me to go to bett without any Dinner, even though they had already eaten all of it, so I ran away.”
“Did Du still starve?” The officer asked.
“Almost, but I got some Essen from a restaurant.” Lizzy answered. “I found a hotel, and slept there for the night. I didn’t go back home, because I was afraid that they would have tried to punish me some Mehr when I woke up. Now answer me this question. WHERE IS MY GRANPA?”
“We let him go.” Hoffner answered calmly. “He suggested that we investigate your house a bit more, which we couldn’t without a warrant, which we couldn’t get, but even so he had nothing against him, besides the words of your parents. We scoured through his house, but didn’t find anything but a hole in his basement… a big hole.”
“I’VE BEEN SOBER FOR SIXTEEN YEARS!!!!!” Zen exclaimed, as he finally awoke, completely surprised Von his location.
“Welcome back Zen.” Lizzy sarcastically greeted.
“Hey Hoffner, there’s a fuchs kid here with some file he wants to Zeigen us.” The intercom sounded.
“Alright.” Hoffner left the room, and back to the main desk.
“… Oh crud” All three of the hybrids groaned.
“WHAT IS CHELLS THINKING!?!?!?!?” Tess exclaimed.
“We can’t do anything about it now.” Zen sighed. “If we try to stop him, they’ll get even Mehr suspicious, and think we’re terrorists. They might even trace us back to the school blowing up. THEN THEY’LL FIND THE PHANTIS FILE!!!!!”
“That fuchs is dead.” Lizzy growled.
“I’m so thrilled.” Chells sagte sarcastically, entering the room. “Before Du start ranting at me, listen for about ten Sekunden please?”
“… Fine.” Lizzy growled.
“I didn’t give them the Enerjak file. I don’t even have it. I thought Du guys did.” Chells informed.
“Well we don’t… hang on. What did Du give them.” Zen asked.
“You’re going to Liebe this part.” Chells chuckled. “How would Du like to live with your grandfather Lizzy?”
“What?!” Lizzy exclaimed, half confused and half exited.
“The flash-drive I just gave them has footage of some pretty harsh words sagte Von your parents,” Chells informed, ”which I spied on after saving the car from falling off the cliff.”
“What do Du mean ‘falling off the cliff’?” Tess asked.
“You don’t… remember?” Chells asked. “Must have been the time-field.”
“How do Du know about the time field?” Lizzy asked.
“After Nick Siera and I finally got the car back on the main road, a giant silver field was spreading throughout the area. I assumed it was time, seeing how the element color for time is silver, I watch a lot of sci-fi, I assumed it would erase all of our memories of the event, so I grabbed them, and we jumped back down. The field got close to reaching us, but then it just stopped. That was a lot of energy. Can’t believe it came from one person.”
“How did Du know it was me?” Lizzy asked, cautiously.
“One, Du just told me,” Chells teased, “Two, I found out months ago, before like anyone. I wasn’t trying too, I just saw Du jump through a wall, and come out the same way later, but that’s not important. What is important is I got a court order from Child-protective-Agency-whatever-stuff, and was able to incriminate your parents for being… abusive shall we say, but they didn’t know where Du should be put. I suggested Du get to Bewegen in with your Grandfather. Plus I already paid for moving Du out and in, and I know you’re going to say yes.”
“H-h-how did Du do all this?!!!” Lizzy exclaimed.
“I’m what Du might call a rich kid.” Chells answered.
“Great news, but Chells…” Zen started to say, “where is the file?”
They all stood there for a moment. Even the agent who drove off with the file was consumed Von the field, so where was it. They pondered for almost four minutes, then it hit them.
“Great!!!” Lizzy yelled angrily.
“What’s wrong with Cyclist again?” Zen asked. “Wasn’t he the one who helped Du back at the campsite, and us?”
“I still don’t know about his intentions, except that he says he’ll help us.” Lizzy answered. Just then, Lizzy’s cellphone on the tabelle Weiter to them started beeping. Chells reached over and handed her it.
“Hello?” Lizzy greeted, cautiously.
“The file is safe.” A voice on the other line informed.
“Why did Du take the file Cyclist?!” Lizzy angrily questioned.
“I’ve got to go finish the whatever-paper, can I…” Chells hinted. Lizzy gestured him leave, then turned back to Cyclist.
“Your base is too easy for the Legion to find, and Suchen for, for the file.” Cyclist answered. “Plus they know who all of Du are. It’s with me for now. Du can keep the Phantis file. That’s the one Du should be worried about right now.”
“Why’s that?” Lizzy inquired.
Cyclist chuckled a bit, then answered, “Because it’s you. Anyway, there’s something Du should know about one of the agents Du encountered. He’s my mole” Right before hanging up.
“COME ON!!!!!!” Lizzy yelled. “Did he really have to just HANG UP?!!? REALLY?!?!”
“Is it just me oder are Du being hostile to a mysterious bad-boyish guy, in black, with a cute voice!?” Tess teased.
“Still here!” Zen informed, disgusted Von the comment.
“Funny Tess.” Lizzy answered. “One, he’s probably like thirty oder something, and Two he still might be a bad-boy.”
“Whatever.” Tess sighed. “So are Du going to take Chells up on his offer?”
“I’m still trying to figure out why he did it?” Lizzy said. “I mean, he doesn’t seem like the positive, giving type.”
“Maybe he finally asked out the girl he was drawing, and she got him nice-like.” Tess supposed.
“CHELLS LIKES A GIRL!!?!?!?” Lizzy exclaimed.
“Well, I saw him drawing one, that Tag Du were *sick oder something,” Tess informed, *Chapter eleven* “So I assumed he liked her.”
“I’ll take up the offer, that’s for sure,” Lizzy answered, “but I just can’t get Von how strange that fuchs is. He takes pictures with his shades, he appears randomly. We already established that he’s probably not Cyclist, but there’s still something weird about him.”
“Speaking not of which, where’s Nick and Siera?” Zen inquired.
“They probably went home.” Lizzy answered. “If they tell anyone about-“
“They won’t tell.” Tess answered. “Siera would probably forget about it, and end up going designer-crazy over all of it, then try to make a superhero logo oder outfit oder something for you, and Nick is just to cool to.”
“Oh really…” Zen hinted.
“So Du guys don’t remember any of it?” Lizzy asked.
“We remember, well at least I do, all of it up to seeing Du drive off. Sorry.” Tess answered.
“I can’t wait to use all that money!” Zen stressfully gleamed.
“I’m pretty sure all of it was just used to bail us out.” Lizzy informed, putting Zen into an angry mood.
“How do Du know that?” Tess asked.
“You can go.” Hoffner informed, opening up the cell.
“Does that answer your question?” Lizzy teased.
“STINK IT!!!!” Zen groaned loudly.

The three teenagers got out, and were happily greeted Von Chells, Siera, Nick, Mr. and Mrs. Solomon, and Davilic Eventide. After some group hugs and chatter, they were greeted Von a few other familiar faces. Both Eventide parents were being led into the police investigation room, cuffed.

The remainder of that Tag was spent with paper-work, and explaining to parents, then finally ended with both Eventide parents still in custody, and Davilic Eventide preparing Lizzy’s new bedroom. Lizzy ended up having to sleep over at Tess and Zen’s house for the night, while her stuff was moved. They all slept quite soundly that night… all but one.

“I know you’re here!” Lizzy called out in her dream. Out from behind her walked up the aura.
“What is it?” He asked.
“Is there any other way for the legion to get another Enerjak file?” She asked.
“No, but they can find other files, with information they could use to get another being.” He replied.
“What is Enerjak?” Lizzy asked.
“Enerjak is the opposite of Phantis, which is all I can tell Du right now.” The aura responded.
“And what are you?” Lizzy asked.
“I am the aura oder soul of one of seven past heroes, betrayed and fallen.” The aura explained. “My elemental ability is time-based, and as I *said before (*Chapter ten*) I’m the only one left. I can help Du at times, but not always.”
“If you’re still alive, where are you? Are Du Cyclist?” She asked.
“No. Cyclist is someone I am aware of, but my identity is different than him.” The aura answered. “I cannot tell Du where I am now, but I will when the time comes. Du have engulfed yourself in something that is much bigger than two spirits. I hope Du do not ignore this as your ancestor Zelda did.”
“Zelda was my ancestor?!” Lizzy exclaimed.
“She was the only other one who almost was able to achieve the Phantis state” He said. “But she attempted it too soon, and was destroyed because of it.”
“So that’s why those *symbols turned red.” Lizzy thought to herself… in her dream… uhhh…. *Chapter ten*
“So what should I call you?” Lizzy asked.
“I can’t tell Du my name just yet, but until then Du may call me ‘Sever One’.” The spirit answered.

The dream ended soon after, and Lizzy awoke the Weiter Tag to two good friends, pancakes, and a new home. She was settled into her new Home Von the end of the day, with the grandfather who would always look out for her.

The teenage-feline was quite satisfied with her room, due to its size, size, furniture, and Mehr size. Three days later, she and her team would go back to their mission, with added help from her grandfather. Her parents were sentenced to thirty years in custody, but had their sentence shortened Von waving around some cash. Siera had finally finished working on the team outfits, which everyone ended up not wearing anyway, but kept just the same, though Lizzy did end up keeping the belt. Nick invented Mehr little gadgets for the team to use, while Chells… just stood around. The supposed ally known only as “Cyclist” kept contact with their “agency”, and Lizzy got to continue her adventure.

To Be Continued…
Vorschau of Weiter book “Lizzy: Everlasting”
“…and yet he still refuses to tell me who that girl he keeps drawing is!!!” Tess exclaimed, annoyed Von Chell’s supposed hypocritical advice.
“He’s secretive, so what?!” Zen defended. “He’s probably got a good reason… somehow…”
“Well when Du find out what it is, call me!” Tess suggested rhetorically.

The three hybrids began walking back towards their blind friend, when they heard the school’s front doors fling open. The echo from them gave a chilling sound, as did the image coming from them. The foggy and snowy Tag made it look as if there was no one there, but there was.

A female-lynx figure slowly walked into the school. She had a green shirt, a dark-grey jacket, sliding off to the side a bit, long jeans, skull indentations on her tennis-shoes, and a punkish hat. Her pelz was a murky dark brownish-greyish color, while her eyes were simply dark and grey. She had a strange smirk on her face, and both hands in a fist. She slowly entered the hallway, scanning the area with her fixed eyes, until landing them directly at Lizzy’s group.

“Who’s that?” Zen asked.
“Ira.” The lynx girl said, quickly walking up to Zen. “Ira… Black.”
“uh… Hi!” Tess greeted, trying to be friendly. “I’m Tess! This is-“
“I know.” Ira interrupted, turning her face to Lizzy. “The mysterious Lizena Willow… Eventide.”
“Are Du naturally this creepy, oder is it environmental?” Lizzy asked. Ira seemed to ignore her, then turned to Chells.
“I recognize Du from somewhere.” Ira sagte to Chells, attempting to turn his head, in hopes of getting a better look. Chells turned his head away. “Cute. Well apparently I have to go find my assigned classes now. It was charming to meet Du all.”

They all stood there without motion. That was until… “Who… was that?” Tess questioned. “Wait… That’s… the girl Du were drawing!” She pointed at Chells.
“That ‘Ira Black’ not who I drew.” Chells answered.
“OH COME ON!!!!” Tess yelled. “She’s a lynx! She thought Du were cute! She recognized you! How can that not be her?!”
“I don’t need oder want to prove how she isn’t.” Chells informed. “All Du need to know is that she is not, and never will be anyone I would consider liking.” Chells walked away.
“That was… equally weird.” Zen noted.
“Ya think!?” Lizzy teased. “Chells definitely knows that girl. He wouldn’t have been so negative otherwise. I don’t know anything about this Ira Black, but there’s definitely something weird about her.”
posted by Noda-echidna
Noda stepped into Lien-da’s office so expecting to get a lecture full of swearing and possibly another chain down.

“Hello, Noda.” Lien-da’s friendliest voice greeted her. Noda was shocked to see Lien-da so calm with her feet on her schreibtisch and leaning back in her chair, smiling. She wasn’t pacing, plotting, oder commanding Noda to stop doing something so terribly wrong. ‘This is very bad.’ Noda thought closing the door behind her, her hand staying on the knob.

“Listen to me very closely, Noda.” Lien-da began to speak very coldly as she placed her feet backed on the floor and gripped...
continue reading...
posted by Noda-echidna
In a perfect world, anyone can love. In a perfect world, no one would fight. In a perfect world, a Home would forever be a home, but now? Now, Noda was no longer in a perfect world, her wrists and ankles are chained to her bedroom floor because she had Lost her temper at the wrong moment, with the wrong the person. And now, it was coming back, quickly.
"Do Du hear me?” Lien-da yelled as her steel-toed boot thudded against Noda's face for the umpteenth time. Don’t lose it, Noda couldn't help herself and struggled to grip her emotions. In a desperate attempt for relief from the searing pain,...
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posted by yayrecolors2
hi guyz im bak. sum1 ban me so i make new acount. i also hav english lesons now!11
i may make the od typo but dont buly me plz.

aslo wat iz up with ppl hateng reclors?? i luv thm so evry1 shud luv them. spred teh luv <3333

this acont also gut baned but itz unbannd now so im bakc! :) but if u ban me agen i wil kepp comign bakc so no Mehr ban plaese?

i wil continu to maek charicters and u wil luv them all! i will Abschicken sum of them soon they are soooooooo kawaii =^_________________^=

i hope no 1 bans me again bcuz i done noting rong.
if u do ban me i wil get u nd it wil nut b pritty.

i luv u all. but ppl with orignal charcters must haet recolors so i graubraun, dun liek Du ppl who try hard wen yuo maek chars.

c u arond the culb!111
posted by MidnaTikal8223
"Do Du need somewhere to stay?"asked a red echinda I had just met.He called himself Knuckles.I did not trust him but the sprits of the past told her to trust him, so she did."That would be helpful.I'm Miranda."I told him,"Be warned, an evil spirit called Alamore came and burned down my last residence, but I sent him into afterlife after that.I doubt that anything like that will happen again, but be warned."He didnt say anthing till"You're a medium?"He turned white, my senses told me he'd be fainting unless I got him a stable fact."I mostly talk to the good people that are stuck here.Being...
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John woke up when something flashed very brightly. “What the…?” He checked his cell phone, but it was too dark. John felt along the walls and floor to get to the light switch. He got to the general area of the switch. “Where is it?” John mumbled to himself as he fumbled for it. He found it, flipped it, and then closed his eyes since the light seemed too bright. Now that John’s eyes were adjusted, he put on his glasses and checked his cell phone. That was turned off. Then he checked his clock. It was 12:03. “Ok, now I’m officially creeped out.” John turned the light off, but...
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When Maya and Spirit lefted, Olley and ghost followed them to make sure Spirit didn't do anything stupid. Once they came back they found that no one was in the back of the shack. Olley noticed Rocket's blood on the ground even though it was barely visble. Olley walked over to it. "Look like we missed some fight." he sagte worried. Olley told Ghost that they should probably go inside. Ghost agreed and they went in the back door. Once inside they saw everybody except Rocket and Carter. Bullet had a badge warbed aroud him. "Hey Du guys. where's Rocket and his Dad?" Asked olley. Maiyumi arched...
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posted by NickleBackFan
Maiyumi led the group from in front of the shack to the back of it. There was a platfrom there. It looked no bigger then the shack itself. Maiyumi was still holding Bullet Von the ear. She pointed to the plat form. "Here is where we will be fighting." she firmly. Rocket squeezed his dad's hand. "neverous?" Carter asked. "Of corse i am! i know he won't die, but she has a sword. Living forever isn't gonna help him in not getting cut to pieces!" Rocket said. Carter looked at him. "Oh yeah. i didn't think about that." Spirit nuged her elebow in Rocket's arm. "Aww come on lighten up. We get to watch...
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posted by frylock243
Name: Silly Crusader
Gender: female
Special Power (if any): nothing unique
*Flight, Speed, oder Power: Power

Silly was born into a family of pirates, and most of her life was spent on the family ship, named the Crusader with her father's crew, the Straw Hats. she has two brothers that are twins, Monkey and Brick. she has one older sister, who is now the captain of the Straw Hats, Lilly Crusader. Silly has excellent fighting skills, and is pretty good with a hand gun. right now, she lives in London, England with her friend Shadow DCE. until Lilly decides Silly is ready to take over as captain, Silly will be a member of the chaotix. her best friend is Vector. as Du might of guessing, adores sailing of any kind.
posted by zelda4559
"Revenge" A voice says in my head It makes me even Mehr mad "Revenge" It echos "why did Emma lie so bad, all my life I looked up to her. It was wroth nothing" "Ruby is something bothering you" Sandy ask looking at me "no...nothing" I say Her only answer is looking a way. Rude I thought "Revenge" stop it. "lets get going faster" I say "well, we're not that fast" Sandy says We finally make it to eggmans base, But there were at least a thousnd robots "How could he see us coming" I say "Get ready" Silver says. "Reveng" Why will it not stop I think. Then I see Emma looking down angirly at me. My...
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posted by zelda4559
Sandy meets up with us. "hi, sis" sandy says
"hi" Cream and me head into the vents "so ruby you're a spy" cream says "yea, cream be quiet they will know we're here" "sorry" "it's ok" then we here eggman talking "sh" i say to cream. she just nods I crawl onto the vent hole I see sandy walking in. "who are you" eggman says there was no answer from sandy "answer me" eggman says "sandy" then i see sonic and tails stealing the chaos emeralds "what, sonic" eggman says I see the other chaos emeralds and drop down and take them then emma drops down in front of me "ruby give me those emeralds" "never, traitor" I scream at her I run out of eggmans base and meet up with Sandy, Sonic, Tails, and Cream. "did we get all of them" I ask "I think" tails sagte I give the chaos the two chaos emeralds to sonic "thanks" Sonic says "bye, everyone" I say
"where are Du going" cream ask "any where I can go" I walk of not knowing this wasn't over.
"Did Du bring me the chaos emeralds" Eggman
says "no, not yet. I have an agent wroking on it"
"good, here is the Weiter one I tarcked it on this radar" Eggman says "ruby, I need Du to go to the forest for the Weiter one" I say "how do Du know this" Eggman takes the radio covers where ruby can't hear "say Du got info-" Eggman gets cut of Von ruby's scream I take the radio "ruby what's wrong" there was no answer "ruby" I say into the radio once more. still nothing I look down at the ground. "Is she the agent" "yes" I say "well I might know someone that would kiddnap her.

Ruby's view

"Emma would never...
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“Say what?” Lil shook her head. “Are Du accusing me of keeping a criminal secret from the authorities?”

“Don’t lie to me, Black Cat.” Shadow felt his emotions grow hot. “I know Du have connections with a male cat about my height, golden-yellow with red hair. I’ve seen you. Don’t tell me you’re afraid I might hurt him. I won’t, I swear to Du that I won’t.”

“I just don’t like anything to do with ARK.” Lil felt like she had shrunk. “Okay, I’ll admit that I have connections with him. I broke off our relationship two years ago. I don’t know where he is or...
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Note: This is my Fan fiction. It said, "Write an Article" so I decided to post a "Space Opera Cereal" where Du can read about my Fan characters. I am a vetren from, so I know what I'm Schreiben about. Please comment!


The alarms were what caught Lil offguard. She spun around. "Where are we?" She asked no one. The last few hours had been confusing. One moment, she was in their dimension. The next, Myzak, his little sister Enya, and her were runnign for their lives in a Weltraum station of somekind.

"How'd we get here?" She had asked.
"Wormholes." Myzak had replied before they had been...
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Yes, it is I, Shadowfan100!

Let me just say how sorry I am for how I have disappeared from the club. Last time I was here, I was working on Shock's story--"A Hero's Journey" (I still am planning on finishing it though)

For the past few months, I have dealt with lots of issues (both medical ones and personal ones). I still am, but I have decided to come back Mehr often. I will be RPing more, and other stuff.

As of now, I am currently working on other projects of mine, which include my own non-fanfiction story I actually want to Veröffentlichen someday. Some time-travel story--not going to give out the...
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Over the years I’ve had my character involved with those of other people, and vice versa. This has turned into a connection of fan-universes, the SFC-Multiverse. However any SFC-Multiverse, oder universe, can be full of paradoxes, plotholes, and simple things that just don’t add up.

For instance, years Vor there was the user Ultrax911 had the idea to make it so his ancient-one-types, his mega-race, were the rulers and overseers over all dimensions, and had it as kanone that all, evil oder good, were ruled Von them.

Obviously this upset people as many of us did not want to have that forced on us,...
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I’ve had my run-ins with the cold before. There was a pretty big transition when going from moving aircraft, complete with artificial you-name-it, to above-mountain thin-air climate. Sore throats became the norm for a long time. I’d have to say sore throats would be my greatest fear. Can’t stand them, and they make it impossible to sing in the shower.

If you’d rather stay in bed, I could always find out if they can do something about the temperature. I’d find out from Big-Ears when she’d be ready for Du to sleepover, because we both know she would, but as things would have it her...
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posted by Fidus-Achates
I am aware that most of these Fragen might reveal a spoiler when answered. Also, it's a big list, so choose whatever Du want to answer. (With the number, please)
Originally, I was going for 101, but I kept finding good questions. There was Mehr I wanted to add but this is sufficient. Feel free to Kommentar any suggestions, though.
On another note, I apologize if there are repeats oder errors.


1. If Du could choose just one thing to change about the world, what would it be?
2. What is true happiness?
3. What things hold Du back from doing the things that Du really want to?
4. Do Du make your...
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So nothing really to say except that I’d like to start up a birthday system. People don’t usually tell others when they’re birthday is for varying reasons but I’d like to make it so that everyone knows when the birthdays of club-members are.

I’ll be adding each birthday to a file and try to make so there’s a notification each time the birthday is near. This way I can announce the birthday to everyone if they want to draw something for that person.

Normally this would be considered spam but unlike most unrelated posts this actually helps strengthen the community. I feel it will show...
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posted by scougesgirl
I'd like to thank sonicfan67 for letting me use his amazing sonic character in my stories. I'll try my hardest to make them better but I'm kind of insane so it may fail. To the story.

Ferrari sat on the couch while Ashton flipped through the channels. "There's nothing on and I'm not watching Sonic X." Ashton yelled and throw the remote at the tv.
"No need to throw the remote unless your trying to kill the tv." Tiber yelled from the kitchen.
"Yeah right. The acs out and it's like 5,000 degrees in here." Ashton said.
" I have a boat. Du two up for the lake?" Ferrari asked Ashton and Tiber.
"I'm up...
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posted by Light-Of-Days

Time passes quickly, the hazey figures from the past fade like sand. Your born, Du grow and learn. Then Du die.


Donny laid his bed, letting the Minuten pass on by. His dark brown hair scrabbled across his face, looking at the ceiling. He hated it. Life. What he had done with himself.

Sure, he had a job, a house, a pet and an adopted kid. But he hated almost everything else. Sometimes he wished he could go back, restart the clock, and remake himself. But he couldn't. Life was stupid. Life was unfair. Granted, if he wasn't so shy he might have had fun in high school. Maybe if he wasn't...
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