Zufällige Rollenspiele [!!]Heroes: Adventurers to the Dungeon[!!]

Liquidz-Flamez posted on Nov 11, 2015 at 08:02AM

“The road of the Adventurer is the path of the hero. This path is not for the weak of heart or the mild of constitution, for the adventurer follows the path of action. Scholars record the path, dreamers dream about the path, but the adventurer walks the path, always moving forward on the quest for a life of adventurer and meaning.â€
~excerpt from the Adventurer’s Handbook

Adventurers: Adventurers are people with statuses that explore the Dungeon below . Nanius. Low Level Adventurers are Level 1-4 adventurers while Mid Level Adventurers are adventurers at Level 5-9 at above. Starting at Level 1, adventurers are sometimes called by different classes. Level 1-4 adventurers are Third Class, Level 5-9 adventurers are Second Class, and Level 10 and above adventurers are First Class, also known as Dungeon Slayers.
Alias: An alias is a second, or nickname, given to all adventurers by the Gods once they reach Level 2. An alias can change every time an adventurer levels up.

Supporter (サãƒãƒ¼ã‚¿ãƒ¼): Supporters are people that explore the Dungeon along with Adventurers. They carry many things ranging from magic stones dropped from monsters to spare weapons and items. New Ménage members can serve as Supporters to older members to gain experience points in Dungeon. In some cases, members of a Ménage may serve as Supporters to the more experienced members.

Ménage: Ménages are made up of adventurers and supporters headed by a God or Goddess. They are named after the God or Goddess in charge. Most Ménages are exploration type Ménage , although there are other types such as Business type, Industrial type, Medicinal type, and even Nation type. Each Ménage is given a rank ranging from I to S based on size and achievements. The yearly tax amount the Guild requests is greater the higher the rank.

God/Goddess: The Gods and Goddesses came down to the lower world from Heaven 1000 years ago. Some Gods and Goddess were around since then, and some only recently came down. They are forbidden to use their powers, known as Arcanum, and have the same physical abilities as normal people. If they break this rule, they are forcibly sent back to Heaven. Gods and Goddesses with a large Ménage can live at ease while Gods and Goddesses from small Ménages work to earn money. The number of Gods and Goddesses in Heaven has become so small that the remaining Gods and Goddesses work non stop to guide the souls of the dead.

Falnalna: Falnalna is the grace given by Gods and Goddesses to their Ménage members. Adventurers and Supporters can gather exilia to raise their status and grow stronger. The Gods and Goddess gave the Falnalna to adventurers to bring forth heroes.

Guild: The main goal of the Guild is to manage the monster threat created in the dungeon. Aside from this, the Guild buys magic stones, drop loot, and adventurer created maps of the dungeon. The Guild also provides weapons and armor to new adventurers who are just starting out. The Guild staff also take the position of advisors for adventurers, often suggesting at what depth an adventurer should go in a dungeon in accordance to their level and skills, as well as warning them of any special dangers of certain floors and how to prepare against them. A staff member may be in charge of one or more adventurers.

Divine Assembly: The Divine Asssembly is a meeting of the Gods held once every three months. Many things are discussed and aliases are given to adventurers that ranked up.

War Game: A War Game is a battle between Ménages with set rules. The Gods and Goddesses use their Ménage members to express their will, similar to a proxy war between the Gods and Goddesses. The Divine Assembly is used to set rules, decide what the War Game will have, and set the conditions for the winner. The God or Goddess that loses in a War Game must obey the request of the winning God or Goddess without question. Various types of War Game include Single Combat, Siege, and various others.

Conversion: Conversions happen when a person switches from one Ménage to another. Once a person switches Ménages, they must wait a year before switching back or switching to a different Ménage.

Mission: Missions are quest like orders given out by the Guild. Those Ménages that receive them must do what's written.

Status: The Status is the Falnalna set as various parameters. The status is made up from Basic Abilities, Evolution Abilities, Magic, Skills, and the overall Level.

Level: A level shows the rank of an adventurer. The status of an adventurer is considered to be secret information but the level of an adventurer is required to be reported and is shown to others. Just defeating monsters doesn't lead to a level up. To level up, one must have a special experience that goes beyond their limits, such as defeating a stronger monster. Leveling up is hard to do outside of Nanius due to the only Dungeon being located there, and Level 3 outside of Nanius is considered to be excellent.

Basic Abilities: The Basic Abitities are Power, Endurance, Dexterity, Agility, and Magic. Each one is shown be a rank and a number from 0-999. 0-99 is I, 100-199 is H, 200-299 is G, 300-399 is F, 400-499 is E, 500-599 is D, 600-699 is C, 700-799 is B, 800-899 is A, and 900-999 is S. Basic Abilities can be raised through excilia ((experience points)) gained from training and battles. Basic Abilities reset to I0 at every level up although the abilities gained before each level up will remain as an invisible base. It is normally impossible to go past the limit, but not COMPLETELY impossible. Those who do are considered to be ranked 1000-1099 SS.
Evolution Abilities: Evolution Abilities are different from Basic Abilities in the sense that they are characteristics specializing in a certain area. Starting from Level 2, there is a chance of gaining one every level up. There is also the chance of one not appearing at level up, or multiple appearing to choose from. Like Basic Abilities, Evolution Abilities are also categorized from I to S, though they are much harder to grow. Evolution Abilities include ((so far)):

Blacksmith--Enables the user to add special abilities to their creations. Adventurers under this Evolution Ability class has 6% discount on any weapons they buy and any materials needed to make weapons.

Abnormal Resistance--Negates the effect of abnormalities such as poison. At Rank G, it can negate almost everything. It is easily obtainable early on by being exposed to the Purple Moth's poison. +213 Endurance STAT bonus.

Mage--Improves power, widens effect range, and makes mind usage efficient. Creates magic circles under the user that support the magic. +300 Magic and Mana STAT bonus.

Mystery--Allows the user to activate a miracle and create magic items. Increases Magic STAT.

Hunter--Improves abilities against monsters that the user has fought before and gained exilia from. It can only be obtained at Level 2 and requires the user to have killed many monsters in a short period of time, making it difficult to obtain. +

Mixing--Improves quality when creating medicine such as potions.

Magic Resistance--Negates the effect of magic, including elementals (fire, water, earth, wind, etc.). Resistance percentage varies depending on the ability's category. Increases Endurance STAT and Magic STAT

Swordsman--Improves swordsmanship, increases Agility and Dexterity STAT.

Spirit Healing--Automatic magic regeneration. Begins regenerating mind at a small rate after magic use. Increases Magic and Mana STAT.

Fist Strike--Improves/increases the effect of melee based attacks. The category of this Evolution Ability depends on the wielder's Strength STAT, which in case will always remain 2 points less than the Strength STAT.

Hammer--Increases the strength of attacks by 5% of the owners Strength STAT. +343 Strength STAT bonus.
Magic: Magic is considered to be a strong power. There are two different types of Magic; Inherent Magic, Magic based from one's own ability and race, and Procured Magic, Magic based on the Falnalna given by the Gods and Goddesses. Magic requires a specific chant to activate, and the longer the chant the stronger the Magic is. There are also Super Short Chant Type Magic and No Chant Magic. Normal people have one to three slots for Magic and can learn one Magic per slot but most people tend to have no Magic appear. The amount of slots is natural although the number can increase due to strong Grimoires. To use Magic, one has to have the Magic Basic Ability, but anyone can discover Magic. Apart from that, the Evolution Ability Mage can strengthen the power, the length of time, the amount of targets, and the effective area of their Magic.

Concurrent Chanting: A high level skill, casting magic while fighting or moving around. Its difficulty is likened to running through a river of fire with a barrel of gunpowder in one hand.

Chant Connect: A skill that only extremely high leveled adventurers can use. Chant Connect enables the user to raise the power of his/her magic through connecting chants. Through this, they are able to use more than one type of magic at once.

Repeated Chant: Well, the name of it speaks itself.

Ignis Fatuus: An Ignis Fatuus occurs when one can't control the magical power when using magic and self destructs after letting it go out of control.

Skill: Skills are inherent abilities that can be discovered by those that have received the Falnalna. Skills correct and strengthen specific Basic Abilities, Magic, and actions. The chance of discovering a Skill is said to be rare, and Skills with effects that no one else has are considered to be Rare Skills. Skills can be discovered during a level up or during other times.
Dungeon Stuff
The Dungeon has 300 floors. Every 50th floor has a Raid Boss of exponentially scaling strength. Every floor increases in mob strength and number. Early Floors (First 100) have Class A-X mobs. Mid-Game Floors have Class B-X mobs, so on and so on, X being the floor batch number. A floor batch is 10 floors./
***Floor Progression: Floor 1-10: 5-50 Minor Tiny Mobs per floor. Nothing special, they drop Tiny magic gems which grant up to 100 Gold per piece. Use up to 100 to generate your income from this.
Floor 11-20: 6-60 Major Tiny Mobs per floor. Somewhat challenging, they drop Small Magic Gems and have a 10% chance for Medium Magic Gems. Small Gems grant 20-110 gold, Medium Gems grant 100-200 gold.

Monster: Monsters are born from the Dungeon. They are born from the walls and ceilings of the Dungeon and fight adventurers. They are the enemies of the people and will attack without any warning. Monsters appeared from the Dungeon even before the Gods and Goddesses came from Heaven and some still live on the surface in various places. After being killed in Dungeons, they "Respawn" randomly on the floor they were killed on. Monsters on the surface use the power of their Magic Stone to multiply, and so those on the surface are far weaker than the same ones inside the Dungeon.

:::Floor Boss::: The official name of the Floor Boss is the Monster Rex. Floor Bosses only appear on specific floors as a powerful and unique monster.

:::Landform or Nature Weapon::: Things in the Dungeon that monsters are able to use as weapons.

:::Pantry::: Certain rooms on a floor where monsters gather to eat. It contains a huge quartz pillar that secretes a substances which monsters enjoy. The pantry on the 20th floor uses green quartz while the pantry on the 24th floor uses red quartz

Palis-- "Palis" is the currency used in Nanius. One can buy a Jagamarukun at 30-40 palis, materials for one meal at 50 palis, and a more expensive meal at a bar for 300 palis. A party of five Level 1 adventurers can make around 25000 palis a day, and at 800,000 palis one can buy a good house.

Magic Stones-- Magic Stones are the core of monsters and are always located in the chest area of the monster. Adventurers and Supporters gather magic stones to trade them in for palis at the Guild. Magic Stones have magical power in them that can be used for things such as lighting, water purification, cooking stoves, refrigerators, and other things. If one breaks the Magic Stone while in the monster, the monster immediately dies.

Drop Items-- Drop Items are items that can sometimes remain along with the Magic Stone after a monster dies. They are parts of the dead monster and are used to make weapons and items and therefore are traded at high prices.

Magic Sword-- Magic Swords enable the user to fire Magic from the sword. Only those with a high Blacksmith Skill can make them. Magic Swords shatter after being used a certain amount of times and are also weaker than Magic used by adventurers. There are some exceptions when it comes to their strength however.

Magic Shield--Enables the wielder to absorb the effect of magic and use it as an effect for a counter attack. Like magic swords, they to have a certain amount of times they can be used before shattering.

Magic Item-- Magic Items are items that produce magical or paranormal effects, such as flying sandals, helmets that grant invisibility, or Grimoires, books that let the reader obtain magic just by reading them. The Evolution Ability:Mystery is required to create these items.

Potion--Restores user's health.

Jagamaguya--Created by adding spices to crushed potatoes and fried after adding an outer skin.

Elixar--Medicine that can cure all

High Potion--Stronger version of a potion.

Magic Potion--Restores Magic.

Grimoire--A spellbook created through the use of the Mystery Development Ability. It forces a Magic into the reader. It can only be used once, and will become empty after it is read.

Nanius: Nanius is the only city in the world that has a Dungeon. Most of the Gods and Goddess live there. It is a place where people can train quickly and therefore has the strongest force in the world.

Arivir: Arivir is a city made by adventurers located on the 10th Floor of the dungeon. Arivir is operated by adventurers. Item trades are common, and there is also an inn and bar located there. The inn and bar are overpriced but adventurers still use them. Arivir has been rebuilt over 300 times after monster attacks. The Guild isn't affiliated with Arivir and items banned on the surface are common.

Golden Cellar Bar: A bar in Arivir located underground. It is illuminated by a yellow crystal and is owned by a Dwarf.

Leobei Mountains: The Leobei Mountains are located directly north of Nanius. It is comprised of many mountains that have steep inclinations and bad roads. Due to its close proximity to Nanius, the descendants of many monsters that escaped the dungeon long ago still reside there, making it known as the Evil Mountain.

Alvlanche Mountains: The Alv Mountains are regarded as sacred. Those who have had the grace of entering these mountains have also had the curse of being lost within them for many days, battling and suffering from the hallucinations and monsters that the mountain's magic produces. It is said that there is a tree that lies near the center of the mountain's forest and bares from it's branches every thousands of years a Hero Fruit, a fruit said to have the power to grant the consumer a boost in all Basic Abilities. It is not known for sure if this Hero Fruit actually exists, or is just a myth.

Alvlanche Forest: The Seolo Forest is located directly east of Nanius at the base of the Alv Mountains. This large forest is known for it's legends of a tree that bares a fruit fit for a hero. The trees of this forest have twisted roots that branch out into branches which grow pale green leaves. When the wind blows through, a melody breathes into the air, but.....it cannot be said if it is just another hallucination capable of being produced by the mountains that the Seolo Forest lie in, or an REAL thing. The people that have been there call it The Whisper of Gaia, a dramatically eery name to say the least.

Feala Village: Feala Village is located deep within the Leobei Mountains. It used to be owned by Elves until it was abandoned and later claimed by many races.

Rakia: Rakia is actually a Nation Menage, one that likes fighting and often starts wars with other cities and countries. They used to have the power of a God's Magic Sword until they burned down several Elf forests which angered the Spirits. The Spirits destroyed their Magic Swords and made them unable to make more. Before this Rakia used to have enormous power but after they kept on losing that power began to decrease. Rakia contains 60,000 members and it is said to be the largest and most complicated Menage. Soldiers and military personnel have the Falnalna while everyone else is a noncombatant. Rakia has rich green land. It also has a huge castle, and castle city at the capital city which is known as Valua.

Plaidus Old Castle Ruins: Plaidus Old Castle Ruins is a citadel located in the middle of plains located south east of Nanius. It is currently in ruins but was once used by Rakia as a strategic point and so most of the functions are still operational. Bandits were living there until they were defeated in order to prepare the place for the War Game of the century.

Eastern Lands: The Eastern Lands are an island country surrounded by water and has four distinct seasons. It is a country wrought with wars, diseases, and monsters. For those reasons, it isn't uncommon for children to be orphans.

Sword Smithing City Zolingham: A city that creates swords. The Hephaestus Ménage has a contract with a blacksmith in the city. There is also has a forge that she has good relations with.

Hostess of Lush: The Hostess of Lush is a well known pub in the city of Nanius. The Hostess of Fertility sits on a brick lined street. The front entrance has a two doors with wood carvings decorating the frame. In between the two front windows of the pub, a large fish carving can be seen. The "Hostess of Lush" sign can be seen on the right side of the entrance, as well as on overhanging sign with a crossed fork and knife. All the staff of the Hostess of Lush pub are female. It is an interracial business, accepting employees from all races. Most of the menu of the pub is unknown, but it is lead to believe that the menu ranges anywhere from noodles, roasted meats, soups, as well as various kinds of alcohol.
The Hostess of Lush employee uniform consists of:
*A blue, long puffed sleeve with wide-neck and white trimming, white collar, above the knee dress
*White Apron and headband
*Small pink under the collar
*Black leggings
*Short silver ankle boots.

Those of a Demi Human race must mate with others of the same race to give birth to children. The only exceptions to this are Humans and Amazonesses who can bear children with any race.
Boaz, Cat People, Chienthropes, Hume Bunnies, Runarls, War Tigers, and Werewolves are collectively known as Beast Humans.
Amazoness--Amazoness are dark skinned women. Only women are born and so they leave their villages to search for men.

Human--Humans are generally said to be the weakest race.

Palllum--Pallum are a race of small people. Like Humans, they are generally said to be the weakest race.

Elf--Elves are a highly intelligent race that excel at magic. They live in forests.
High Elf--High Elves are members of Elf royalty.
Half Elf--Half Elves are a mix between Humans and Elves. Some Elves don't think too highly of them.

Dwarf--Dwarves are a race of short people, though there can be exceptions. They all have considerable strength and can defeat weak monsters without a Falnalna.
Half Dwarf--Half Dwarves are a mix between Humans and Dwarves.

Boaz--Boaz are boar people.

Chienthrope--Human like species that have dog ears and a tail.

Hume Bunny--Hume Bunnies are rabbit people.

War Tigers--War Tigers have tiger ears and tail.

Werewolves--Has wolf ears and tail (Wolf People)

Zekka--Half demon hybrid species that have human appearances.

Drakai--Half dragon/dinosaur species with human appearances.

Zeus (God of Gods) (God of Lightning, abilities include lightning spells and thunder manipulation)
Asura (The God of rage, abilities relate to berserkers)
Poseidon (God of Seas, abilities allow water manipulation)
Aphroditen (God of Charm, abilities can charm and persuade)
Ardames (God of Fire, abilities allow for flame manipulation)
Atheno (God of Wisdom, abilities include enhanced reflexes and extra perception)

Apolla (Goddess of the Elements)
Hellia (Goddess of the Sun, abilities include light manipulation and brief flight)
Hephaestas (the smithing Goddess, abilities relate to forging and construction)
Eurybia (A warrior/philosopher god/goddess, abilities unknown)
Styx (Adventurer ascended to God. Grants the power of the Voice)
Clytius (Goddess of the Moon, abilities allow for the use of illusions to fool and distract Monsters)

((Feel free to take any of these Gods and Goddesses as your own. Just present a picture and ask and it'll be done. Also include the powers of the God or Goddess for future planning.))


Zeus Ménage:

Asura Ménage:
Zulisa Fang (Female/18/Adventurer/Half-Dwarf)---Liquid­z_F­lam­ez
Kúgaldi Elkgrabber (Male/24/Adventurer/Half-Dwarf)---Hades_Sh­ado­w

Poseidon Ménage

Aphorditen Ménage

Ardames Ménage
Lillai Zillia (Female/Unknown Age/Adventurer/Drakai)---_justAnother_

Atheno Ménage
Viola Loxais (Female/23/Adventurer/High (royal) Elf)---_justAnother_


Apolla Ménage
Ninda Olmes (Female/18/Adventurer/Zekka)---Liquidz_Fla­mez­

Hermesai Ménage

Hephaestas Ménage
Pluto Vina (Female/18/Adventurer/Human)---_justAnothe­r_

Eurybia Ménage
Hiro Akagama (Male/17/Adventurer/Human)---Liquidz_Flame­z

Styx Ménage

Clytius Ménage
*No god modding.
I mean, it's alright to be powerful, but come on. Endless fight scenes arent much of fight scenes. More like eternal conflict. Which would be pointless. Right?
*No killing other characters without permission
*Lets try to limit one liners. We want this to be interesting and have progress being made.
*Sex is allowed.
*Violence is Violence. If you cant do violence then this definitely isn't the place. blood and gore will be included.
*Swearing is allowed.

((All adventurers starts out at Level 1 with 1 ability, Basic weapon(s), and a very basic armor of your choosing.))

[Adventurer Character Sheet]


Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Additional Details:


STATS: ((Everyone starts out with 1500 points.))

Evolution Ability:
Other Equipment:
Magic Ability(s)/Chant Type:


[Supporter Character Sheet]


Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Additional Details:

Weapons & Items:

[Magic Abilities]

((Created by:Liquidz_Flamez)) Brittle Ember---No Chant Magic
^:The Brittle Ember ability is a magic projectile attack in which the user fires an unstable flame from the palm of his/her hand and cause a Burn after effect at the cost of drained mana.

((Created by:_justAnother_)) Adventurer's Faith---Super Short Chant Magic
Chant: ~Bring Hope To My Blade, Adventurer's Faith!~^
^:This magic ability gives the user a lift in their own self abilities and adds a +100 boost in all Basic Abilities which has a duration of twenty(20) seconds. This ability drains the user of more than half of their mana and has a sixty(60) second cool down, as well as a stall in mana regeneration for fifteen(15) seconds.

(( Created by:Hades_Shadow)) Pain Reduction---Repeated Chant
Chant:~Sine Veilde Deg"~ ((meaning "Let Anger Be Your Guide"~
^:Reduces the amount of pain the user feels when damage is inflicted.

((Created by:_justAnother)) Forbidden Elven Magic: Royalties Lust For Blood----Long Chant
Chant:~Beloved,my mind, for I shall leave you for only a moments trust,
In quest to quench a thirst, a lust for blood.
I chant these words to erase my sanity.
Open up, kill everything. Until everything disappears before your eyes,
Scatter blood into sand, and sand into dust.
Devil. Hero. Monster. What will you call me?~^
:This magic ability is that which is a curse that has ran through the veins of royal blood high elves. This dark magic ability doesnt erase the user's sanity, but rather twists it into insanity as well as unquenchable lust to shed blood. In this state, the user receives a temporary boost of +700 to their Magic STAT and Mana STAT. This ability lasts for forty-five(45) seconds, but after it wears off it has a one hour Cool Down and the user's mana is drained completely, and all of their STATS are reduced to zero(0) before they begin to restore to their original ranks.

((Created by:Liquidz_Flamez)) Thunder Wave Rip-----No Chant Type
:Allows the user the ability to create thunderous shock-waves and use them as projectiles.
((Created by:Liquidz_Flamez)) Thunder Wave Crush-----No Chant Type
:Allows user to envelope their weapon in the booming power of the Thunder Wave Rip and use it to boost the overall power of physical attacks.

((Created by:_justAnother_)) Burning Passion-----Super Short Chant
Chant:~Kneel to your Queen. Kneel to my burning beauty.~^
:This magic ability is more of a charm like spell in which whoever, including dungeon monsters, comes in contact with the heart shaped flame that the user blows from his/her lips will be inevitably attracted to him/her for a short period of time. Thirty Seconds(30) at max. This ability has a Cool Down of sixty(60) seconds.

((Created by:_justAnother_)) Gatling Scorch-----Super Short Chant
Chant:~Breathe meteors onto the lands, Scorch the aqua of the seas~^
:This magic ability allows the user to breath a scorching blue flame that falls as something similar to how one would describe a palm sized water drop of fire. While this does cost an arm and a leg of mana, it's wide range and effectiveness is almost guaranteed to be of use.

Luceil Bonahart
Zulisa Fang----((Liquidz_Flamez))
 [b]BEWARE OF MATURE CONTENT[/b] ------------------------------------------------------------------
last edited on Dec 02, 2015 at 09:18PM

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