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 Paige-The Vow
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Source: grandecapsmovies, corel, picmonkey
made Von me :)
the vow
Rachel McAdams
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This QueenCordelia icon contains porträt, kopfbild, nahaufnahme, portrait, headshot, and kopfschuss. There might also be attraktivität, berufung, hotness, anziehungskraft, schärfe, and attraktivität und anziehungskraft.

added by karlyluvsam
added by brileyforever77
Buffy – Im Bann der Dämonen
season 1
Daphne rushed into the living room and looked for her sister. Once she found her she headed to her and before Zoey could even blink Daphne had lifted her hand and slapped her. Someone gasped, but it wasn’t Zoey.
“Daphne, what is going on?” Mrs. Allen demanded to know. Daphne rotated her head to her mother. “Why don’t Du ask this slut?” she said. Another gasp. “Daphne, this is no way to talk in front of guests” Mrs. Allen reproached.
“What’s the matter, mom?” Daphne asked scornful. “Afraid I will spike your little balloon and everyone will see who sweet Zoey really is?...
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added by brileyforever77
CREDIT: jennfoxtv
Buffy – Im Bann der Dämonen
added by QueenCordelia
Source: not mine
otp. <3
captain schwan
added by QueenCordelia
added by QueenCordelia
Once Upon a Time - Es war einmal...
Once Upon a Time - Es war einmal...
added by Nevermind5555
Source: Tumblr
the fray
Liebe don't die
added by HaleyDewit
Source: Google
Cas opened the door of The schloss Café and entered the seemingly empty establishment. “Hello?” he called, but no one responded.
Maybe he was too late. But Andy had called him only five Minuten ago. Surely they would Zeigen Mehr patience than that.
“They’re not coming”
Cas turned around and saw Meg standing at a tabelle in the left corner.
“You must be mistaken. Daphne’s cousin has summoned me here” he said. Meg shook her head. “No, Emmanuel, they played a prank on you” she said, while she slowly walked his way.
“Why would they do that?” Cas asked, sounding hurt.
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CREDIT: xMrsJokerx93@youtube.com
Sarah Michelle Gellar
Cas was cleaning up the mess the guests had left behind when he saw Daphne’s reflection in the mirror. He looked down and put the glasses in the sink.
“Emmanuel” Daphne sagte soft. Cas didn’t respond. “Emmanuel, look at me” Cas reluctantly turned around, but still didn’t look at her.
Daphne cupped his face, forcing him to look up. “Emmanuel, honey, I am so sorry for yelling at you. Please believe me”
The look in his eyes made her step back. “You’re not afraid of me, are you?” she asked slowly. Cas didn’t answer that question.
“You should consider your actions before...
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When Cas entered the living room, Daphne was sitting on the couch, her parents sitting at both sides. She was just blowing her nose when Cas came their way.
“Daphne, I feel regret for the misery I have caused. I don’t want Du to fight with your sister. Du need her and she needs you. Perhaps Du should get in contact with her and try make things right” he said.
Daphne wiped her eyes, but it was no use; the tears just kept rolling.
“I can clearly see the Kürzlich events have influenced your mood” Cas sagte sad. “Maybe we should leave these people and go to a Mehr entertaining companion”...
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added by brileyforever77
CREDIT: VampireWillow13
Buffy – Im Bann der Dämonen
buffy summers
added by karlyluvsam
Buffy – Im Bann der Dämonen
added by karlyluvsam
When Cas and Zoey finally came downstairs Mehr guests had arrived. And among the guests there was a four Jahr old girl. She had blonde, wavy hair, green eyes, chubby cheeks and thin lips. She ran towards Zoey and Zoey lifted her in her arms.
“There Du are, Poppy” Zoey said.
“Mommy” the girl squeaked, squeezing her chubby arms tightly around Zoey’s neck, suffocating her.
“Is that Alexia?” Cas asked. Zoey nodded and put her daughter on her own feet. “Say hi to Emmanuel, sweetie”
Alexia reached out her hand and smiled. “Hello, Emmanuel”
Cas accepted the tiny hand and Alexia...
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