Leyton Family<3 Club
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posted by XxXrachellXxX
 Du lovely girl <33
You lovely girl <33
The Colton/Jackson and Emily/Felicity queen!!!

Holly: My little Ellaroo!! I'm so glad she's back, I've missed this girl so damn much. I have so many good memories with Elle, i loved skyping with her - despite it being a pain trying to work out a good time for both of us with the time difference lol. I Liebe how happy and fun Elle is, she always puts a smile on your face and it's so refreshing! I can't wait to reconnect with my kangaroo!
Ade: Did not talk to Du YET because I have to. I’ve heard from you, you’re an ancient(and an original even right?) and I definitely want to get to know Du more. I think you’re a Fan of The OC (praying to be right) and particularly Summer and Summer/Seth ? I think you’re older than most of us ? Which is interesting, I always Liebe learning from others.
Bee: I'M SO HAPPY ELLE'S BACK. Last time I spoke to Elle I was 11, maybe 12. That was 4/5 years ago. That's way too long to not speak to someone as amazing and wonderful as Elle! I remember meeting her and thinking how awesome she was and how we were going to be amazing friends, but then she left :( NOW SHE'S BACK AND WE ARE GONNA BE SUCH GOOD FRIENDS.
Inés: I don't know Elle very much, but she's already in my herz ! She's so joyful and in for everything ! It's unbeliveable ! I'm impatient to discover Mehr about her, because I think we can get along very well !!
Atie: I'm so glad that Elle is back.I feel so great that I got to talk to her.Even though we haven't talked that much I can see how friendly and kind she is.She's so nice and gentle.Love having her here with us now and hope we get to talk Mehr :)
Jess: I think if we would talk even Mehr we would find even Mehr similarities! I think we really like the same shows and actors and movies, so for me she could actually be like my sister oder twinny even if she doens't know that yet :D HAHA, but thats what I noticed from her picks etc. Of course, for me, she seems very caring and kind of girly, but in the most postive way :D
Maria: I knew she would be epic and awesome but talking to her made me actually realize it . I Liebe how friendly and sweet she is towards everyone. We have many things in common and I think we really understand each other<3. Liebe you<3
Nic: I'm already loving this girl!!! She's so sweet like sugar, very funny and I Liebe talking to her! We have SO many fandom things in common, things that no one else on the LPF likes and that's one of the reasons I'm so glad she came back! Luna to my Harry and charlotte to my Miranda, you're already one of my best Friends here :D
Fatemeh: Katniss to my Madge <3 First of all I wanted to tell Du how happy I am that you’re back. You’re one of the sweetest people to talk to. I Liebe how we get along and become Friends so fast. I know as time passes we will become closer and closer. Liebe Du girl.
Amber: I am so so so happy that my Ellabella is back! I have so many memories of the LLT and fangirling about Gilmore Girls and Brulian (since we used to be basically their only Fans on the spot :P)! Elle is just one of the most genuinely sweet people, and she’s always there to talk to! Liebe Du <33
Aline: We've just started to talk but I feel like we already so much in common! You're just so welcoming and open that it's easy to talk to Du and Du are such a lovely person, who cares about her Friends and is there for them <3
Rach: ELLE IS SO LOVELY!! We have become so, so close lately and I am so very grateful for it! She is so kind, so beautiful, so smart and humble and I don't know what I'd do without her. Honestly she's already become an incredibly valuable friend to me and I Liebe it so much that we talk every day!! She is just ahhh, brilliant, and I Liebe that we Liebe each other's ships so much!! I Liebe Du TO PIECES <3333
Rana: My original big sister <3 My girl for life forever and ever! Elle is one of my oldest Friends and she was one of the first people who basically took me under her wing and looked out for me. I was so sad when she left, but now I’m so excited she’s back! The Sekunde she came back we picked up our friendship like no tomorrow and I literally still tell her everything and she always understands and is there for me! I Liebe Du my Taystee.
Kir: Du were one of the first Friends I made on the LPF <3 And I'm so glad we both returned to the family together :D You're such an optimistic and loyal girl and you're so dedicated to our family.

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