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 Celine's rolemodel, Natalie Portman <3
Celine's rolemodel, Natalie Portman <3
Hello! This is me, Celine's SE buddy & the girl who is never going to let any of Du forget that it's that amazing girl's birthday.

Now, I have made a Liste of all my Favorit Celine qualities and guess what? I am now going to Liste them. Yep.

#1 Her kindness
- Celine is the nicest person I have ever "met" and that will always be the case, no matter who I meet. She is always there for me, no matter what & no matter when. She is always nice to everyone, but can still stand her ground. She is like the sun when I feel down. I know that sounds weird, but every time I feel like the world is coming down on me and everyone hates me (which happens a lot) she reminds me of all the great things in my life & lets me know I'm not alone. And that is all I have ever wanted from a friend. I don't know what oder who had made her into such a generous & wonderful person, but Requisiten for whoever/whatever made her happen! I do believe it was all Celine, though. She chooses to be amazing & kind and caring. In a world like this it's difficult to see the good things in people and in life, but she does. She is special.

#2 Her talent
Have Du seen Celine's icons? oder her fanarts? I'm sure Du have, and I'm sure you've all come to the same conclusion that I have: That girl has got talent. She can turn any picture into the most gorgeous Icon you'll ever see. I remember when I asked her for John&Kate icons, and she made me some (Terminator Salvation is a very dark movie, I'll have Du know, and she still manages to make the Icons bright & super duper gorgeous), and I was in awe. She is so talented. So damn talented and I would just like to ask her for Icons 24/7, but I know she's a busy bee! :D She's done so many Icons & fanarts for the LPF and even for me for my Group 7 fanfic, and she always manages to make every single fanart look like it's done Von a professional. How is that possible? No, Celine, don't tell us. It'll be Mehr mysterious if we never know!

#3 Her patience
- This is a good one! I am one of those people that get on everyone's nerves and who just keeps on talking and talking and talking about the same thing over again over again. And Celine never tells me to shut up, never tells me to change the subject. She always listens and helps the best way she can. And only a person with great patience and empathy is able to do that, and I am so happy that I have a friend just like that.

 Haley ; A female character so much like Celine <3
Haley ; A female character so much like Celine <3

#4 Her considerate nature
- Celine never hurts anyone intentionally. I have never ever heard anyone say "Celine's such a bitch" and I am so happy about that, because whoever would say that, I would have to kick their asses that very second. But anyway, Celine always tries to see the good in everyone & always defends everyone. But she is not naive, don't even think that. She sees if things are wrong and if someone has done wrong, but she always reminds me that just because someone does something bad, it doesn't mean they're completely bad people. How is she so moral? How is she so considerate? I don't know. And I don't know why she is my friend because I am the exact opposite of that.

#5 Her modesty
- Celine is super modest. Every time I give her a compliment, she does a thing that is similar to what I do. She kind of tosses the compliment aside. She appreciates it, of course, but she doesn't believe as much as she should. In that department we are quite alike and we have agreed that we should have a group therapy session about our low self-esteems. Anyway, Celine doesn't believe that she should be as loved as she is, oder that she even is. I don't think she understands how much we all Liebe her & I know everyone in her real life loves her so much, too. And one Tag Celine is going to find her Prince Charming (Or Mehr like Stefan Salvatore <33) and he is going to Liebe her & make her feel like the most beautiful girl in the world, which is exactly what she deserves to feel.

 Meet Celine's future husband: Paul Wesley!!!
Meet Celine's future husband: Paul Wesley!!!

#6 Her open-minded-ness (?)
- Is that even how Du spell it? And I got an A in english... :P Anyway, Celine never judges. No matter what I & anyone else tells her, she always tries to understand and relate, even if the thing doesn't interest her. I have a good example here. When I first told her about my fic, Group 7, and that it's about Terminator, in a way, I'm pretty sure she felt like "Eh... Terminator..." but she tried the fic out anyway. Because I asked her to. And guess what? Now she loves it (or at least I hope so XD) and she's a hardcore shipper when it comes to it. And every time I write a new chapter, I think if Celine is going to like it. And most of the time she does. A lot of things I do on the LPF & on fp, I do for Celine because she is my SE buddy and I'll never find another friend like her. On oder offline.

#7 Her brain
- Celine is incredibly smart. She does great in school & she even helped me little with my math once. She is just.. She doesn't think she is that smart, Von the way, but doesn't it take the smartest brain ever to make the great life choices she does, study like she does & just make the right choices in everyday life? I think it does. And Celine has got that brain. She tells me I'm smart, but I'll tell Du something, Celine: Du are the smart one and one Tag you'll be the President of the World. Du just wait.

 Celine's beautiful OTP <33
Celine's beautiful OTP <33

#8 Her true-ness
- Celine never ever pretends to be something she's not. Because she knows there's no point in pretending to be someone else, because the people in your life are either going to Liebe Du for who Du are oder Liebe someone else who isn't Du at all. And like I said, everyone loves Celine. For who she is. Smart, kind, beautiful and modest. She never lies, she never leaves anything she promises to do undone. She is true to herself & the people she loves.

#9 Her interest
- Celine always cares about what's going on in my life. Whether it's family trouble, boyfriend trouble oder Fanpop trouble, she's always interested to know & help. And she always does. I always know that if I need to talk to someone about how left out I feel, oder about how I think I suck, she is always the right person to go to. I'm sure if I asked all of you, you'd all tell me that Celine is the best kind of friend who always cares.

#10 Her passion
- Celine is so passionate about what she loves. star, sterne Wars, One baum HIll etc. She always expresses her interests & shows them through icons, for example. I always like talking about our mutual interest with her, star, sterne Wars. She's also my star, sterne Wars buddy, Von the way. We talk about whether Luke oder Anakin is the best Jedi (I say Luke, she says Anakin :P We're hopeless!) oder what kind of lightsaber we'd like to have.
Celine is my SE buddy because she & I both ship Stefan&Elena from the Vampire Diaries SO MUCH. Most TVD Fans are Delena fans, but that has never stopped us. STELENA FTW, right, Celine? :)
Anyway, Celine is super passionate & always defends what she loves and I am so happy that we have that in common, too!


#12 Her loyalty
- If I ever robbed a bank & told Celine about it, I am sure she'd keep my secret. She is so loyal to her Friends & always keeps her promises. Of course she knows what is the right thing to do, so.. Maybe she'd try to convince me to return the money to the bank, but she'd never tell on me. She is always loyal to her Friends & her loved ones, and I can always trust her, no matter what happens. She is a rock & if there's someone Du need to come to about anything, it's Celine. Always.

#13 Her strength
- We were talking about HBIC's, BAMF's and Sweethearts the other Tag & I told my view on sweethearts (which is not a very flattering view), and she told me she is a sweetheart. Well, for me a sweetheart means a weak damsel in distress who can't handle it alone. And listen to me Celine when I say this: Du ARE NOT A SWEETHEART. From my point of view, Du are not a sweetheart. You're a strong warrior princess who can get through anything & certainly doesn't need a man to rescue her from a dragon oder something. Du are so incredibly strong with everything that has happened in your life & I admire Du so much!

#14 Her good taste
- Celine and I have basically everything in common. Literally. Everything. She loves Stelena, star, sterne Wars, Emma Stone etc. I seriously can never find another person who I have this much in common with. She always knows what to watch & who to ship (Except for your Steroline AU ship... :P Yes, I am never letting this go XD), and I am always like "Wow, do we have this in common, too?" Celine, I don't know how Du have such good taste, but it rocks!! And of course this is sagte from my POV, so some might not agree, but now Du will shut up & celebrate this amazing girl's birthday because she deserves it and much more!!

 Celine's Favorit movie couple, always <33
Celine's Favorit movie couple, always <33

I think that is it. I could go on and on and on, but I am pretty sure that I already sound too stalkery XD I Liebe you, Celine, and I wish I could do Mehr for you. Du are the best & always will be <33
.. Right, forgot to say: Happy Birthday, sweetie! Have the best one ever! :D
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