Fans of PoM Who would like......... TO ROLEPLAY!?!?!?

ImAnEasel posted on Feb 15, 2012 at 09:55PM
XD Sorry for the unnecessary capital letters. Just... wanted to catch your attention. Anyway, I will start.

Squeak: *drops through hatch* THE SKY IS FALLING!!! :O

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Vor mehr als einem Jahr mostar1219 said…
Monique: Yea, i'm not sure about that, either. I just came up with the ray in a dream and i just kinda panicked a little
Vor mehr als einem Jahr kowalskirocks14 said…
Amber: yeah, and I know what blindness and muteness is, but not autism.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr mostar1219 said…
Monique: She's gonna be affected in the brain. Her communication and social interaction will change, as well as her view of the world. She'll also show signs of repetitive behaviors
last edited Vor mehr als einem Jahr
Vor mehr als einem Jahr kowalskirocks14 said…
Amber: like my punching and hurtin random people when I'm mad?
Shine: *wakes up* *looks around but doesn't say anything* *looks at the ground*
Vor mehr als einem Jahr mostar1219 said…
Monique: Shine, how do you feel?
Vor mehr als einem Jahr kowalskirocks14 said…
Shine: *still looking at the ground* *shrugs*
Vor mehr als einem Jahr mostar1219 said…
Monique: Listen, if you're not fond of her behavior, Amber, I'm sorry. Like I said, i just came up with the ray in a dream
Vor mehr als einem Jahr kowalskirocks14 said…
Amber: she ain't making fun of anyone, so I'm happy.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr mostar1219 said…
Monique: Now, in my opinion, the question is whether she'll embrace her temporary autism or not.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr kowalskirocks14 said…
(I'm sorry I'd I get autismy wrong, I don't know what it is. Correct me if my details are wrong*
Vor mehr als einem Jahr CuteCuddly said…
(^ That's easy for me, Amber. I can soooo relate to autisim. Meaning yes, I do have it)

Rune: *kneels down by Shine* Hey, Shine. Do you want to play a game?
Vor mehr als einem Jahr kowalskirocks14 said…
Shine: *looks away and shrugs*
Vor mehr als einem Jahr CuteCuddly said…
(So far, so good)

Rune: Do you want to play Simon says? Or charades? You don't have to talk in charades.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr kowalskirocks14 said…
Shine: *lays down with tail covering face*
Vor mehr als einem Jahr CuteCuddly said…
Rune: Hey Shine. How about, you tell me all about your imanginary friend? This one here, he wants to meet me.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr kowalskirocks14 said…
Shine: *shakes head, tail still on head*
Vor mehr als einem Jahr CuteCuddly said…
Rune: Then what do you wanna do, Shine?
Vor mehr als einem Jahr kowalskirocks14 said…
Shine: *shakes head*
Vor mehr als einem Jahr CuteCuddly said…
Rune: COME ON! That wasn't even a yes or no question!
Vor mehr als einem Jahr mostar1219 said…
Monique: Maybe she just wants to be alone for a while.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr kowalskirocks14 said…
Shine: *nods and walks to the corner of the room*
Vor mehr als einem Jahr mostar1219 said…
Monique: She'll come around when she feels ready.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr CuteCuddly said…
Rune: She coulda just SAID that!
Vor mehr als einem Jahr mostar1219 said…
Monique: She probably didn't feel comfortable saying it exactly. I know how that goes.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr CuteCuddly said…
(LOL, every time I see this role play title, who would like to roleplay? I say in my head. I DOO!!!! BTW; Shine is very good at autisticness, is that even a word?)

Rune: Whatever. I don't understand. (Irony!)
Vor mehr als einem Jahr kowalskirocks14 said…
(yeah, mostly cuz I've looked up autism, and remembered I know someone with autism. And someone who's deaf. And a mute. And a blind. My neighborhood is full of people like that. I have a smaller case of foments... :P)
Amber: alright! Autism shine is awesome!
Vor mehr als einem Jahr mostar1219 said…
Monique: She needs to adjust to life with this temporary autism. She'll understand this different point of view of the world and she might hopefully change.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr CuteCuddly said…
Rune: Sometimes, someone with autisim is sad, knowing they're diffrent and their veiw of the world is diffrent. And sometimes, they'd egt bullied and...well...they're just...lonely...
Vor mehr als einem Jahr mostar1219 said…
Monique: She just needs to know she belongs.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr kowalskirocks14 said…
Amber: that's the problem. She doesn't belong. She's mean to everyone. I belong, I'm only mean to shine! :D
Vor mehr als einem Jahr mostar1219 said…
Monique: I've been a bad person before.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr CuteCuddly said…
Rune: Everyone belongs somewhere.

(I'm not even finding you imitating autisim offencive)
Vor mehr als einem Jahr mostar1219 said…
(I'm actually autistic)
Monique: I suggest we have her trust us so we can help her. Let her know that we care.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr CuteCuddly said…
(that makes two! Cool)
Rune: I guess...
Vor mehr als einem Jahr mostar1219 said…
(I'm an aspire to be exact)
Monique: It helped me, it should be bound to help her
Vor mehr als einem Jahr CuteCuddly said…
(aspire? Or asperger?)
Rune: How do you get someone like that to trust you?
Vor mehr als einem Jahr mostar1219 said…
Monique: compassion, help, and understanding
Vor mehr als einem Jahr CuteCuddly said…
(OH! Ok. I'm not sure what I have, probably the same)
Rune: I have all that, I think. *turns to Shine in the corner* What do you say? Wanna be my friend?
Vor mehr als einem Jahr kowalskirocks14 said…
Shine: *facing the wall, shrugs*
Vor mehr als einem Jahr CuteCuddly said…
Rune: Come on. We won't hurt you. I promise. I'm probably smaller than you, anyway.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr mostar1219 said…
(soon, that'll no longer count as an autism spectrum disorder)
Monique: I wonder what would happen if I sang a song.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr CuteCuddly said…
(asperger? Why?)
Rune: I dunno. You could try.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr mostar1219 said…
(not sure)
Monique: (singing) Every song the world sings, each was once unknown. Somebody felt a song inside and wasn't afraid to sing alone.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr kowalskirocks14 said…
Shine: *closes eyes and droops head)
Vor mehr als einem Jahr mostar1219 said…
Monique: (singing) if you feel the music and you sing it clear and true, then the world can sing with you.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr CuteCuddly said…
Rune: That's nice. What is that song?
Vor mehr als einem Jahr kowalskirocks14 said…
Amber: im in a music-y moon *starts humming to "bring me to life*
Vor mehr als einem Jahr mostar1219 said…
Monique: one small voice. (singing) one small voice can teach the world a song. Star with one small voice till another sings along, and then you'll feel the music growing full and sure and strong. One small voice can teach the world a song.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr CuteCuddly said…
Rune: *eyes are closed and humming along* *starts singing in her angelic voice sub-consiously* One small voice can teach the world a song. Start with one small voice 'till anotehr sings along, and then you'll feel the music growing full and sure and strong. One small voice can teach the world a song.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr mostar1219 said…
Monique: (singing) no tune is too simple, no voice can be wrong. Music can come from any heart and anyone's voice can lead the song. If you feel the music and if you believe the words, sing and you'll be heard.