Classic Schauspielerinnen Club
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Good Greetings to Du fellas! I'm isabellagirl033 aka the creator of this club. I've often seen and heard individuals comparing classic and modern Schauspielerinnen against each other. So, let's settle this once and for all.

Round 1: Beauty

Beauty is not what defines a person but in the industry that is a major factor.This is a tough one since each side has it's own league of beautiful ladies. This has to go to the classic Schauspielerinnen since with the heavy makeup and photoshop these days, Du can never tell about the modern actresses.

Round 2: Fashion

Fashion is another major factor in the Schauspielen industry. The classic era is known for it's elegance and decency while the modern era is known for it's daring style. This belongs to the classic era since they could seem beautiful without Wird angezeigt any skin at all.

Round 3: Racial Diversity

One of the things that the classic era is known for is it's controversial casting. There was almost no diversity at all and most of the roles went to white Berühmtheiten hence forth, this goes to the modern era for it's Mehr diverse casting.

Round 4: Equal Roles

The female characters of the classic era are often labelled as Mary Sues, this is true as most of the kick-ass roles went to male celebrities. However, as the time goes on females are being offered Mehr and Mehr kick-ass roles. So, modern era wins this round.

We get a tie! Both Schauspielerinnen of both eras are fantastically awesome,talented,beautiful and of course kickass.

Well, its goodbye for now....
Hasta La Vista, fellas!