Out of curiosity, are Du atheist because Du don't see any logic in God oder because Du have been extremely hurt and don't see Him in your life?

I'm a Christian and I won't judge anyone here oder try to convert them, but I've always wondered why people are atheist. Is it Mehr because Du just don't see any logic that God is who He says He is, the Creator, the Father, the Liebe of this universe. oder is it because Du have been hurt really badly in your life and when Du prayed oder tried to pray, Du didn't see God working in your life?
 SarahCorine posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr
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Atheism Antwort

misanthrope86 said:
Those are the only 2 options for disbelief in God?

Firstly, it would be illogical to be angry at something Du don't believe in. The whole "Atheists are angry at God" notion is, Von the definition of Atheism, impossible.

I don't know if there are any gods. It seems highly, highly unlikely to me gegeben the information we have about out world that has been gained both through scientific investigation and individual personal experiences. I know that the Christian God as described in the bible (and any other deity from any other organised religion) does not exist. Those gods are man-made for the interests of men.

I'm an Atheist because Atheism makes sense for me in my life. I enjoy it and I feel it makes me live my life in a productive way.

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Emseeem said:
I was raised in a Catholic family, but we didn't spend much time in church and I never really read the bible. It wasn't until I was exposed to the truth of all the hatred contained in the bible that I began to Frage my faith and eventually discard it.

I never experienced any pain that would cause me to Frage my faith, though. I just saw the bible for what it was and stopped believing.
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Tyler47 said:
Out of Curiosity, Do Du believe in god because Du see logical proof and/or evidence for his existence? oder because something really bad happened to Du and Du needed the illusion of a superior power that grants wishes in your life?
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Jessicatt said:
I don't believe in God for several reasons:

1) I've seen too much suffering and injustice in this world to believe in a benevolent all-powerful being who loves and wants to protect us. My grandmother was a Catholic, who helped total strangers and never spoke an unkind word to my knowledge. She was warm and gentle to everyone. Once, when an under-privileged stranger came to her door asking for money, she not only gave him money, but she also cooked him abendessen and gave him one of my grandpa's shirts! She suffered a debilitating illness, and lingered on for three long and painful years before she finally died. If God really existed, why would something so terrible happen to someone so kind and undeserving?

I majored in criminal justice, and read about Mehr injustices in the world (i.e. kind people being victimized, criminals going unpunished). If there was a God, why would these things happen? While I was in the process of getting my degree, a childhood friend and a cousin of mine both died from cancer. Both were young, kind, and hard-working individuals. Both suffered immeasurably in the months leading up to their deaths. Where was God then?

2) I tried to believe in Catholicism like the rest of my family, but when I would go to church, I would see people there that had treated me oder my Friends like complete shit for no reason. The hypocrisy of it really turned me off to Christianity.

3) I have seen no scientific proof that God exists.

I respect people's right to believe in Christentum (or any other religion, for that matter), but try as I might, I can't believe in God.
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posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr 
Shadowmarioking said:
Oh I have my reasons.

1. Over religious freaks that try to convert people.

2. Wasn't raised in a house that encouraged oder seemed interested in religion.

3. Intellectual freedom.
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posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr 
1- I admit there are some people who go about it the wrong way, when trying to tell someone about God, but there are still many others who do it with Liebe and understanding.
SarahCorine posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr
2- I understand that and I know many people who found God despite that.
SarahCorine posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr
no one can give Du freedom, that is something lived.
VengeanceWolf posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr
Ale1152 said:
It's both in my case.
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posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr 
Can I ask Du what happened that hurt you?
SarahCorine posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr
Ale1152 posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr
what hurt you, oder who?
15blondCurtis posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr
Didn't I say no? Because I'm pretty sure I sagte no.
Ale1152 posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr
Dragonclaws said:
I don't see the logic in God existing. The only way I'm willing to consider him existing is in the realm of an intelligent creator (of unknown attributes) designing the world and then abandoning it, which I still suspect isn't true. The idea of God as an overseer just makes no sense to me at all.
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TangoThang said:
Nobody has ever provided any evidence that any gods, much less a specific god, exist. People believe in specific gods because of indoctrination from an early age, tradition, apophenia, hallucinations, fear of torture (for gods sadistic enough to threaten it) and other similarly illogical reasons. But to me there are no gods exist in reality; these are all stories, created for people who were scared of the world long before we understood it. Now we have no Mehr reason for these superstitions.

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What she sagte
Jinx_inside posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr
ilovereading said:
Yes, I think it's illogical, but I've seen weird things before.
Yes, I don't "see him in my life", but I've never seen Queen Elizabeth II either and I still think she exists. I've been hurt Von people and I don't doubt their presence in this Universe.

The actual answer is simple: There is no evidence of god(s). Isn't it strange how Du can prove everything else?
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mina_sit said:
"Out of curiosity, are Du don't believe in Zeus because Du don't see any logic in Zeus oder because Du have been extremely hurt and don't see Him in your life?" <--the original Frage and this version isn't a big difference in my opinion.

christianity, musulmanism, budism etc is the same to me: a mythology. in case of Christentum an overrated one...
people used to believe in zeus(the greek god of the thunder) oder rah(aigyptian god of sun) because they couldn't understand from where these powers comes from so they created gods and started prayng. Christentum is just the same: some people blindly believe in a "perfect" god to comfort themselves with some things that were told 2000-2500 years Vor because they don't know from where we come from.

neither do an atheist but i believe in our cases we rather spend time learning about science and trying to understand the universe (these things are the answers) than just praying and go to the church every sunday. in personal level i don't wanna make the same mistakes ancient people did and i didn't see god just like i didn't see the invisible rosa unicorn in my life...

ps: sorry for the long answer and please excuse my poor english
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Fuuko-chan said:
Well,i have a LOT of reason but there are some :
1 : I figured how much hate,suffering and pain religion have caused (crusades,September 11,sexism,homophobia,witch hunt,anyone?)
2 : If God truly exist,he will be a sadist oder a asshole.I believe he be the two of them.
3 : The whole idea is funny : A invisible men in the sky who claim that he Liebe you,but start war and send Du crap? yeaaaaah,right.
4 : If Du read the bible oder anything like this carefully,like i did,it's awful and horryfing.
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posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr 
you're a asshole. GOD doesn't have to proove himself to anyone. he IS!!!
15blondCurtis posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr
i agree with Du fuuko-chan
Animeshnica posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr
15blondCurtis,you just prove to everyone that religious people are not the smarter,don't you?
Fuuko-chan posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr
KissOfDoom said:
Why don't Du believe in Zeus oder Allah? Just like the banner says, when Du understand why Du dismiss all the other possible gods, Du will understand why I dismiss yours.
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sailor_spade15 said:
Im Mehr agnostic than atheist...but theres just a lot of reasons

I grew up in a strict christian home, and at first that was ok. then I turned 12.

I'm 16 now and when I was a kid I kinda just went along with whatever my parents sagte was true, but when I grew up, I just developed my own opinion.

God was never there for me. Ever. So why would I want to be chained down to a religion practically being a slave for a god that may oder may not even be there.

AND if there is a god, he is cruel. I DO NOT hate christians, but I hate god. Charistians bow down to him and call him 'merciful' and 'forgiving' but if he was, why would people like me be going to hell? (That is, if its even a real thing) I definately dont see myself as a bad person, i havent done anything too wrong in my life, but if there is a hell, thats where im going. its unfair to send people like homosexuals and atheists to a place like that just for being THEMSELVES.

God is extremely cruel, and I refuse to be tied down to a religion, doing whatever god tells me to do. I'd rather stand up for what I believe in and go to hell then be something i'm not go to 'heaven'
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posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr 
you're a good person. :) i'll pray for you, tonight. <3
15blondCurtis posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr
emilyroxx posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr
AWarnerS said:
Both reasons
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posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr 
are Du faking, oder it's true?
15blondCurtis posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr
VengeanceWolf said:
In my case, its because I have found the idea of gods to be rather odd. How can there be a higher being, who can create entire worlds? I asked myself, and how can he be always watching? In all honesty i did try hard to think about it, and being raised in a religious family i wanted to believe, but in the end all any god is, whether it be God, Zues, Allah, they are all objects for control.

While the idea of heaven and God are nice and can help people, all they are are ideas. Something created long Vor Von people who wanted power and a manner of control over others lives. How this has managed to last all these centuries is also a simple answer. People Are Scared.
No one wants to face the reality of the unknown after death, thus they turned to religion, and religion has caused Mehr pain and death than anything else in the world.
The bible says that god created man, but that is blatenly contriticted Von science. Man has evolved through the ages just as any other creature has done
Anyway these are my reasons
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azkaban said:
Both of those reasons.
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posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr 
really? what happened? :(
15blondCurtis posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr
SkyBendingVee said:
I really hate to be patronizing, and please no one take this offensively, but I think it's ridiculous that wars are being fought and people are becoming offended over a book of proverbs. It's just what I think, I'm totally open to the basic idea of God, I just don't want to worship it.
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