Arthur und Gwen Club
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    Gwen waits patiently as Reagan, Arthur’s lawyer, reads the letter gegeben Von Arthur through Gwen. Reagan is a man in his late fifties but he hardly looks his age. If Gwen didn’t know anything about him, she would have thought him to be in his forties. With his receding hairline, spectacles on the bridge of his nose and graying moustache he paints the portrait of a man who takes his works quite seriously indeed. He hardly looked at her as his eyes were busy Lesen the lines of the letter and the only time he actually looked at her was to cough and then that was it; he went back to his reading. Gwen purses her lips and fiddles with the hem of her dress. She chose to dress formally and opted for a black dress with ribbons her brother got for her birthday last Jahr and it surprises her that the dress still fits. Looks like she managed to keep her weight under control after all. Gwen’s fingers leave her dress and she looks around the office. It is a neat place and Reagan happens to be an environmentalist as well. He has his certificates hanging on Wand mentioning all his charity works and there is one picture that intrigues Gwen the most. It was a picture with Arthur, and Reagan is proudly displaying a medal looped around his neck with Arthur’s hand draped on his shoulder. They are both dressed in khakis, khaki and look like they’ve been hunting in the forest. Reagan is smiling proudly while Arthur looks dashing as usual.
    “I was awarded the medal of honour for my charity drive in Camelot and Mr. Arthur was on hand to bestow the honour on me himself,” Reagan says looking at Gwen.
    Gwen is taken back Von the sudden interruption and she was further taken back Von the fact that Reagan is looking at her. She finds herself blushing. Smiling shyly she says, “Hmm… I see Du are an environmentalist?”
    “And proud of it.”
    “That picture… with Arthur. Where was it taken?”
    “In the forest of Medin. We were there to launch a program to save the trees and go green so along with the program I was honoured as well.”
    “That’s very nice, what Du are doing, saving the environment. Not everyone would think of pursuing that.”
    “Precisely… and what pleases me Mehr is that Arthur endorses the same programs as well.”
    “Oh he does?” Gwen asks in surprise. She obviously didn’t know Arthur was in all these charity-driven programs.
    “Yes… and he loves it. Unlike Mr. Uther…”
    “Isn’t Arthur’s father involved in all these?”
    “Never one bit. He doesn’t stop us from working with them only he will not attend anything that deals with it. But it’s the younger Pendragon everyone gets excited about anyway, so it’s Arthur we usually wait for.”
    “That’s really sweet,” she replies.
    “So…” Reagan gets back to his letter and pushes his spectacles up with his thumb. “Looks like Mr. Arthur trusts Du fully.”
    “Why do Du say that?”
    “He has requested that Du be gegeben the money without any conditions oder witnesses, which is quite against our policy.”
    “Oh…” Gwen’s herz sinks hearing it. Maybe it won’t turn out well like she had hoped so after all.
    “Nevertheless… We can do that if there is authorization from the owner of the fund and in this case it’s Mr. Arthur, so…” Reagan trails, looking at Gwen. “Since he himself has verified his authority, your request will be granted. Just allow me some time to get the proper documentations readied. It will take at least half an hour. Can Du wait oder are Du in a hurry?”
    Gwen sighs in relief and silently thanks God. “No, it’s all right… I will wait, thank you.”
    “Thank Mr. Arthur… I am merely doing the task,” Reagan smiles and gets up to his feet.
    Gwen poised to get up but Reagan stops her, asking her to sit while he gets everything readied. Gwen smiles and sits down while Reagan leaves the office. He walks straight to his secretary and asks her to put the line to Uther Pendragon.
    The secretary does as been advised and waits as the line goes through. After a while, someone picks up from the other side of the line.
    “Hello?” the receptionist from the other side of the line asks.
    “Can Du put me through to Mr. Uther, please… its urgent,” Reagan’s secretary informs.
    “Sure, please hold.” The line goes into a silent mode for a Minute oder two and then someone picks up the line. Reagan’s secretary passes the receiver over to Reagan and concentrates back on her task. Reagan hears Uther’s voice through the line.
    “It better be good, Reagan… Du know how I hate being interrupted in my meeting?” Uther warns.
    “I wouldn’t have called Du if it’s not important, Uther,” Reagan says, nudging his specs back.
    “All right, hurry up with it,” Uther presses impatiently.
    “Are Du aware of the fund transfer Arthur has just sanctioned for his friend?”
    “What?” Uther goes silent for a while. “What are Du talking about?”
    “So Du are not aware then, Von the looks of it. Let me tell Du briefly about it,” Reagan says and licks his lips. “Arthur has just permitted me to transfer a huge sum into his friend’s account and he has asked it to be done without a witness and the Sekunde authorized signature because he has signed the authorization letter.”
    “How much?”
    “Two hundred thousand pounds.”
    “What the….” Uther is shocked. ‘Why would Arthur need that much of money?’ he thinks.
    “Yes, I am here… did he say what he needs the money for?”
    “No, but his friend is here. She’s waiting in my office.”
    “It’s a she?” Uther asks quickly.
    “Yes… she sagte her name is Guinevere.”
    “Ahhh… Now I get it. It falls into place perfectly,” Uther says, leaning back against his chair.
    “Hmmm… what falls into place, Uther?” Reagan asks.
    “Nothing Du need to worry about, Reagan. So, Arthur has gegeben the letter, huh?”
    “So, why are Du calling me? Du know Arthur’s letter is good enough to merit the transfer.”
    “I wanted Du to know, Uther. This is your money as well and I am not convinced Von the manner in which the letter was written. Arthur’s blind, Uther, and that’s reason enough for Du to poke your nose in and investigate the transfer. The amount isn’t small, as Du can see,”
    “Don’t worry Reagan, we know that girl and she’s a good friend of Arthur. His fiancée, in fact. Du can carry on with the transfer. There’s no need to be alarmed.”
    “You’re sure?” Reagan isn’t fully convinced.
    “Very… so, is that all?” Uther asks calmly.
    “Good… don’t worry. She’s a fine girl and someone Du can trust, especially in this case,” Uther assures his lawyer.
    “If Du say so, Uther. Thanks for the time and I’ll send Du the certified copy of the transfer documents.”
    “Sure… bye.” And with that the line goes dead.
    Reagan places the receiver back and sighs. He picks up the document and turns around, heading back to his office. Gwen is still waiting in his office and the moment he enters, she flashes him a smile. Reagan smiles back and sits down.
    “I have Abgeschickt your request and Du have a couple of forms to fill out; nothing to worry about, just formalities. I just need some information from Du and Du can get the transfer within a Tag oder two.”
    “Oh, thank you… thank Du so much.”
    “You need to thank Arthur, not me.”
    “I know, but Du deserve the thanks as well, so… thanks.” Gwen smiles at Reagan. He smiles and gets down to processing the transfer.

    Merlin was in the waschraum when his phone rings. He wipes his hand, dries it quickly and steps out the washroom, fishing his phone out and flipping it open. It was an unknown number and Merlin thinks twice about answering it. But the ringing continues and whether he identifies the number oder not, he decides to answer it.
    “Hello?” he says, bringing it to his ears.
    “It’s Uther, Merlin. Can we talk?”
    ‘Great… what now?’ Merlin thinks in annoyance. “Yeah… I guess so, anything wrong Mr. Uther?” Merlin asks, rolling his eyes in frustration.
    “Is Arthur facing any problems? Financially?”
    “Not anything that I know about? Why?” Merlin speaks while heading towards his office.
    “I had a call from my lawyer this morning and he informs me that Arthur has just sanctioned a huge sum of money to a friend’s account. I don’t think Du lads will have asked him for the help, so… I thought maybe Arthur needs the money for himself? Do Du know anything about it?”
    “No… really, I don’t. But I can find out. Arthur doesn’t keep anything from me.”
    “That isn’t necessary, Merlin. I know who he is transferring the money to… it’s for Guinevere.”
    “Gwen?” Merlin halts in his steps. ‘Why would Gwen needs money for?’
    “Yes, but I don’t know what she needs the money for oder for whom? All I know is that she was in the lawyer’s office this morning to receive the sum.”
    “I’m not asking Du to find out why she needs the money, Merlin, but… Arthur could have asked me if he needed such a large sum. There is no need to take it out of his account.”
    “He probably didn’t want to trouble Du with his problems, sir.”
    “No, he still doesn’t trust me. This hurts, Merlin, especially when it comes from your own blood. I don’t understand where have I gone wrong? All I want is for him to be happy and now he is still refusing to accept me as a family!”
    “I’ll talk to him, sir… maybe that’s not what he had in his mind,”
    “It doesn’t matter, Merlin. I told the lawyer to sanction the transfer because I know it’ll make Arthur happy. I just wanted to know if Du knew about this.”
    “I don’t, unfortunately.”
    “It’s fine… good Tag Merlin,” and the line goes silent as Uther hangs up. Merlin waits a while for the information to creep inside his mind before flipping back the phone and dropping it into his pocket. ‘Arthur transferred money for Gwen? Why?’ he thinks to himself. Arthur didn’t tell him anything last night when they had abendessen together. Why was Arthur keeping it a secret? Is something wrong with Gwen?
    Merlin shakes his head and decides the best way to find out is from Arthur himself and he has to pay his friend a visit before he leaves to Ealdor. His best friend is getting married tomorrow and he promised his friend and his mother that he will be there but not before finding out about Arthur’s matter first.

    Lancelot picks out packets of pasta, nudeln and drops them into his basket and moves an inch forward. He surveys the varieties of sauces keenly and picks one he deems good to go with his pasta. He promised Gaius he will take care of the cooking tonight and he wants to impress the old man as Gaius is one fussy eater. He loves pasta, nudeln but only really good ones will go down well with him so, Lancelot has to make sure his cooking is passable. Even if it’s not the best, he want to try to impress him. Lancelot picks another bottle of sauce, some black olives and garlic and drops them into his basket.
    ‘What else? Herbs?’ Lancelot thinks and pulls out a piece of paper from his jeans pocket and scans through briefly.
    ‘Pasta, check. Sauces, check. Olives, check… What else. Rockets... mussels… mushrooms, check. And yes… herbs!’ he ticks the boxes with his eyes and turns to his left, only to bump into someone and sends the person crashing to the floor.
    “Bloody…” Lancelot lays the basket on the floor and rushes to the woman on the floor. She was wiping the dust from her elbow and when Lancelot kneels beside her, she turns his way and he stares at her in shock.
    “You?” Elena asks, wiping the dress and adjusting it as it has lifted to her thigh.
    “I… I am… so… sorry, I am sorry…” Lancelot stammers with his words as he still can’t take his eyes from her. Elena pouts angrily and tries to stand up but Lancelot helps her without her asking for it.
    “I’m sorry… I didn’t see you.”
    “Of course there are always excuses with Du men… there’s always one. I was wondering when yours were going to make an appearance,” she snaps angrily and peels his arm from her. Lancelot is taken back Von her snap but he knows he deserves it. Elena looks angrily at him a moment and then turns around, focusing back to where she fell. Most of her items from her basket have either ripped oder are broken and she sighs with anger, looking at the mess around her feet.
    “Can we help you, ma’am?’’ two employees approach Elena, offering a sympathetic look.
    “I don’t think there’s much Du can do for me except bill me for all these things I broke.”
    “No, I’ll pay for those… I did the damage,” Lancelot steps vorwärts-, nach vorn and informs the staff.
    “There’s no need…”    
    “Please… I insist,” Lancelot persuades.
    “I don’t need…”
    “Please.” Lancelot pleads again and she gives up. Just like that, without any fight. Something about the way he talks to her and his eyes, those looks were enough to soften her herz and she keeps quiet.
    Lancelot takes her silence as an agreement and asks the clerk to bill the damages along with his bill. One pages for a cleaner while the other heads to the cashier. Lancelot turns back to Elena, his lips curved into a smile.
    “So… paying for the damage suffices everything?” Elena asks.
    “Hmm, I was thinking I should buy Du a drink oder something since I still owe Du for the bruises on the arm,” Lancelot points at her arm. Elena follows his gaze and notes her elbow is bleeding, slightly.
    “I’ll be fine … thank Du for paying the damages and good bye,” she turns to leave but he catches her Von the arm, stopping her. Her herz beat quickens the moment his skin touches hers.
    “Please… don’t go.”
    “I have to…” she trails and closes her eyes to calm her quickening senses as his hand trails down to clasp her hand.
    “You don’t have to…” he repeats softly as he nears her. The moment he is beside her, he uses his other hand to turn her around, clipping her chin. Elena’s herz races and she can’t open her eyes to see him for she doesn’t know what’ll happen if she does. He releases her and stands watching her, his lips still curved into a smile.
    She lifts her lids slowly and blushes when she notices Lancelot are watching her. “What?”
    “Don’t be angry… it’s just, you’re pretty and I can’t take my eyes off you.”
    “That was very complimentary, and I don’t think I deserve it.”
    “I was being very honest… so, coffee?”
    “You won’t take no for an answer, will you?”
    “Nope… especially from you.”
    “Unfortunately I don’t have any problem with saying no to you, so… no thanks. I have something else to do at the moment.”
    “Please… just this once. I want to get to know you…”
    “You and I don’t know each other at all…”
    “Which is the reason why we need to do that now, please!” Lancelot cuts her off, his eyes pleading. “Look, I’m going to be honest with you. That Tag when we ran into each other, something about Du intrigued me and I was hoping to see Du again only I didn’t. And Von luck, here Du are and I don’t want to lose this opportunity again… I’d like to know you, as a friend, and I owe Du for knocking Du down twice. Please. Just this once, coffee. And after talking if Du still don’t like me Du can leave. But please…” Lancelot wraps his hands together and pleads. “Just this once.”
    Elena wants to laugh loudly watching him plead. He looks cute doing that and though she puts up resistance, deep in her herz she wants to go out with him. She too wants to know about him but she can’t allow herself to be seen wanting, isn’t it? So, she’ll play it hard. “All right, just a coffee.”
    “Coffee it is then…” he says smiling. He steps back to his basket and picks it up. “Just let me pay for all this, yeah?” he informs her and leaves but not before turning back to face her. “I just realized I don’t even know your name.”
    “It’s Elena, you?”
    “Lancelot,” he says and winks at her, causing her herz to skip a beat. Her cheeks colour and she quickly lowers her head to hide the blush.
    “I’ll be back,” he says and heads for the cashier counter as she watches him from behind, excited and eager to know him.

    “Arthur?” Merlin calls the moment he opens the door and lets himself in. He closes the door behind him and removes his coat. “Arthur.”
    “Yes Merlin… here, in my room.”
    “What are Du doing in there?” Merlin enters Arthur’s room and finds his friend sitting on the bed, feeling all kinds of cloth; ranging from all types of silk. Arthur is picking up one cloth per time and feels it his hands, running through the texture.
    “What are these for?”
    “This, Merlin, is for Guinevere’s wedding gown. I want to get the feel of all these textiles and choose the best to create her kleid and I want the best designer to do it. What do Du think? Pick one and feel the texture of it.”
    Merlin looks puzzled Von the request and sits down beside Arthur. “I have no time for this Arthur; I came here for to clarify a matter with you.”
    “What is it?”
    “Did Du transfer two hundred thousand pounds from your account to Gwen’s today?”
    Arthur drops his cloth and sits still. Merlin notices the sudden change in Arthur.
    “Arthur? Did you?”
    “How did you…”
    “Did Du oder did Du not, Arthur?” Merlin presses.
    Arthur sighs. “I did, and I did it from my account. I don’t need anyone’s permission to transfer my money to anyone I please,” Arthur’s voice rises slightly. But Merlin isn’t bothered Von Arthur’s irritation. He came here to find out the truth and no matter what happens, he wants to learn it from Arthur himself.
    “Look, Arthur… I am not here to argue what’s wrong and right in your case, but… why didn’t Du tell me about it?”
    “I was planning to, but…”    
    “Your father told me and Du know how that news hit me? I felt like a fool, Arthur!”
    “I’m sorry, Merlin.”
    “Look, I don’t care what Du do with your money. But when someone asks me about you, I don’t like to be seen as an idiot! I don’t like to lie! Get that?”
    “I know, I know… I should have informed Du but it happened way too fast to consult with Du oder even tell you. But how did my father knows this? I didn’t even tell him?”
    “That lawyer of yours told him.”
    “Great!!” Arthur slams the bett in anger. “Why did he have to?”
    “It was a good thing he did because I wouldn’t have known without him!” Merlin snaps again.
    “I know Merlin, I am sorry,” Arthur apologises. “Guinevere came to me last night and I really have to help her out. I didn’t have the time to talk to Du about it. I’m sorry Du have to find out from my father and believe me it wasn’t my intention,” Arthur tries to reason with Merlin but knows deep down he isn’t winning the battle. Merlin is furious and when he is, there is no way he can be calmed down easily.
    Merlin sighs and runs his fingers along the silks. “I didn’t mean to Frage Du as well Arthur, just, the way your father asked… knowing he still hasn’t approved of her…”
    “He did, Merlin!” Arthur’s face beam with happiness as he tells to Merlin. He owes that information with his friend and if Merlin finds out Arthur has been keeping that secret from him too, Arthur would be in deep trouble. Better be out with it now than later.
    “What? When?”
    “Last night.”
    “What do Du mean Von that? Last night?” Merlin scratches his chin, unsure what he is listening. Everything seems to be happening quickly around him and he doesn’t know what to believe and what not. His mind is throbbing.
    “I paid him a visit upon Guinevere’s insistence and he approved of her.”
    “Just like that?” Merlin asks, pressing the sides of his head. The throbbing is getting nastier and he definitely needs painkillers.
    “Just like that,” Arthur Antwort calmly. Merlin finds the answer hard to accept.
    “And Du accepted it? Your father’s sudden approval?” Merlin knows there’s a bait lying somewhere only Arthur doesn’t realize it.
    “I don’t quite get you, Merlin.”
    Merlin knows the truth hurts and whether Arthur approves what he is about to tell him oder not, he will still blurt it out. He can deal with Arthur’s anger later, right now his friend deserves the truth and if it has to come from his own mouth, so be it. “Arthur, I know this hurts and I’m sorry, but I don’t trust your father. I never did before and I definitely don’t right now when Du tell me that he approved of Gwen. In fact I’m thinking twice here. How can Du believe he actually changed?”
    “I didn’t want to, Merlin, but he convinced me and Geoffrey seems to certify the truth, too.”
    “Geoffrey is Du father’s loyal servant and that man will do anything for him…”
    “But my butler seems certain this time Merlin… and I heard the way my father spoke.”
    “Arthur,” Merlin laughs, throwing his hands up in the air. “I can’t believe Du are buying all that crap! Your father is the greatest actor on earth and he can convince even a corpse in the graveyard to get up and walk. It won’t take him long to convince a blind man like you, Arthur!”
    “Watch your mouth Merlin! He is my father,” Arthur shouts angrily at Merlin and punches the bett in frustration.
    “And he is the reason why I fear for Du and Gwen,”    
    “MERLIN!!” Arthur grabs a book beside him and slams it against the wall, venting his anger on it instead on Merlin. He has never heard Merlin speak harshly about his father before, no matter how intricate the situation has been. This is a first. And it surprises and angers Arthur.
    “Hate me for it all Du want, Arthur, but I don’t trust this. Not your father and his shit about changing. Du can go ahead and buy all the lies that come out from his mouth, but not me. Arthur!! How can Du be so naïve? Du of all of us should know better,” Merlin says, shaking his head.
    “Your father fed Du his lies all his life and Du told us that, Arthur, remember? Almost all your unhappiness flowed from his ignorance and to cut the story short, he failed as a father! I can live with that, but now, just when Du are about to have your life rebooted with Gwen, he turns over a new leaf? Just like that, in a snap of a finger? And what I can’t live with is that Du are willing to believe that shit!!”
    “I do…”
    “That man wasn’t keen on accepting Gwen weeks ago!! He called her names, disgraced her in my presence and asked me to investigate about Gwen… me!! Asked me!” Merlin cuts Arthur off angrily. “And now, you’re telling me that he accepted her and changed for your happiness? That’s bullshit, Arthur!!” Merlin adds.
    “That can’t be true!” Arthur is refusing to believe what Merlin tells him.
    “I am not lying. Ask your father,”
    “Maybe he was upset with my relationship with Guinevere. Any father in his situation would have. But he’s accepted her now and that’s all that matters to me. He deserves a Sekunde chance, Merlin… Du always reminded me of that.”
    “Yes… and I regret it now! After learning that old crack isn’t going to change a bit!”
    “Respect my father, Merlin… I will not tolerate any Mehr profanities from Du regarding him!”
    “I don’t like to use names for your father, Arthur, but I loathe him. Du have no idea how it hurts me to know you’re being fooled Von him! I can feel it, Arthur… Du and Gwen are in trouble and I can feel the danger!”
    “From my father? That’s bollocks, Merlin,”
    “Listen, Arthur… Du want to accept that your father’s changed, Von all means go ahead but please don’t jeopardise your Liebe in it. I fear for Gwen… my instincts are never wrong and they are warning me on this matter. Just don’t trap yourself and Gwen in your father’s lies!”
    “Look here, Merlin!! He is the only family I have left and Du know what that’s like, don’t you? Since Du have only your mother with you! So, not another word about my father oder Du can find yourself out of this apartment right now!” Arthur shouts in anger. “I know my father better than anyone and Du don’t have to assume Du know the best for me because Du don’t. Du can be my friend and only a friend, so remember to keep the to that, Merlin; don’t try to play family because I have only one at the moment and he goes Von the name of Uther Pendragon. Understand?”
    The outburst hits Merlin hard and he is hurt Von it. The words, especially the word friend pierces through his herz and reminds him of his position in Arthur’s life. He stays silent for a while. He didn’t know what to reply oder how to reply to that. His herz aches after listening to Arthur’s angry sarcasm and though he reminds himself to know his place, he loves Arthur like a brother and it hurts him most to know Uther is trapping Arthur with his bait. Merlin doesn’t trust Uther and neither do the other boys, but unfortunately Uther gained Arthur’s trust and it will be a tough task to break Arthur from it.
    “Merlin?” Arthur calls after a while. He is saddened Von the turn the conversation has taken and wishes he could turn the time back so that those angry and hurtful words can be retracted.
    There was no answer. “Merlin?” Arthur tries again.
    “Are Du still here?”
    “Do Du want me to leave?” Merlin asks in annoyance.
    Arthur sighs. He made the situation worse and he’s not sure how he will correct it. “Merlin, look…”
    “You don’t have to explain, Arthur. Du were very clear, and I understand where I stand. Thanks for reminding me, because for a while there, I almost forgot. Your life is yours to run and I have absolutely no right whatsoever to tell Du what to do. Du are a man, Arthur so I’ll just stand back and let Du decide.” His voice is cool and detached.
    “Merlin… don’t do this. Du spoke of my father…”    
    “Goodbye, Arthur.”
    “Are Du leaving? Are Du angry with me, Merlin?”
    “Why should I be? Du reminded me of my place, and I’ll always remember it now… I have to visit my mother and I can’t be late. Goodbye, Arthur,” Merlin says and moves to the door.
    “Merlin… please,” but he hears the front door slamming to a close. Arthur clenches his cheek and pounds the bett many times, in frustration.

    “Hello love?” Gwen says cheerfully as she finds Arthur in the living room, sitting down quietly on the sofa. She drops her bag, circles the sofa and sits down beside him. But Arthur remains unmoved and with his arms crossed across his chest, he seems disturbed and angry.
    Gwen holds his hands and interlocks with hers and still Arthur remains quiet.
    “Arthur? Is something wrong?”
    He keeps quiet.
    Gwen leans closer and blows softly around his ears. Arthur flinches but he remains unmoved which surprises her. She shakes his hand, “What is wrong with you?”
    “This isn’t nothing, Arthur… I haven’t seen Du like this before? What happened?”
    “Are Du going to tell me oder what?”
    Arthur sighs heavily. There is no way he can convince Guinevere unless he tells her the truth. “I fought with Merlin.”
    “What? When and why?”
    “A while ago.”
    “What ever for?” she asks him.
    “He found about the transfer through my father and is upset I didn’t tell him myself.”
    “Your father knows? How?”
    “My lawyer informed him this morning… for formality purposes. That’s common, but my father asked Merlin what he knows about this transfer and since I had yet to tell Merlin about it, he is upset. He feels I have left him in the dark over the issue.”
    “Which of course Du didn’t…” she assures him.
    “But he doesn’t know that, Guinevere.”
    “Maybe he is upset Arthur. And Du know Merlin better than anyone. Du know he talks gibberish when he is upset, yeah. Try to convince him later when he has calmed himself down.”
    “That might be a little hard, Guinevere.”
    “While we were arguing about the issue, something else came up and things got a little heated between us… I…”
    “What did Du do, Arthur?”
    “I… sagte something that I shouldn’t have.”    
    “He left.” Arthur says sadly and plants his face against his palm.
    “What do Du mean he left? And what did Du say to him?”
    When Arthur remains silent, Gwen lifts his head and cups his cheek, demanding him to face her. “What did Du say to him, Arthur?”
    “I told him to mind his own business and stay away from me. I hurt his feelings, Guinevere.”
    “Why did Du say that, Arthur? Are Du out of your mind? Du know Merlin cares for Du and your best interests? Why would Du even…”
    “He thrashed my father, and are Du expecting me to keep quiet, listening how he degrades my only family?” Arthur snaps at her. Gwen is stunned Von this information. Why would Merlin do that? As far she knows, Merlin has never spoken badly about Uther. But now Arthur is saying the opposite. If Merlin has sagte something like that, it can only mean one thing; he is upset about something real bad.
    “I know my father isn’t perfect but who is? I have refused to trust him on many occasions but that doesn’t mean I can bär listening to others thrash him about! That man is still my father no matter how cruel he is to me… who is Merlin to say that, and in my presence too?”
    “Merlin is your friend Arthur.”
    “Yes, I don’t deny that, but he still doesn’t have the authority to speak against my father!”
    “So, Du have to hurt him with your words to make him understand that? What kind of a friend are you?”
    “Are Du on his side, Guinevere?”
    “Yes Arthur, I am…”
    “That’s not fair…”
    “It’s not fair for Merlin either, Arthur. All his life, he’s been defending you; be it against your father oder anyone else and today, Du hurt him for something he did in the name of love,”
    “You don’t know what…”    
    “I don’t have to know what he said, Arthur, but I know he didn’t mean any harm. He might have been a little harsh with his words, I don’t know, but he was upset. Du have to understand that. How many times has he spoken against your father to you? How many? Maybe none and this could be his first… does this merit such harsh punishment from you?”
    “How would Du react if someone called your father names, Guinevere? Du couldn’t even tolerate when I started cursing your old man months Vor and now, you’re expecting me to stand aside and hear Merlin call my father names?”
    “Arthur, don’t compare me with you. I didn’t know Du and I was bitter hearing Du speak about my father without leaning the truth but the same can’t be sagte about Merlin. I think he understands your father and Du best, thus he has every right to say what he deems correct.”
    “So… I understand now, Du agree with Merlin because Du feel the same about my father, don’t you?”
    “That is not what I…”
    “You think Du know my father, Guinevere? Du don’t, so don’t assume Du do!” Arthur snaps at her.
    “Arthur… just listen…”
    “You think less of my father like Merlin does, don’t you? Guinevere, my father accepts Du heartfully and wants to meet you… how can Du even think like this,”
    “Will Du stop it, Arthur!!”
    “I thought I could trust Du and Merlin, but it looks like Du prefer to hurt me with your words, just like Merlin did!” Whatever Arthur’s Weiter words were going to be are stopped when Gwen’s slender fingers slashed hard across his cheek.
    Arthur holds his cheek and feels the pain creeping up his skin.
    “Shut up Arthur!! Just shut up!! Don’t Du dare say another word… not another word!!” Gwen shouts at him. “Why can’t Du understand what all of us are trying to do for you? Why do Du have to overreact to every single thing?” she asks him. “Why don’t Du listen to your herz for once?”
    Arthur keeps quiet. He is bitter and hurt from what happened earlier with Merlin and before he can calm himself from that issue, he is now embroiled in another argument, this time with Guinevere. He doesn’t know what makes him hurt more; those things Merlin sagte about his father oder the way he treated his friend and now Guinevere. He isn’t thinking right at the moment and if Guinevere hadn’t slapped him, he would have made the situation worse.
    “I have nothing against your father; I want him to accept me so that we can all live together happily. And I am sure Merlin thinks the same. I don’t know why he sagte those things, but I do know is Merlin loves Du like a brother and it hurts him to watch Du suffer in silence due to your father’s ignorance. He had told me number of times how he hates your father for the treatment he’s gegeben Du and he probably jumped to a conclusion due to what he may have seen oder heard… without your knowledge.”
    Arthur turns towards Gwen.
    “Yes… we don’t know what happened, Arthur. Has Merlin reacted the way he did today before? I think not because you’re extremely hurt Von what he said. But Du are looking out for your interests, Arthur, try to put yourself in his shoes and look at the perspective from his angle. He may have a reason and he might be right with his judgment. I am hearing from Du and not from Merlin but something tells me I should believe him. I am sorry for hurting you, Arthur, and it’s not what I wish, but I believe in my herz and it tells me to believe Merlin.”
    When Arthur remains silent, she reaches up and cups his cheek with both her hands, caressing the skin she has bruised with her slap. “I’m sorry for slapping you, Arthur. Du wouldn’t listen and Du were flying out of control. Merlin is hurt, like you, and I am sure he feels guilty for what happened just like Du do now. Though I’m on his side, I will not betray you. All I’m asking is for Du to forgive him, Arthur. He is your friend,” she tells him. “Talk it out with him. Ask him what happened and make him see why Du were upset with his accusation. If this is not settled, both of Du will suffer in silence and it’ll hurt me as well,” she adds.
    Guinevere is right, Arthur thinks. He had been Schauspielen solely based on his emotions. He didn’t listen to either Merlin oder Guinevere and now he’s paying the price. His best friend has left him and his fiancée would have if she didn’t put him back in his place. All for the Liebe he craves from his father.
    “I’m sorry, Guinevere,” Arthur finally says, Küssen her palm. “I think I was behaving like an idiot.”
    “No Arthur…”
    “I am. I shouldn’t have snapped at Merlin like that. I didn’t know what got into me then… I’ve been craving my father’s Liebe for years and when I’m on the verge of receiving it, I don’t want anyone oder anything to come in between that. My father has done plenty of cruel things all his life but he deserves forgiveness. I am willing to forgive him, but…”
    “Merlin isn’t?”
    “No, he has his own view about my father and that hurts me.”
    “Then Du need to talk to him, Arthur… not sulk like kids, both of you,” she says with a smile and Arthur smiles as well.
    “What do Du want me to do Guinevere?”
    “Apologise, confess and talk your matters out. Find out why he sagte those words.”
    “He will not want to see me.”
    “I’ll talk to him, then.”
    “You will?”
    “Thank you… he listens to you. Thank you, Guinevere.”
    “It’s all right. And I’m sorry, too… for the slap.”
    “I needed it…”
    “It hurts?”
    “What do Du think?”
    “I’m sorry, Arthur,” she says and kisses the swollen cheek. “There, is that better now?”
    “It will suffice, for a while,” Arthur Antworten her with a smile. But his smile fades as quickly it emerges.
    “I need to confess, Guinevere,” he says.
    “I told my father why Du need the money. I know I should have asked you,” Gwen silences him Von placing two fingers on his lips.
    “You can tell who ever Du feel, I don’t care. I trust Du and Du alone. I am grateful for your help and it’s all that matters for the moment. I’m glad Du chose to tell your father as it will hurt me to think we have done it behind his back; after all it is still his money. So, it was a good call. Besides …”
    “I don’t want your father to think I’m after your money, Arthur so I’m happy Du made it clear to him why I needed your help.” Gwen replies.
    “Thank you, Guinevere,” he says and inches forward. He raises his left arm and grabs her arm while the other circles around her waist, pulling her closer. “I Liebe you,” he murmurs against her hair as he pulls her closer.
    Gwen smiles hearing his confession and she circles her left hand around his neck, trailing soft kisses along his jaw line. “And I Liebe Du too, Arthur Pendragon.”
    “I Liebe hearing Du saying that… my name,” he kisses her eyelids, her nose and then her chin.
    “Just like I Liebe hearing Du call me Guinevere,” she Antworten with a smile. She nibbles his earlobe and places a trail of kisses around it, trailing down to his cheek.
    Arthur returns the kisses, trailing his lips along the side of her neck, stroking it gently with his tongue. Gwen threads her fingers into his blond hair and feels the silkiness of his hair against her fingers while smoothing the taut skin over his cheekbones with her thumb.
    “Oh, Guinevere,” he murmurs again as he yanks her back a little and captures her mouth, Küssen her gently. Gwen loves being kissed Von Arthur; his little kisses exploring the softness of her lips, teasing and rousing her senses to a new level of excitement. But today, his kisses have a different effect on her. Her herz is beating crazily and her body is on feuer with sensations that threaten to drown her. Arthur feels it, too, and though his herz is telling him to slow down, his body is obviously ignoring it. Something in him sizzles crazily, drowning him in sensation. He has kissed Guinevere before but he hasn’t felt intimidated Von her presence like he does now. He wonders if she feels the way he does oder not.
    Gwen does, and though it surprises her, she has to admit she likes it. She likes the sexual pleasure oozing up her mind, teasing and playing with her. Her senses tingle, reminding her of her vulnerability and that she wants him to continue. She is enjoying it, and unlike Arthur, she isn’t afraid to carry on. She continues to stroke his back while he caresses her waist and somehow, unconsciously, his touch subtly changes and they both become Mehr acutely aware of each other, of the desire building between them. Arthur halts and his breathing is raspy. Gwen looks at him, bends down to KISS his forehead and smiles when he shudders from the kiss. “It’s all right Arthur,” she tells him. “Carry on, don’t stop,” she adds.
    “Are Du sure?” he asks her.
    “Yes…” she Antwort shortly.
And without much thinking, Arthur slips his hand beneath her bluse and sets feuer to her skin wherever his fingers roam. Gwen shivers, and then burns. Arthur’s touch is magical, sending blood pounding into her veins, making them throb.
    “God, so sweet…” he manages to whisper as he reaches up to cup her breast, stroking against the spitze of her bra. Gwen arches back and moans, softly. “So soft,” Arthur adds. Gwen bites her lip as Arthur flicks her nipple over her bra. Gwen digs her fingernails into Arthur’s shoulder and moans. No one has made her feel like this before and now she doesn’t want him to stop. Gwen bends down and kisses him, crashing against him as she ravages his lips with hers.
    Arthur releases her breast and slides to the back and unclips the hooks that pins the spitze together. The moment the bra is unhooked, her breast spills into his waiting hands. “Beautiful,” he tells her as he continues to stroke her.
    Gwen shivers and them trembles as he flicks her hardened nipple. “Relax, Guinevere, I won’t hurt you,” he assures her. Gwen bites her lower lip and quivers. Her breast is swollen and heavy and each time he fondles, sparks of unbearable yearning seethe through her body. Her breath comes in short bursts, gasping as Arthur leaves her breast and smoothes his hand over her ribs, down her stomach and lingers at the waist of her pants. Gwen is aroused and with sudden desire overcoming them both, she falls back on the couch and pulls him along with her.
    “Arthur,” she moans as she unbuttons his hemd, shirt and sends it flying to the ground in minutes. She pulls him down and starts Küssen his neck, chin and captures his mouth; drinking hungrily. She is craving fulfillment, love, and Arthur is providing her just that.
    Arthur’s fingers Bewegen against her belly and one of his fingers tugs the fastener of her pants. He hears Guinevere moaning and without wasting time, he works on the fastener, struggling a bit but finally succeeding and pulling the zipper down. And then he gently tugs at the elastic of her panties, sending a quiver of anticipation into her thighs.
    Gwen’s mouth seems dry of all moisture. Her breathing is shallow, her breasts rising and falling with increasing urgency as Arthur slips his hand inside her pants; caressing the sides of her thighs. Gwen parts her legs and without invitation, Arthur slips his hand into her panties and teases her moist swollen flesh. All the while his mouth is still exploring hers.
    “Please, Arthur…” she pleads, arching her body back, pulling his hard body to crash on hers, gripping him hard. Arthur is sexually tormented as well. He can’t see her and he wishes he could, but even without looking at her, he knows Guinevere is a beautiful woman. He feels her beauty, he feels her Liebe and above all he feels her need. As his fingers stroke the core of her womanhood, Gwen’s own hand slides down to his buckle and works fast to loosen it. The intimacy of his leg wedged between her thighs was driving him crazy. Gwen tugs the gürtel from its loops in one go and throws it away before she goes to work on his fastener, pulling the zipper and thrusting her hand inside the moment she finds the opening, her fingers searching for him. When they close around his hard length, Arthur groans and buries his face against her breast, unable to contain his need anymore. He removes his hand from her pants and cups her face with both hands. His breath is still raspy and Gwen arches back, perspiration trickling down the sides of her neck. Arthur cups her breast and kisses her throat when the phone rings in the distance.
    The ring alerts both of them and suddenly they lay in each other’s arm, listening to the ring quietly. And after a Minute of so, Arthur regains his senses. “Shit!!” he says and lifts himself up.
    “What is it?” Gwen asks, looking disappointed at being interrupted.
    “It’s the telephone.”
    “I’ll get it…” she volunteers and struggles to sit up as she was wedged beneath Arthur. She pulls herself away from him, looks down at the mess of her clothes, shakes her head and rushes off to the telephone. She picks up the receiver and places it on her ear, pressing it with her shoulder while working with her bra.
    “Is Arthur there?” it is Uther.
    “Yes… shall I call him?”
    “Guinevere, isn’t it?”
    “Yes, who’s on the line please?”
    “Oh ... rmm… hello, sir. Pleased to meet you.”
    “Pleasure’s all mine, dear. There’s no need to call Arthur. I can talk to you.”
    “Can Du both make it for abendessen tonight? I really would like to meet you, dear.”
    “Yes… will that be a problem?”
    “No… I think,” Gwen adjusts her bluse and fastens her pants. “We’ll be there.”
    “Good. That was my only reason for calling, actually… see Du tonight, Guinevere,” Uther says softly and ends the conversation.
    Gwen looks at the receiver for sometime and places it down.
    “Who is it, Guinevere?”
    “Your father.”
    “What did he want?” Arthur searches for his shirt.
    “He wants Du and me to come for abendessen tonight. He wants to meet me,” Gwen picks up the hemd, shirt and nears him.
    “Oh… so?”
    “I told him we’ll make it.”
    “Are Du sure?”
    Gwen sits down beside Arthur and helps him with the shirt. “Yes… let’s meet him, yeah?”
    “What ever Du want, sweetheart…” Arthur buttons his hemd, shirt as Gwen helps him.
    “What was this, Arthur?” she asks as she is done with helping him.
    “This… sexual expedition we have just gone through? What was it?”
    Arthur smiles sheepishly. “I don’t know, but I liked it.”
    “I do too, but…” Gwen trails.
    “I’m glad the phone rang oder else I don’t know what could have happened!”
    “Yeah, I’m glad about that too, but…” she is still unsure how to feel about the way they both reacted a bit ago.
    “I’m sorry for forgetting myself, Guinevere, I promised to wait until the wedding…”
    “No, it’s not that. While I am happy we were interrupted, I am also slightly hurt that we were.”
    “What do Du mean?”
    “Meaning… I like what we have just explored,” Gwen smiles at him. Arthur laughs, shaking his head.
    “And all the while I thought Du were going kill me,” Arthur says, still laughing.
    “Don’t worry I won’t. It was… nice.”
    “We can continue if Du want,” he nears her but she pushed him back, smiling.
    “Nope, thank you, sir, I think I am fine. And we had better get ready as we have an appointment with your father.”
    “Shower with me?”
    “Kiss my arse.”
    “Willing to…”    
    “Shut up, Arthur…” Gwen says playfully as she leads him to his room.
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Source: fiercelystrong
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Source: fiercelystrong
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Source: fiercelystrong
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Source: nikascott
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Source: rubyredwisp
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Source: anniethesourwolf
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Source: anon
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Source: anon
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Source: Trailer
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Source: ykx
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Source: Brightporclain
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Source: Brightporclain
added by HumbleQueen
Source: Yavannuk (I think)
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Source: Rose of the Night