Animefan66 Stories & Fanfics Club
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Author’s Note: The following stories were written in curtesy of convention etiquette and how NOT to behave when attending science fiction, Anime, comic, oder movie conventions.

To that end, the following stories may contain graphic content not suitable for certain viewers. But again this is for education and not the sake of entertainment. Viewer discretion is advised.

•    The Creeper of All Nightmares

In a large Anime expo, a group of underage girls were Cosplaying the characters from “Lucky Star”. They were enjoying their experience Von meeting new friends, taking a lot of Fotos from professional photographers, and got to spend a good amount of time in the Artist Alley.

Their enjoyment however had a bit of turn- through their time of the con, they were being creeped Von an older man who looked like he was in his early fifties. He wore dark sunglasses, had a thick, long beard, wore a raggy T-Shirt, torn jeans, and a decent pair of Tennis shoes. There was also a foul odor that everyone around him could smell.

The thing about this man was that he had crept on the underage Cosplayers through most of the Tag and had took “secret” pictures with his digital camera. Many of the con goers noticed his activity but refused to Berichten him. It wasn’t until hours later when another young girl, who was Cosplaying as Yoko, discovered the man and what he was up to. She dashed towards security and explained what she encountered. Von then the man was confiscated and thrown out of the building. He wasn’t allowed to return to the con anymore and the Lucky star, sterne Cosplayers, as well as other Cosplayers and con goers, were happily safe.

•    The Ignorant Bully

Bullying is a subject everyone isn’t a Fan of. When attending conventions however, it’s definitely something to point and settle.

On the first Tag of a four Tag con, a young boy in his early twenties and his twin brother, who was also the same age, had just got their badges and were in the process of heading down the escalators. They were getting to a room where the opening ceremonies were held when they ended up confused. “Nice going jerk!” The twin brother exclaimed. “Now we are lost!” His brother tried to calm him down as he went to ask someone for directions.

While he left, the twin noticed a group of female Crossplayers passing by. Without warning he jumped right in front of them and started talking trash about them and their costumes. He sagte things like, “You’re too ugly to dress like that!” And, “Boy! Du can’t be the perfect guy because your breasts are showing!” The girls didn’t know what to say oder do. They just stood there in complete shock.

Von then, the other brother arrived just in time to pull his twin out of the way while apologizing to the girls. As they moved on a brief argument was set between the two. “You don’t talk to others like that!” The brother exclaimed. “Well, they deserved it!” The twin scuffed. “Their costumes were terrible!” The brother wanted to slap him in the face, but knew he couldn’t. He took a deep breath and gave him a good talk. “If Du insult another Cosplayers again, you’re going to be thrown out of the con and you’ll stay out in the streets until I’m done. Understand?” His brother nodded but didn’t say anything.

Sense the talk, the twin hadn’t sagte anything rude to everyone within the con.

•    The Pervert from Miami

In Miami, a large science fiction convention was in preparation. However the con wasn’t prepared for the most scariest experience in history.

On the first Tag of the con, everything started smoothly. The attendees registered and picked their badges; while the panels and Dealer’s Rooms were sailing along perfectly. Con goers and Cosplayers alike were enjoying their times on the two-story floors of the con center.

While things were going alright, the afternoon was when the troubles started. Reports started coming in of underage girls being groped Von an unknown stranger. When they went to tell the staff and security they weren’t able to give full descriptions of the groper, but they were able to explain what had happened.

Von this time the entire con was on high alert. They had made the announcement to look for the mysterious person behind the groping incidents and if found to Berichten to the staff and security ASAP. As the hours flew on, there were no incidents reported and the capture of the person in mind wasn’t found. Everyone assumed whoever was behind the cases probably left the con.

But they were once again tricked as the Sekunde and third days flew on, reports started coming in again. Underage girls were sexually assaulted and the predator once Mehr got away without being caught. The entire con staff and security was planning to take this case and called the SWAT team. Everyone within the con had to step outside while the SWAT team barged into the convention building and searched the whole facility.

Minuten later, the SWAT team were able to capture the mystery person behind the cases. He was a man in his early forties was hefty. From what he told detectives he attended the convention in hopes of picking up girls. The explanation behind the gropes though was a mystery.

•    The Staff Who Hated Anime

“Anime in crap!” “Who would like this trash?!” “Anime is just for children!”

All of these sayings come from people who don’t accept Anime oder do what they can to shame the fandom and society. Haters of Anime are found everywhere. They range from simple people; to the classic trolls that just enjoy seeing others hurt and suffer.

But there are haters who actually “work” within conventions- both Anime and science fiction. Staff members that work alongside the con are usually happy and helpful but there can be those who act like haters and trolls. Their reasoning for being this way can range from a simple bad time; to just someone who doesn’t wish to work there. Rude staff do occur but not a lot.

This story covers a fellow staff member whose lavish behavior and hatred against the Anime industry has led him into tons of trouble.

A small convention was being held in Pittsburgh. It was a very great place for fellow Otakus and Anime Fans to gather and enjoy the pleasures of their fandoms.

However, there was one small issue about the con that even the other staff members hated. One of the members, who worked among the con, had a HUGE reputation. He was a middle aged man that had been convicted of assault, harassment, and extreme madness. Despite his countless times in confinement he continued finding work among the convention walls.

What made this guy well known was his extreme hatred towards Anime and people who liked it. When seeing Cosplayers walking by, he would say rude things and called them devil worshipers. He continued this mayhem until one Cosplayer decided to collect footage and give it to the security. She managed to record the man harassing a married couple who Cosplayed as Soul Eater characters. When the timing was right, she stopped filming and quickly went to one of the security guards and explained what she filmed.

Immediately, the guy was arrested and thrown out of the con. Another staff member replaced his position and the con was peaceful once again. The guy on the other hand was forbidden to have access to other conventions and instead was sent to an anger management institute.

•    Fandoms That Go Too Far

If you’re familiar with this Weiter story, than let me be the first to say- DO NOT LIVE UP TO THESE PEOPLE!

For every convention Du are bound to run into people whom are EXTREME Fans of series oder their Favorit characters that they feel the need to seek alterations and approvals to make themselves feel better. These people are sometimes referred to as “Weebos” but others called them “Extreme Fanatics”.

This story focuses on a particular fanatic who goes around criticizing the work of many Cosplayers. Remember: Do not be like this person unless being a jerk oder a troll is what you’re into.

The story opens up at a large con located in the center of the city. This con has the reputation to being the largest Anime convention in the states and has the best Cosplayers who come to Zeigen their work and creativity to fans, critics, and their friends.

For every one of these however, there’s bound to be one oder Mehr people who take their fandoms to extreme. They put shame into Cosplayers and their creative skills, often burning them to a crisp. While opinions are important a fanatic of extremes can be Mehr hurtful than bee stings.

The fanatic in Frage is a young boy at the age of sixteen. He’s a prime Otaku and has caught up with every Anime to date. His extreme Favorit is Fairy Tail and had high hopes of meeting expert Cosplayers, able to pull the characters perfectly.

Of all the Cosplayers he’d seen, only half of them were perfect- in his own vision. He disapproved a Lucy Cosplayer who didn’t had the correct shade of color in her wig. He also didn’t approve a Natsu Cosplayer because he didn’t have a plush of Happy with him. Possibly the worst case scenario was him criticizing an Erza Cosplayer because he chest wasn’t the correct size. For receiving that opinion the Cosplayer gave him a good slap on the face.

He also shamed other Cosplayers including a Yoko who in his vision was too fat, a Mew Ichigo Cosplayer who didn’t had the right color of shoes, and even had the nerve to be rude to a guy Crossplaying as Hatsune Miku because his arm and leg hair wasn’t shaved. He received so much hatred that the con staff started to getting nervous.

Security came and went on a rapid Suchen for the teen. They found him talking trash to a Saber Cosplayer and quickly got him out of the con. He was announced banned and forbidden to the return to the con until he apologized and learned common sense. Till this very day, he refused to speak out and kept his fandom on the limits.

•    Nightmare on Drunk Avenue

It was close to midnight in the city of Chicago. A group of guys, in their late thirties, had been hanging in a bar for a good while. They had been drinking a lot and were way over the of being drunk. They guys decided they had enough and wanted to do something. As they headed out, they noticed strange people in different outfits going to the same location. A large building stood over the small stairs. The guys decided to go check it out and slowly walked through the busy streets.

They couldn’t believe what they were seeing. People of different shapes, sizes, colors, and genders were dressed in strange outfits and going into the building. They had no idea what was going on but decided to check it out. They were able to slip into the building without being noticed and made their way into a corner right Von the entry. They stood aside as they watched Mehr and Mehr people coming in.

As the Minuten flew on, the guys started to get a little frizzled and started catcalling the underage girls who were dressed up. One of the guys tried sweet talking a thirteen Jahr old dressed as Madoka Kaname. Another tried hitting on a fourteen Jahr old dressed as Saber. What was worse was that one of the guys flipped the rock of one girl and smacked her butt. It was a humiliating nightmare for the girls and they did what they could to stay away.

This went on for hours until a Cosplayer approached them. She was older- at the age of twenty and was very upset. “You guys are not welcomed here!” She exclaimed with anger. “I would like for Du to leave please! You’re causing trouble for everyone!” The guys turned as they laughed from being too drunk. One guy tried to hit on her, but received a good kick in his groin. The others were still drunk and tried picking a fight with her. Von the time they tried, the security quickly came and got all three of the men out of the convention center.

•    Invasion of the Cosplay Glompers

Cosplayers who attend conventions obviously understand this word, “Glompers”.

What is a glomper? A glomper is a person who either adores their fandom too, too much oder a certain character that they feel the need to touch oder simply “glomp” others. This is considered a hazard as it does Mehr than cause damage to the Cosplayers; it also ruins their costumes and props.

In this particular tale, we discuss and Zeigen various convention glompers and scenarios in why these types of con goers are considered a danger and annoyance.

The first part of the story begins with a group of girls who were all Cosplaying from the same Anime- Puella Magi Madoka Magica. A girl was Cosplaying as Madoka; while the others were dressed as the other girls including two others dressed as charlotte the witch and Kyubey, the contractor. They were in the middle of a photoshoot when a group of underage boys- at least around the age of ten oder eleven came running to them. One of the boys leaped on the girl who Cosplayed as Mami and both crashed to the floor. The other boys stood back as did the Cosplayers.

The girl who was Mami strained her back thanks to boy and was taken out from the con Von an ambulance. The boy apologized but the girls who were Cosplaying didn’t seem to believe him and moved onward.

This other part involves an extreme fangirl who’s a big Fan of Soul Eater. Her prime Favorit character is Dr. Stein and is considered the most annoying if not creepiest fangirl in the con. Whenever she sees any Soul Eater Cosplayers she’ll glomp and touch them without consent. But the worst of this story has just started.

When exploring the Dealer’s Room, the girl eventually caught the biggest surprise in her lifetime. In front of her, not very far, was a guy who pulled the most excellent Stein Cosplay in the whole con. Her eyes were lighted with brightness and her smile was turned into a creepy grin. She tried to control herself but knew it couldn’t have been helped. She screamed loudly as she charged after him. Before the guy could react, he was pushed to the ground Von a pair of long, thin arms. What the girl did Weiter surprised everyone who watched. She huggled him while saying, “My wonderful Senpia! I have found you!”

The girl was eventually found and kicked out of the con for being reckless against Cosplayers.

And our last tale tells a Yoko Cosplayer who was not only glomped, but harassed in the most humiliating way possible.

In a small con, a young girl Cosplaying Yoko was hanging in the lobby with her friends. She didn’t know at the time but a guy, who was not far from her, had been staring at her the entire time. He looked like he was in his early twenties. Her Friends noticed the guy staring and informed her about it.

They decided to Bewegen to a different location. But it didn’t work as he followed the whole time. Eventually, the Yoko girl decided to stand up to him and ask what his deal was. In doing so however she received a major shock. The guy didn’t only hug her without asking, but groped her and proceeded to glomp her tightly. This made her Friends angry and decided to confront him. In doing so the guy apologized and quickly left.

So remember: The point to these small tales is to inform Du never, ever be a glomper oder stalker. Du may find various people Cosplaying as your Favorit characters and series but that doesn’t give Du the right to stalk them the whole time oder be- well, creepy.

•    The Interviewers from Creepville

What’s worse than stalkers and glompers? How about people who claim they are doing an internet interview but really are looking for ways to harass people and Upload them on the World Wide Web? This is what our Weiter story will discuss.

A group of people, who ran a local web Zeigen dedicated to Cosplay life, attended a small con on the outskirts of Maine. They appeared to be professionals and were considered friendly. However, as the days went on reports and rumors started spreading about them and what their desires “really” were.

According to the rumors, there were reports of the showman being inappropriate with the younger Cosplayers and did things to them. What he did was limited to sneaking pany shots on film, touching their breasts and butts, and going as far as Küssen and hugging without the need of consent. It became worse when another underage Cosplayer had to be forced to KISS the host and her boyfriend was not far away to see it.

When the rumors started to get worse and bigger, the staff within the con also started to get concerned. They did everything in their will to make sure the people behind these incidents were caught and confiscated of their belongings. As the hours flew on the staff had little less success with finding them and hope was soon to have been lost.

However, the Suchen finally ended after a group of older Cosplayers discovered the crew hanging in a local café. The con security showed up, took them out of the con, and confiscated their camera and equipment. They were also placed under extreme charges and were banned from attending future conventions.